// based on a keyboard map from an 'xkb/symbols/fr' file // // $XFree86: xc/programs/xkbcomp/symbols/pc/fr,v 1.2 2002/11/22 04:03:28 dawes Exp $ partial default alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "basic" { include "pc/latin" name[Group1]="French"; key { [ ampersand, 1, onesuperior, exclamdown ] }; key { [ eacute, 2, asciitilde, oneeighth ] }; key { [ quotedbl, 3, numbersign, sterling ] }; key { [apostrophe, 4, braceleft, dollar ] }; key { [ parenleft, 5, bracketleft, threeeighths ] }; key { [ minus, 6, bar, fiveeighths ] }; key { [ egrave, 7, grave, seveneighths ] }; key { [underscore, 8, backslash, trademark ] }; key { [ ccedilla, 9, asciicircum, plusminus ] }; key { [ agrave, 0, at, degree ] }; key { [parenright, degree, bracketright, questiondown ] }; key { [ equal, plus, braceright, dead_ogonek ] }; key { [ a, A, ae, AE ] }; key { [ z, Z, guillemotleft, less ] }; key { [ e, E, EuroSign, cent ] }; key { [dead_circumflex, dead_diaeresis, dead_diaeresis, dead_abovering ] }; key { [ dollar, sterling, currency, dead_macron ] }; key { [ q, Q, at, Greek_OMEGA ] }; key { [ m, M, mu, masculine ] }; key { [ ugrave, percent, dead_circumflex, dead_caron] }; key { [twosuperior, asciitilde, notsign, notsign ] }; key { [ asterisk, mu, dead_grave, dead_breve ] }; key { [ w, W, lstroke, Lstroke ] }; key { [ comma, question, dead_acute, dead_doubleacute ] }; key { [ semicolon, period, horizconnector, multiply ] }; key { [ colon, slash, periodcentered, division ] }; key { [ exclam, section, dead_belowdot, dead_abovedot ] }; include "level3(ralt_switch_multikey)" }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "Sundeadkeys" { // Modifies the basic French layout to use the Sun dead keys include "pc/fr(basic)" key { [SunFA_Circum, SunFA_Diaeresis ] }; key { [comma, question, SunFA_Acute, dead_doubleacute ] }; }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "sundeadkeys" { include "pc/fr(Sundeadkeys)" }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "nodeadkeys" { // Modifies the basic French layout to eliminate all dead keys include "pc/fr(basic)" key { [ equal, plus, braceright, ogonek ] }; key { [asciicircum, diaeresis ] }; key { [ dollar, sterling, currency, macron ] }; key { [ ugrave, percent, asciicircum, caron ] }; key { [ asterisk, mu, grave, breve ] }; key { [ comma, question, acute, doubleacute ] }; key { [ exclam, section, dead_belowdot, abovedot ] }; };