The group name for it(us) fixed
[xorg/xkeyboard-config] / symbols / pk
2011-04-12  Sergey V. UdaltsovSync group names with layout names
2011-02-19  Alexandr ShadchinRemove RCS tags
2010-09-05  Sergey V. UdaltsovGroup name fixed (to match base.xml)
2010-07-02  Sergey V. UdaltsovAdded pk(snd)
2009-01-06  Sergey V. Udaltsovupdated multiple urdu variants, b.fd.o#8091
2008-01-24  svuseparating group(olpc), b.fd.o#14225
2007-11-20  svufixing pk(ara)
2007-10-07  svuindenting
2007-10-07  svufixed pk(olpc)
2007-09-26  svumassive patch from OLPC
2005-07-30  svurestructuring Asian layouts, focus on India