2009-11-19  Vincent Povirkole32: Do not allow renaming streams that are open.
2009-11-19  Vincent Povirkole32: Do not allow the same stream to be opened twice.
2009-11-19  Vincent Povirkole32: Use safe list iteration when searching for strea...
2009-11-19  Vincent Povirkole32: Always invalidate stream objects when deleting...
2009-11-19  Vincent Povirkole32: Add a test for freeing the parent of an open...
2009-11-19  Vincent Povirkole32: Invalidate child streams when a non-top-level...
2009-11-19  Austin Englishwinex11.drv: Downgrade an ERR to a WARN.
2009-11-19  Paul Vriensrsaenh/tests: Fix some test failures on W2K.
2009-11-19  Nicolas Le Camwidl: Don't generate memset calls with zero length...
2009-11-19  Piotr Cabanmsxml3: Remove test that fails on some systems.
2009-11-19  Piotr Cabanoleaut32: Ignore milliseconds in VarDateFromUdate imple...
2009-11-19  Piotr Cabanmsxml3: Ignore nanoseconds in xmlnode_get_nodeTypedValue.
2009-11-19  Piotr Cabanmsxml3: Implemented xmlnode_get_nodeTypedValue 'i1...
2009-11-19  Huw Davieswineps.drv: Add support for top-down dibs.
2009-11-19  Huw Davieswineps.drv: Rename variable to stride.
2009-11-19  Maarten Lankhorstinclude: Fix timer APC callback definition.
2009-11-19  Roderick Colenbranderwgl: Add support for WGL_ARB_create_context_profile...
2009-11-18  Alexandre Julliardntdll: Add support for the different info classes in...
2009-11-18  Alexandre Julliardntdll: Make the various directory info size functions...
2009-11-18  Alexandre Julliardntdll: Pass the NtQueryDirectoryFile info class down...
2009-11-18  Alexandre Julliardntdll: Define a generic file information structure...
2009-11-18  Alexandre Julliardntdll: Pass the full I/O status block to append_entry...
2009-11-18  Alexandre Julliardntdll: Use the common fill_stat_info function from...
2009-11-18  Alexandre Julliardntdll: Add a common function to compute file informatio...
2009-11-18  Paul Vrienscrypt32/tests: Fix a test failure on older crypt32.
2009-11-18  Roderick Colenbranderopengl32: Sync with latest OpenGL extensions.
2009-11-18  Austin Lundadvapi32/tests: Skip tests for ACL file info if ACL...
2009-11-18  Francois Gougetcmd: Remove spaces before '\n's.
2009-11-18  Francois Gougetmshtml/tests: Add a trailing '\n' to ok() calls.
2009-11-18  Alexandre Julliardinclude: Add some more definitions for FILE_INFORMATION...
2009-11-18  Rob Shearmanrpcrt4: Add tests for full pointers.
2009-11-18  Rob Shearmanrpcrt4: Fix the pointer saved during full pointer unmar...
2009-11-18  Rob Shearmanrpcrt4: Fix the return value of NdrFullPointerQueryRefI...
2009-11-18  Rob Shearmanrpcrt4: Add test for calling NdrFullPointerQueryRefId...
2009-11-18  Piotr Cabanmsxml3: Implemented xmlnode_get_nodeTypedValue date...
2009-11-18  Piotr Cabanmsxml3: Implemented xmlnode_get_nodeTypedValue 'boolean...
2009-11-18  Piotr Cabanmsxml3: Implemented xmlnode_get_nodeTypedValue 'fixed...
2009-11-18  Piotr Cabanmsxml3: Implemented xmlnode_get_nodeTypedValue 'int...
2009-11-18  Piotr Cabanmsxml3: Implemented xmlnode_get_nodeTypedValue 'number...
2009-11-18  Piotr Cabanmsxml3: Implemented xmlnode_get_nodeTypedValue 'string...
2009-11-18  Roderick Colenbranderwgl: Add initial WGL_ARB_create_context support.
2009-11-18  Paul Vriensrsaenh/tests: Fix some test failures on Wow64.
2009-11-18  Henri Verbeetwined3d: Remove the effetively unused "state" field...
2009-11-18  Henri Verbeetwined3d: Add a separate function for device initialization.
2009-11-18  Henri Verbeetwined3d: Move the various backend selection utility...
2009-11-18  Henri Verbeetd3d9: Move D3D9CB_DestroySwapChain() to device.c.
2009-11-18  Henri Verbeetd3d9: Add a separate function for device initialization.
2009-11-18  Rob Shearmanoleaut32: Fix memory leaks in ITypeInfo_fnInvoke.
2009-11-18  Rob Shearmanoleaut32: Unmarshall byref types correctly in IDispatch...
