msctf: Add ITfSource interface to Context.
[wine] / dlls / rasapi32 / tests /
2008-09-08  Detlef Riekenbergrasapi32/tests: Trace the correct variable.
2008-09-03  James Hawkinsrasapi32: Fix several failing tests in win98.
2008-08-28  Stefan Leichterrasapi32: Fix tests on platforms winme and some win98.
2008-08-22  Stefan Leichterrasapi: Fix test failure on platforms vista, w2k8.
2008-07-28  Stefan Leichterrasapi32: Skip RasEnumDevicesA tests on configuration...
2008-07-28  Stefan Leichterrasapi32: Fix building the tests with MSVC (based on...
2008-07-18  Stefan Leichterrasapi32: RasEnumDevicesA test: initialize the input...
2008-07-09  Stefan Leichterrasapi32: Added some more tests for RasEnumDevicesA...
2008-07-09  Stefan Leichterrasapi32: Added some tests for RasEnumDevicesA (based...