// based on a keyboard map from an 'xkb/symbols/se' file // // $XFree86: xc/programs/xkbcomp/symbols/se,v 1.5 2003/01/26 02:01:48 dawes Exp $ partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "basic" { include "latin(type2)" include "se(se)" }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "se" { name[Group1]="Swedish"; key { [ 5, percent, EuroSign, cent ] }; key { [ plus, question, backslash, questiondown ] }; key { [dead_acute, dead_grave, plusminus, notsign ] }; key { [odiaeresis, Odiaeresis, oslash, Ooblique ] }; key { [adiaeresis, Adiaeresis, ae, AE ] }; key { [ section, onehalf, paragraph, threequarters] }; key { [apostrophe, asterisk, acute, multiply ] }; key { [ space, space, space, nobreakspace ] }; key { [ KP_Delete, KP_Separator ] }; include "level3(ralt_switch_multikey)" }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "nodeadkeys" { // Modifies the basic Swedish layout to eliminate all dead keys include "latin(type2)" include "latin(type2_nodeadkeys)" include "se(se)" key { [ acute, grave, plusminus, notsign ] }; }; // Swedish Dvorak partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "dvorak" { include "no(dvorak)" key { [ section, onehalf ] }; key { [ 4, currency, dollar, onequarter ] }; key { [ plus, question, backslash, questiondown ] }; key { [ dead_acute, dead_grave, backslash, grave ] }; key { [ odiaeresis, Odiaeresis, braceright, bracketright ] }; key { [ aring, Aring ] }; key { [ adiaeresis, Adiaeresis ] }; key { [ q, Q ] }; key { [ dead_diaeresis, dead_circumflex, dead_tilde, asciicircum ] }; key { [ comma, semicolon, dead_cedilla, cedilla ] }; key { [ period, colon, periodcentered ] }; key { [ less, greater, bar, brokenbar ] }; key { [ apostrophe, asterisk, bar, backslash ] }; };