Fix compilation of the case without proper Linux joystick support.
[wine] / dlls / riched20 / editor.c
2005-03-18  Phil KrylovFixed support for RTF documents using ANSI charset...
2005-03-17  Phil KrylovReplaced slow and outdated character set handling in...
2005-03-17  Krzysztof Foltman- RTF reader doesn't use RichEdit messages anymore...
2005-03-16  Krzysztof Foltman- Unknown destinations are now correctly skipped (so...
2005-03-15  Krzysztof Foltman- WM_COPY (and WM_CUT) can now put both Unicode and...
2005-03-14  Phil KrylovInitial implementation of EM_STREAMOUT and RTF writer.
2005-03-11  Krzysztof Foltman- EM_STREAMIN can now deal with undo in a reasonable...
2005-03-09  Krzysztof Foltman- Optimized repaint of the area below the text.
2005-03-09  Phil KrylovChanged buffer size for EM_STREAMIN message to 4096...
2005-03-09  Krzysztof FoltmanThe meaning of the rewrap flag got inverted (MEPF_REWRA...
2005-03-08  Krzysztof Foltman- specialized handler for SF_TEXT (ANSI or Unicode...
2005-03-08  Aric StewartImplement EM_GETOLEINTERFACE.
2005-03-08  Krzysztof FoltmanOld font management replaced by the cache-based one...
2005-03-07  Mike McCormackPort the RTF parser to the richedit 2.0 control.
2005-03-07  Alexandre JulliardFixed DLL_PROCESS_DETACH handler to actually unregister...
2005-03-05  Krzysztof FoltmanInitial implementation of riched20.