1 /* src/prism2/driver/hfa384x.c
3 * Implements the functions of the Intersil hfa384x MAC
5 * Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
6 * --------------------------------------------------------------------
10 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
11 * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
12 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
13 * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
15 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
16 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
17 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
18 * rights and limitations under the License.
20 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
21 * terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
22 * case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
23 * above. If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
24 * only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
25 * your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
26 * by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
27 * and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete
28 * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
29 * file under either the MPL or the GPL.
31 * --------------------------------------------------------------------
33 * Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
36 * AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
38 * http://www.linux-wlan.com
40 * --------------------------------------------------------------------
42 * Portions of the development of this software were funded by
43 * Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
45 * --------------------------------------------------------------------
47 * This file implements functions that correspond to the prism2/hfa384x
48 * 802.11 MAC hardware and firmware host interface.
50 * The functions can be considered to represent several levels of
51 * abstraction. The lowest level functions are simply C-callable wrappers
52 * around the register accesses. The next higher level represents C-callable
53 * prism2 API functions that match the Intersil documentation as closely
54 * as is reasonable. The next higher layer implements common sequences
55 * of invokations of the API layer (e.g. write to bap, followed by cmd).
58 * hfa384x_drvr_xxx Highest level abstractions provided by the
59 * hfa384x code. They are driver defined wrappers
60 * for common sequences. These functions generally
61 * use the services of the lower levels.
63 * hfa384x_drvr_xxxconfig An example of the drvr level abstraction. These
64 * functions are wrappers for the RID get/set
65 * sequence. They call copy_[to|from]_bap() and
66 * cmd_access(). These functions operate on the
67 * RIDs and buffers without validation. The caller
68 * is responsible for that.
70 * API wrapper functions:
71 * hfa384x_cmd_xxx functions that provide access to the f/w commands.
72 * The function arguments correspond to each command
73 * argument, even command arguments that get packed
74 * into single registers. These functions _just_
75 * issue the command by setting the cmd/parm regs
76 * & reading the status/resp regs. Additional
77 * activities required to fully use a command
78 * (read/write from/to bap, get/set int status etc.)
79 * are implemented separately. Think of these as
80 * C-callable prism2 commands.
82 * Lowest Layer Functions:
83 * hfa384x_docmd_xxx These functions implement the sequence required
84 * to issue any prism2 command. Primarily used by the
85 * hfa384x_cmd_xxx functions.
87 * hfa384x_bap_xxx BAP read/write access functions.
88 * Note: we usually use BAP0 for non-interrupt context
89 * and BAP1 for interrupt context.
91 * hfa384x_dl_xxx download related functions.
93 * Driver State Issues:
94 * Note that there are two pairs of functions that manage the
95 * 'initialized' and 'running' states of the hw/MAC combo. The four
96 * functions are create(), destroy(), start(), and stop(). create()
97 * sets up the data structures required to support the hfa384x_*
98 * functions and destroy() cleans them up. The start() function gets
99 * the actual hardware running and enables the interrupts. The stop()
100 * function shuts the hardware down. The sequence should be:
103 * . Self contained test routines can run here, particularly
104 * . corereset() and test_hostif().
108 * . Do interesting things w/ the hardware
113 * Note that destroy() can be called without calling stop() first.
