4 use Test::More tests => 64;
6 BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); }
8 ok(pagespec_match("foo", "*"));
9 ok(!pagespec_match("foo", ""));
10 ok(pagespec_match("foo", "!bar"));
11 ok(pagespec_match("page", "?ag?"));
12 ok(! pagespec_match("page", "?a?g?"));
13 ok(pagespec_match("foo.png", "*.*"));
14 ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "*.*"));
15 ok(pagespec_match("foo", "foo or bar"), "simple list");
16 ok(pagespec_match("bar", "foo or bar"), "simple list 2");
17 ok(pagespec_match("foo", "f?? and !foz"));
18 ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "f?? and !foo"));
19 ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "* and !foo"));
20 ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "foo and !foo"));
21 ok(! pagespec_match("foo.png", "* and !*.*"));
22 ok(pagespec_match("foo", "(bar or ((meep and foo) or (baz or foo) or beep))"));
23 ok(pagespec_match("foo", "(
31 )"), "multiline complex pagespec");
32 ok(! pagespec_match("a/foo", "foo", location => "a/b"), "nonrelative fail");
33 ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "./*", location => "a/b"), "relative fail");
34 ok(pagespec_match("a/foo", "./*", location => "a/b"), "relative");
35 ok(pagespec_match("a/b/foo", "./*", location => "a/b"), "relative 2");
36 ok(pagespec_match("a/foo", "./*", "a/b"), "relative oldstyle call");
37 ok(pagespec_match("foo", "./*", location => "a"), "relative toplevel");
38 ok(pagespec_match("foo/bar", "*", location => "baz"), "absolute");
39 ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "foo and bar"), "foo and bar");
40 ok(pagespec_match("{f}oo", "{*}*"), "curly match");
41 ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "{*}*"), "curly !match");
43 # The link and backlink stuff needs this.
45 $links{foo}=[qw{bar baz}];
48 $links{"bugs/foo"}=[qw{bugs/done}];
49 $links{"bugs/done"}=[];
50 $links{"bugs/bar"}=[qw{done}];
52 $links{"examples/softwaresite/bugs/fails_to_frobnicate"}=[qw{done}];
53 $links{"examples/softwaresite/bugs/done"}=[];
54 $links{"ook"}=[qw{/blog/tags/foo}];
56 ok(pagespec_match("foo", "link(bar)"), "link");
57 ok(pagespec_match("foo", "link(ba?)"), "glob link");
58 ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "link(quux)"), "failed link");
59 ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "link(qu*)"), "failed glob link");
60 ok(pagespec_match("bugs/foo", "link(done)", location => "bugs/done"), "link match to bestlink");
61 ok(! pagespec_match("examples/softwaresite/bugs/done", "link(done)",
62 location => "bugs/done"), "link match to bestlink");
63 ok(pagespec_match("examples/softwaresite/bugs/fails_to_frobnicate",
64 "link(./done)", location => "examples/softwaresite/bugs/done"), "link relative");
65 ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "link(./bar)", location => "foo/bar"), "link relative fail");
66 ok(pagespec_match("bar", "backlink(foo)"), "backlink");
67 ok(! pagespec_match("quux", "backlink(foo)"), "failed backlink");
68 ok(! pagespec_match("bar", ""), "empty pagespec should match nothing");
69 ok(! pagespec_match("bar", " "), "blank pagespec should match nothing");
70 ok(pagespec_match("ook", "link(blog/tags/foo)"), "link internal absolute success");
71 ok(pagespec_match("ook", "link(/blog/tags/foo)"), "link explicit absolute success");
73 $IkiWiki::pagectime{foo}=1154532692; # Wed Aug 2 11:26 EDT 2006
74 $IkiWiki::pagectime{bar}=1154532695; # after
75 ok(pagespec_match("foo", "created_before(bar)"));
76 ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "created_after(bar)"));
77 ok(! pagespec_match("bar", "created_before(foo)"));
78 ok(pagespec_match("bar", "created_after(foo)"));
79 ok(pagespec_match("foo", "creation_year(2006)"), "year");
80 ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "creation_year(2005)"), "other year");
81 ok(pagespec_match("foo", "creation_month(8)"), "month");
82 ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "creation_month(9)"), "other month");
83 ok(pagespec_match("foo", "creation_day(2)"), "day");
84 ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "creation_day(3)"), "other day");
86 ok(! pagespec_match("foo", "no_such_function(foo)"), "foo");
88 my $ret=pagespec_match("foo", "(invalid");
89 ok(! $ret, "syntax error");
90 ok($ret =~ /syntax error/, "error message");
92 $ret=pagespec_match("foo", "bar or foo");
93 ok($ret, "simple match");
94 is($ret, "foo matches foo", "stringified return");
96 my $i=pagespec_match("foo", "link(bar)")->influences;
97 is(join(",", keys %$i), 'foo', "link is influenced by the page with the link");
98 $i=pagespec_match("bar", "backlink(foo)")->influences;
99 is(join(",", keys %$i), 'foo', "backlink is influenced by the page with the link");
100 $i=pagespec_match("bar", "backlink(foo)")->influences;
101 is(join(",", keys %$i), 'foo', "backlink is influenced by the page with the link");
102 $i=pagespec_match("bar", "created_before(foo)")->influences;
103 is(join(",", keys %$i), 'foo', "created_before is influenced by the comparison page");
104 $i=pagespec_match("bar", "created_after(foo)")->influences;
105 is(join(",", keys %$i), 'foo', "created_after is influenced by the comparison page");
106 $i=pagespec_match("foo", "link(baz) and created_after(bar)")->influences;
107 is(join(",", sort keys %$i), 'bar,foo', "influences add up over AND");
108 $i=pagespec_match("foo", "link(baz) and created_after(bar)")->influences;
109 is(join(",", sort keys %$i), 'bar,foo', "influences add up over OR");
110 $i=pagespec_match("foo", "!link(baz) and !created_after(bar)")->influences;
111 is(join(",", sort keys %$i), 'bar,foo', "influences unaffected by negation");