mshtml/tests: GetUserDefaultUILanguage() is not available in NT4.
[wine] / dlls / shell32 /
2011-09-13  Nikolay Sivovshell32/tests: Make test explicit about return pointer.
2011-09-12  Francois Gougetshell32: Add parentheses to clarify the precedence...
2011-09-12  Nikolay Sivovshell32: Fix pidl leak (Valgrind).
2011-09-08  Alexander Morozovquery: Add stub for LoadIFilter.
2011-09-01  Octavian Voicushell32: Fix an incorrect pointer/integer cast on 64...
2011-09-01  Octavian Voicushell32/tests: Add a todo for two recycle bin tests...
2011-08-31  Michael Stefaniucshell32: Move ISvBgCm_Constructor() to avoid a forward...
2011-08-31  Michael Stefaniucshell32: COM cleanup in shv_bg_cmenu.c.
2011-08-31  Michael Stefaniucshell32: Pass objects instead of ifaces to helpers.
2011-08-31  André Hentschelshell32/tests: Fix checking the child strings.
2011-08-30  Andrew Talbotshell32: Remove unneeded address-of operators from...
2011-08-24  Francois GougetAssorted spelling fixes.
2011-08-24  André Hentschelshell32/tests: Initial directory tests for ShellExecuteEx.
2011-08-24  Louis Lendersshell32: Define icon resource 319.
2011-08-23  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: Replace call of RegDeleteKeyW by SHDeleteKeyW.
2011-08-22  Andrew Talbotshell32: Remove redundant function declaration.
2011-08-05  Francois Gougetshell32: Make SHELL_CreateContextMenu() static.
2011-08-05  Francois Gougetshell32: Remove WINAPI on static functions where not...
2011-08-04  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: Check if known folder's relative path was...
2011-08-04  Mariusz Plucińskishell32/tests: Add verification of FOLDERID_ProgramFile...
2011-08-04  Mariusz Plucińskishell32/tests: Add verification of known folders defini...
2011-08-04  Mariusz Plucińskishell32/tests: Add verification of known folders attrib...
2011-08-04  Frédéric Delanoytests: Assorted spelling fixes.
2011-08-04  Jay Yangshell32: Implement SHCreateDefaultContextMenu and CDefF...
2011-08-03  Mariusz Plucińskishell32/tests: Add verification of known folders parsin...
2011-08-03  Frédéric Delanoydlls: Assorted spelling fixes.
2011-08-02  Jay Yangshell32/tests: Add tests for SHCreateDefaultContextMenu.
2011-08-02  Jay Yangshell32: Have the system context menus respect idCmdFirst.
2011-08-02  Alexandre Julliardwinecrt0: Remove the clsid parameter in __wine_(un...
2011-08-02  Alexandre Julliardmakefiles: Generate resource files for typelibs.
2011-08-01  Jacek Cabanshell32: Moved MruLongList registration to shell32...
2011-08-01  Mariusz Plucińskishell32/tests: Add checking some non-published known...
2011-08-01  Mariusz Plucińskishell32/tests: Add notification when expected known...
2011-08-01  Mariusz Plucińskishell32/tests: Add notification about unknown known...
2011-08-01  Mariusz Plucińskishell32/tests: Add verification of known folders relati...
2011-07-29  Octavian Voicushell32: Disable WOW64 redirection when converting...
2011-07-28  Huw Daviesshell32: Initialise the error string pointer.
2011-07-25  Mariusz Plucińskishell32/tests: Add verification of known folders parents.
2011-07-25  Mariusz Plucińskishell32/tests: Add verification of known folders catego...
2011-07-25  Mariusz Plucińskishell32/tests: Fix mistake in checking known folder...
2011-07-25  Nikolay Sivovshell32/autocomplete: Remove redundant memory initializ...
2011-07-25  Nikolay Sivovshell32/autocomplete: Really append suggested part...
2011-07-25  Nikolay Sivovshell32/autocomplete: Autocompletion should be case...
2011-07-20  Vincent Povirkshell32: Dynamically allocate argify buffer if the...
2011-07-20  Vincent Povirkshell32: Include NULL terminators in the lengths used...
2011-07-20  Jay Yangshell32: Make ISFHelper_fnCopyItems actually copy the...
2011-07-19  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: Fix FOLDERID_Document definition.
2011-07-19  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: Add IKnownFolder::GetFolderDefinition() implem...