114 * --------------------------------------------------------------------
117 /*================================================================*/
119 /* System Includes */
120 #define WLAN_DBVAR prism2_debug
124 #include <linux/version.h>
126 #include <linux/module.h>
127 #include <linux/kernel.h>
128 #include <linux/sched.h>
129 #include <linux/types.h>
130 #include <linux/slab.h>
131 #include <linux/wireless.h>
132 #include <linux/netdevice.h>
133 #include <linux/timer.h>
134 #include <asm/semaphore.h>
136 #include <linux/delay.h>
137 #include <asm/byteorder.h>
138 #include <linux/list.h>
141 #include <linux/tqueue.h>
143 #include <linux/workqueue.h>
148 #include <pcmcia/version.h>
150 #include <pcmcia/cs_types.h>
151 #include <pcmcia/cs.h>
152 #include <pcmcia/cistpl.h>
153 #include <pcmcia/ds.h>
154 #include <pcmcia/cisreg.h>
158 #include <linux/ioport.h>
159 #include <linux/pci.h>
162 #include "wlan_compat.h"
164 // XXXX #define CMD_IRQ
166 /*================================================================*/
167 /* Project Includes */
169 #include "p80211types.h"
170 #include "p80211hdr.h"
171 #include "p80211mgmt.h"
172 #include "p80211conv.h"
173 #include "p80211msg.h"
174 #include "p80211netdev.h"
175 #include "p80211req.h"
176 #include "p80211metadef.h"
177 #include "p80211metastruct.h"
179 #include "prism2mgmt.h"
181 /*================================================================*/
182 /* Local Constants */
184 static const UINT16 crc16tab[256] =
186 0x0000, 0xc0c1, 0xc181, 0x0140, 0xc301, 0x03c0, 0x0280, 0xc241,
187 0xc601, 0x06c0, 0x0780, 0xc741, 0x0500, 0xc5c1, 0xc481, 0x0440,
188 0xcc01, 0x0cc0, 0x0d80, 0xcd41, 0x0f00, 0xcfc1, 0xce81, 0x0e40,
189 0x0a00, 0xcac1, 0xcb81, 0x0b40, 0xc901, 0x09c0, 0x0880, 0xc841,
190 0xd801, 0x18c0, 0x1980, 0xd941, 0x1b00, 0xdbc1, 0xda81, 0x1a40,
191 0x1e00, 0xdec1, 0xdf81, 0x1f40, 0xdd01, 0x1dc0, 0x1c80, 0xdc41,
192 0x1400, 0xd4c1, 0xd581, 0x1540, 0xd701, 0x17c0, 0x1680, 0xd641,
193 0xd201, 0x12c0, 0x1380, 0xd341, 0x1100, 0xd1c1, 0xd081, 0x1040,
194 0xf001, 0x30c0, 0x3180, 0xf141, 0x3300, 0xf3c1, 0xf281, 0x3240,
195 0x3600, 0xf6c1, 0xf781, 0x3740, 0xf501, 0x35c0, 0x3480, 0xf441,
196 0x3c00, 0xfcc1, 0xfd81, 0x3d40, 0xff01, 0x3fc0, 0x3e80, 0xfe41,
197 0xfa01, 0x3ac0, 0x3b80, 0xfb41, 0x3900, 0xf9c1, 0xf881, 0x3840,
198 0x2800, 0xe8c1, 0xe981, 0x2940, 0xeb01, 0x2bc0, 0x2a80, 0xea41,
199 0xee01, 0x2ec0, 0x2f80, 0xef41, 0x2d00, 0xedc1, 0xec81, 0x2c40,
200 0xe401, 0x24c0, 0x2580, 0xe541, 0x2700, 0xe7c1, 0xe681, 0x2640,
201 0x2200, 0xe2c1, 0xe381, 0x2340, 0xe101, 0x21c0, 0x2080, 0xe041,
202 0xa001, 0x60c0, 0x6180, 0xa141, 0x6300, 0xa3c1, 0xa281, 0x6240,
203 0x6600, 0xa6c1, 0xa781, 0x6740, 0xa501, 0x65c0, 0x6480, 0xa441,
204 0x6c00, 0xacc1, 0xad81, 0x6d40, 0xaf01, 0x6fc0, 0x6e80, 0xae41,
205 0xaa01, 0x6ac0, 0x6b80, 0xab41, 0x6900, 0xa9c1, 0xa881, 0x6840,
206 0x7800, 0xb8c1, 0xb981, 0x7940, 0xbb01, 0x7bc0, 0x7a80, 0xba41,
207 0xbe01, 0x7ec0, 0x7f80, 0xbf41, 0x7d00, 0xbdc1, 0xbc81, 0x7c40,
208 0xb401, 0x74c0, 0x7580, 0xb541, 0x7700, 0xb7c1, 0xb681, 0x7640,
