Reimplemented winsock asynchronous DNS services. No longer use a
[wine] / include / wtypes.h
1999-04-01  Adrian Thurstoninitguid.h should only contain the macro that defines...
1999-03-28  Jiuming LuoMoved macro DECLARE_HANDLE() (in msacm.h and wtypes...
1999-03-23  Noomen HamzaImplemented:
1999-03-14  Jim AstonRenamed wintypes.h to windef.h.
1999-03-14  Paul QuinnMany new defines, and structs to help compile MFC....
1999-03-10  Paul QuinnAdded a lot of new OLE interfaces.
1999-02-26  Alexandre JulliardLarge-scale renaming of all Win32 functions and types...
1999-02-20  Francis BeaudetImplemented the OleCreateFontIndirect method and the...
1999-02-17  Francois GougetMoved some definitions to their proper include file.
1999-02-13  Francois GougetMake the REFxxx types const even in C. Also add FMTID.
1999-02-10  Alexandre JulliardAuthors: Albert Den Haan <>, Adrian...
1999-01-17  Alexandre JulliardRecovery of release 990110 after disk crash. wine-990110