// XCompose is out! Unicode combining is in! For those of us who live // on the edge: A keymap using Unicode combining characters instead of // deadkeys. This variation does not deviate from the lame MS-style // US-intl layout; but it uses AltGr for combining, like altgr-intl. // // This might break your font layout layout systems (because they // suck), caveat emptor. Also, most of today's software will count // individual combining marks for selection, deletion, character // counting &c., and won't be smart enough to do canonical equivalence // when searching, &c. // // With Unicode combining you use "handwriting order", not // "typewriting order" as with deadkeys. That is, you first type the // base character, then the diacritics/accents/modifiers. This has // the advantage of avoiding hidden states --- each keypress changes // something on screen. // // TODO: as of now, this duplicates all us(intl) functionality with // combining. With care, perhaps we could add more combining marks // not present in intl, and support all major languages. partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "intl-unicode" { name[Group1]= "USA - International (AltGr Unicode combining)"; include "us(intl)" include "level3(ralt_switch)" // grave, tilde key { [grave, asciitilde, U0300, U0303 ] }; // double acute key { [ 2, at, twosuperior, U030B ] }; // macron key { [ 3, numbersign, threesuperior, U0304 ] }; // circumflex key { [ 6, asciicircum, onequarter, U0302 ] }; // horn key { [ 7, ampersand, onehalf, U031B ] }; // ogonek key { [ 8, asterisk, threequarters, U0328 ] }; // breve key { [ 9, parenleft, leftsinglequotemark, U0306 ] }; // abovering key { [ 0, parenright, rightsinglequotemark, U030A ] }; // belowdot key { [ minus, underscore, yen, U0323 ] }; // acute, diaeresis key { [apostrophe, quotedbl, U0301, U0308 ] }; // abovedot, caron key { [ period, greater, U0307, U030C ] }; // hook key { [ slash, question, questiondown, 0309 ] }; // alt-intl compatibility // cedilla, caron key { [ comma, less, U0327, U030C ] }; // ogonek, diaeresis key { [ semicolon, colon, U0328, U0308 ] }; // doubleacute, horn key { [ equal, plus, U030B, U031B ] }; // we don't do combining latin letters and combining enclosures // because support for those is very rare. }; // XCompose is out! Unicode combining is in! For those of us who live // on the edge: A keymap using Unicode combining characters instead of // deadkeys. This variation does break compatibility with us-intl, // whenever I thought it would be more mnemonic or Unicodeish. partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "alt-intl-unicode" { name[Group1]= "USA - International (AltGr Unicode combining, alternative)"; include "extras/us(intl-unicode)" include "level3(ralt_switch)" // easier macron; em-dash. // em-dash is available via compose, but I added here since it's such // an important typographic character. key { [ minus, underscore, U0304, U2014 ] }; // belowdot, abovedot (caron at coma/less key, per above) key { [ period, greater, U0323, U0307 ] }; }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "ats" { include "us" name[Group1]= "USA - Atsina"; //Using Dead key to get COMBINING COMMA ABOVE for ejectives on //q, l, t, s, m, g, k, p, w, y, r //XCompose key is used for the other accute and grave. key { [ e, E, eacute, Eacute ] }; key { [ u, U, uacute, Uacute ] }; key { [ i, I, iacute, Iacute ] }; key { [ o, O, oacute, Oacute ] }; key { [ bracketleft, braceleft, U03B8 ] }; key { [ bracketright, braceright, U010D, U010C ] }; //U+010C (uppercase Č) and U+010D (lowercase č). key { [ a, A, aacute, Aacute ] }; //Small letter Open use compose to key get acute accent key { [ c, C, U0254, U0186 ] }; key { [ comma, less, U0313 ] }; key { [ slash, question, U0294 ] }; include "level3(ralt_switch)" include "compose(rctrl)" }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "crd" { include "us" name[Group1]= "USA - Couer D'alene Salish"; // Alphanumeric section key { [ w, W, U02B7, U02B7 ] }; key { [ 7, ampersand, U0294 ] }; key { [ q, Q, U221A ] }; key { [ v, V, U0259 ] }; key { [ backslash, bar, U026B ] }; key { [ e, E, U025B ] }; key { [ i, I, U026A ] }; key { [ j, J, U01F0 ] }; key { [ 6, asciicircum, U0295 ] }; key { [ s, S, U0161 ] }; key { [ c, C, U010D ] }; key { [ o, O, U0254 ] }; key { [ period, greater, U0323 ] }; include "level3(ralt_switch)" include "compose(rctrl)" // End alphanumeric section };