209 0x7200, 0xb2c1, 0xb381, 0x7340, 0xb101, 0x71c0, 0x7080, 0xb041,
210 0x5000, 0x90c1, 0x9181, 0x5140, 0x9301, 0x53c0, 0x5280, 0x9241,
211 0x9601, 0x56c0, 0x5780, 0x9741, 0x5500, 0x95c1, 0x9481, 0x5440,
212 0x9c01, 0x5cc0, 0x5d80, 0x9d41, 0x5f00, 0x9fc1, 0x9e81, 0x5e40,
213 0x5a00, 0x9ac1, 0x9b81, 0x5b40, 0x9901, 0x59c0, 0x5880, 0x9841,
214 0x8801, 0x48c0, 0x4980, 0x8941, 0x4b00, 0x8bc1, 0x8a81, 0x4a40,
215 0x4e00, 0x8ec1, 0x8f81, 0x4f40, 0x8d01, 0x4dc0, 0x4c80, 0x8c41,
216 0x4400, 0x84c1, 0x8581, 0x4540, 0x8701, 0x47c0, 0x4680, 0x8641,
217 0x8201, 0x42c0, 0x4380, 0x8341, 0x4100, 0x81c1, 0x8081, 0x4040
220 /*================================================================*/
223 /*================================================================*/
226 /*================================================================*/
227 /* Local Static Definitions */
228 extern int prism2_debug;
230 /*================================================================*/
231 /* Local Function Declarations */
233 static void hfa384x_int_dtim(wlandevice_t *wlandev);
234 static void hfa384x_int_infdrop(wlandevice_t *wlandev);
236 static void hfa384x_bap_tasklet(unsigned long data);
238 static void hfa384x_int_info(wlandevice_t *wlandev);
239 static void hfa384x_int_txexc(wlandevice_t *wlandev);
240 static void hfa384x_int_tx(wlandevice_t *wlandev);
241 static void hfa384x_int_rx(wlandevice_t *wlandev);
244 static void hfa384x_int_cmd(wlandevice_t *wlandev);
246 static void hfa384x_int_rxmonitor( wlandevice_t *wlandev,
247 UINT16 rxfid, hfa384x_rx_frame_t *rxdesc);
248 static void hfa384x_int_alloc(wlandevice_t *wlandev);
250 static int hfa384x_docmd_wait( hfa384x_t *hw, hfa384x_metacmd_t *cmd);
252 static int hfa384x_dl_docmd_wait( hfa384x_t *hw, hfa384x_metacmd_t *cmd);
255 hfa384x_mkcrc16(UINT8 *p, int len);
257 int hfa384x_copy_to_bap4(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 bap, UINT16 id, UINT16 offset,
258 void *buf, UINT len, void* buf2, UINT len2,
259 void *buf3, UINT len3, void* buf4, UINT len4);
261 /*================================================================*/
262 /* Function Definitions */
265 txfid_queue_empty(hfa384x_t *hw)
267 return (hw->txfid_head == hw->txfid_tail) ? 1 : 0;
271 txfid_queue_remove(hfa384x_t *hw)
275 if (txfid_queue_empty(hw)) {
276 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(3,"queue empty.\n");
278 result = hw->txfid_queue[hw->txfid_head];
279 hw->txfid_head = (hw->txfid_head + 1) % hw->txfid_N;
282 return (UINT16)result;
286 txfid_queue_add(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 val)
290 if (hw->txfid_head == ((hw->txfid_tail + 1) % hw->txfid_N)) {
292 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(3,"queue full.\n");
294 hw->txfid_queue[hw->txfid_tail] = val;
295 result = hw->txfid_tail;
296 hw->txfid_tail = (hw->txfid_tail + 1) % hw->txfid_N;
302 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
305 * Initializes the hfa384x_t data structure for use. Note this
306 * does _not_ intialize the actual hardware, just the data structures
307 * we use to keep track of its state.