2011-07-19  Mariusz Plucińskishell32/tests: Add checking known folders' names.
2011-07-19  Michael Stefaniucshell32: Use FAILED instead of !SUCCEEDED.
2011-07-14  Francois Gougetshell32: Make erase_items() static.
2011-07-14  Francois Gougetshell32: Add a trailing '\n' to Wine trace calls.
2011-07-14  Akihiro Sagawapo: Add message contexts for 'Desktop' and update Japan...
2011-07-14  Akihiro Sagawapo: Add message contexts for 'Restore' and update Japan...
2011-07-14  Marcus Meissnershell32: Check error return in get_known_folder_path...
2011-07-12  Jay Yangshell32: Have the default shell view call SHChangeNotif...
2011-07-12  Jay Yangshell32: Make IExplorerBrowser respond to CWM_GETISHELL...
2011-07-09  Jay Yangshell32: Implement restoring items from the recycle...
2011-07-09  Jay Yangshell32: Implement a context menu for the recycle bin.
2011-07-09  Jay Yangshell32: Have RecycleBin implement ISFHelper.
2011-07-09  Jay Yangshell32: Implement SHEmptyRecycleBin.
2011-07-09  Jay Yangshell32: Implement SHQueryRecycleBin.
2011-07-09  Jay Yangshell32/tests: Add tests for SHQueryRecycleBin.
2011-07-08  Frédéric Delanoyshell32: Remove dead assignment (Clang).
2011-07-08  André Hentschelshell32: Make sure that a structure is initialized...
2011-07-06  André Hentschelshell32: Remove dead initialization (clang).
2011-07-05  Mariusz Plucińskishell32/tests: Remove duplicated test of known folder.
2011-07-05  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: Add support of KF_REDIRECT_DEL_SOURCE_CONTENTS...
2011-07-05  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: Add support of KF_REDIRECT_COPY_CONTENTS flag...
2011-07-04  Piotr Cabanshell32: Implement folder renaming in SHBrowseForFolder.
2011-07-04  Piotr Cabanshell32: Implement "make new folder" functionality...
2011-07-04  Piotr Cabanshell32: Update currently selected folder in SHBrowseFo...
2011-07-01  André Hentschelshell32: Add stub for SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserM...
2011-07-01  Francois Gougetshell32: Remove WINAPI on static functions where not...
2011-07-01  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: Check for known folder existance.
2011-07-01  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: IKnownFolder::SetPath modified to use redirect...
2011-07-01  Michael Stefaniucshell32: Don't pass an unitialized size to RegGetValue().
2011-06-29  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: Add support of known folders redirection to...
2011-06-29  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: Add support of known folders redirection to...
2011-06-29  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: Add support of parent folder to GetPath.
2011-06-29  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: Add support of parent folder to RegisterFolder.
2011-06-29  Mariusz Plucińskishell32/tests: Modify tests of redirection to check...
2011-06-27  Marcus Meissnershell32: Remove superflous NULL check (Coverity).
2011-06-27  Francois GougetAssorted spelling fixes.
2011-06-27  Francois Gougetshell32: Update a comment.
2011-06-24  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: Add IKnownFolder::SetPath() implementation.
2011-06-24  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: Add implementation of IKnownFolder::GetCategory.
2011-06-24  Mariusz Plucińskishell32/tests: Add test of IKnownFolder::GetCategory...
2011-06-22  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: Add IKnownFolder::GetPath support.
2011-06-22  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: Fix typo.
2011-06-22  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: Add support of registry-registered folders...
2011-06-22  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: Add IKnownFolderManager::UnregisterFolder...
2011-06-22  Mariusz Plucińskishell32: Add IKnownFolderManager::RegisterFolder implem...
2011-06-21  Francois Gougetshell32: Remove the ellipsis on the 'Wine license'...
2011-06-20  Igor Paliychukshell32: Convert Ukrainian resources into utf-8.
2011-06-20  Aurimas Fišerasshell32: Update Lithuanian translation.
2011-06-17  Hwang YunSongshell32: Update Korean resource.
2011-06-16  Frédéric Delanoyshell32: Update French translation.
2011-06-15  Francois Gougetshell32: Fix ellipsis usage in the menu and button...
2011-06-14  Mariusz Plucińskishell32/tests: Add tests for SHGet/SetKnownFolderPath...