2009-11-18  Marcin Baczyńskigdiplus: Add missing declarations for brush.c.
2009-11-18  André Hentschelwinebuild: Add ARM support.
2009-11-18  André Hentschelgdi32/tests: Simplify testcase.
2009-11-18  Eric Pouechmscvrt: Fix some undname quirks (space at the end of...
2009-11-18  Jacek Cabanshdocvw: Check QueryInterface return codes before using...
2009-11-18  Juan Langcrypt32: Remove an unnecessary test for the extended...
2009-11-18  Juan Langcrypt32: Trace reasons for name constraint failure.
2009-11-18  Juan Langcrypt32: Only fail directory name comparison if a direc...
2009-11-18  Juan Langcrypt32: Don't apply directory name constraints to...
2009-11-18  Juan Langcrypt32: Accept a certificate if its name matches any...
2009-11-18  Juan Langcrypt32: Check email address in subject name against...
2009-11-18  Juan Langcrypt32: Apply name constraints to subject name.
2009-11-18  Juan Langcrypt32: Use helper function to compare a subject alter...
2009-11-18  Juan Langcrypt32: Only apply a name constraint if the name form...
2009-11-18  Juan Langcrypt32: Partially implement checking name constraints...
2009-11-18  Juan Langcrypt32: Use helper functions to match excluded and...
2009-11-18  Juan Langcrypt32: Let caller set error codes when name constrain...
2009-11-18  Juan Langcrypt32: Remove an unnecessary if.
2009-11-18  Juan Langcrypt32: Prohibit name constraints that contain neither...
2009-11-18  Vincent Povirkole32: Add a DirRef type for references to directory...
2009-11-18  Vincent Povirkole32: Rename property variables in storage stream...
2009-11-17  Alexandre Julliardgdi32: Remove remaining references to gdi32 internals...
2009-11-17  Alexandre Julliardgdi32: Disable SetSolidBrush16 since it requires access...
2009-11-17  Alexandre Julliardgdi32: Reimplement the 16-bit metafile functions on...
2009-11-17  Hans Leidekkerwininet: Avoid a crash on NULL lpcszHeader in HttpSendR...
2009-11-17  Hans Leidekkermsi: Don't set the ALLUSERS property.
2009-11-17  Hans Leidekkermsi: Set the LogonUser property.
2009-11-17  Louis Lendersntoskrnl.exe: Add stub for MmAllocateContiguousMemory.
2009-11-17  Louis Lendersntoskrnl.exe: Add stub for MmAllocatePagesForMdl.
2009-11-17  Rob Shearmanoleaut32: Add a test for the memory pointed to by a...
2009-11-17  Alexandre Julliardgdi32: Reset the visible region in ResetDC.
2009-11-17  André Hentschelgdi32: Don't strip font suffix.
2009-11-17  Andrew Eikummshtml: Implement IHTMLWindow2::get_top.
2009-11-17  Austin Lundddraw/tests: Fix test failure for D3DFMT_A2R10G10B10...
2009-11-17  Andrew Eikumjscript: Implement decodeURIComponent.
2009-11-17  Paul Vriensadvapi32/tests: Add some extra info to an ok() call.
2009-11-17  Paul Vriensadvapi32/tests: Fix some test failures on Vista without...
2009-11-17  Henri Verbeetd3d8: Make convert_to_wined3d_declaration() static.
2009-11-17  Henri Verbeetd3d8: Move D3D8CB_DestroySwapChain() to device.c.
2009-11-17  Henri Verbeetd3d8: Add a separate function for device initialization.
2009-11-17  Henri Verbeetwined3d: WINED3DFMT_FLAG_GETDC is a basic format flag.
2009-11-17  Henri Verbeetwined3d: Add a format table for basic format flags...
2009-11-17  Rob Shearmanserver: Extend get_token_user server call to also retri...
2009-11-17  Alexandre Julliardwinex11: Get rid of the SetDCOrg entry point.
2009-11-17  Alexandre Julliardgdi32: Get rid of the SetDCOrg driver entry point.
2009-11-17  Alexandre Julliardgdi32: Disable SetDCOrg16.
2009-11-17  Alexandre Julliardgdi32: Reimplement SaveVisRgn16/RestoreVisRgn16 to...
2009-11-17  Alexandre Julliardgdi32: Return copies of the region in InquireVisRgn16...
2009-11-17  Alexandre Julliardgdi32: Disable the 16-bit visible region manipulation...
2009-11-17  Alexandre Julliardgdi32: Reimplement LPtoDP16/DPtoLP16 on top of the...
2009-11-17  Alexandre Julliardgdi32: Don't crash when we don't have AbortProc thunks.