310 * hw device structure
311 * irq device irq number
312 * iobase [pcmcia] i/o base address for register access
314 * [plx] i/o base address for register access
315 * membase [pcmcia] pcmcia_cs "link" pointer
316 * [pci] memory base address for register access
317 * [plx] memory base address for card attribute memory
326 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
327 void hfa384x_create(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT irq, UINT32 iobase,
328 UINT8 __iomem *membase)
331 memset(hw, 0, sizeof(hfa384x_t));
334 hw->membase = membase;
335 spin_lock_init(&(hw->cmdlock));
338 spin_lock_init(&(hw->baplock));
339 tasklet_init(&hw->bap_tasklet,
343 init_waitqueue_head(&hw->cmdq);
344 sema_init(&hw->infofid_sem, 1);
348 hw->txfid_N = HFA384x_DRVR_FIDSTACKLEN_MAX;
349 memset(hw->txfid_queue, 0, sizeof(hw->txfid_queue));
353 /* Init the auth queue head */
354 skb_queue_head_init(&hw->authq);
356 INIT_WORK2(&hw->link_bh, prism2sta_processing_defer);
358 INIT_WORK2(&hw->commsqual_bh, prism2sta_commsqual_defer);
360 init_timer(&hw->commsqual_timer);
361 hw->commsqual_timer.data = (unsigned long) hw;
362 hw->commsqual_timer.function = prism2sta_commsqual_timer;
364 hw->link_status = HFA384x_LINK_NOTCONNECTED;
365 hw->state = HFA384x_STATE_INIT;
370 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
373 * Partner to hfa384x_create(). This function cleans up the hw
374 * structure so that it can be freed by the caller using a simple
375 * kfree. Currently, this function is just a placeholder. If, at some
376 * point in the future, an hw in the 'shutdown' state requires a 'deep'
377 * kfree, this is where it should be done. Note that if this function
378 * is called on a _running_ hw structure, the drvr_stop() function is
382 * hw device structure
385 * nothing, this function is not allowed to fail.
391 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
393 hfa384x_destroy( hfa384x_t *hw)
399 if ( hw->state == HFA384x_STATE_RUNNING ) {
400 hfa384x_drvr_stop(hw);
402 hw->state = HFA384x_STATE_PREINIT;
404 if (hw->scanresults) {
405 kfree(hw->scanresults);
406 hw->scanresults = NULL;
409 /* Now to clean out the auth queue */
410 while ( (skb = skb_dequeue(&hw->authq)) ) {
418 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
419 * hfa384x_drvr_getconfig
421 * Performs the sequence necessary to read a config/info item.
424 * hw device structure
425 * rid config/info record id (host order)
426 * buf host side record buffer. Upon return it will
427 * contain the body portion of the record (minus the
429 * len buffer length (in bytes, should match record length)
433 * >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
434 * <0 driver reported error
435 * -ENODATA length mismatch between argument and retrieved
442 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
443 int hfa384x_drvr_getconfig(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 rid, void *buf, UINT16 len)
448 result = hfa384x_cmd_access( hw, 0, rid, buf, len);
455 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
456 * hfa384x_drvr_setconfig
458 * Performs the sequence necessary to write a config/info item.
461 * hw device structure
462 * rid config/info record id (in host order)
463 * buf host side record buffer
464 * len buffer length (in bytes)
468 * >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
469 * <0 driver reported error
475 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
476 int hfa384x_drvr_setconfig(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 rid, void *buf, UINT16 len)
481 result = hfa384x_cmd_access( hw, 1, rid, buf, len);
488 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
489 * hfa384x_drvr_readpda
491 * Performs the sequence to read the PDA space. Note there is no
492 * drvr_writepda() function. Writing a PDA is
493 * generally implemented by a calling component via calls to
494 * cmd_download and writing to the flash download buffer via the
498 * hw device structure
499 * buf buffer to store PDA in
504 * >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
505 * <0 driver reported error
506 * -ETIMEOUT timout waiting for the cmd regs to become
507 * available, or waiting for the control reg
508 * to indicate the Aux port is enabled.
509 * -ENODATA the buffer does NOT contain a valid PDA.
510 * Either the card PDA is bad, or the auxdata
511 * reads are giving us garbage.
517 * process thread or non-card interrupt.
518 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
519 int hfa384x_drvr_readpda(hfa384x_t *hw, void *buf, UINT len)
525 int currpdr = 0; /* word offset of the current pdr */
527 UINT16 pdrlen; /* pdr length in bytes, host order */
528 UINT16 pdrcode; /* pdr code, host order */
536 { HFA3842_PDA_BASE, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_NV},
538 { HFA3841_PDA_BASE, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_NV},
544 /* Check for aux available */
545 result = hfa384x_cmd_aux_enable(hw, 0);
547 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"aux_enable() failed. result=%d\n", result);
551 /* Read the pda from each known address. */
552 for ( i = 0; i < (sizeof(pdaloc)/sizeof(pdaloc[0])); i++) {
553 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG( 3, "Checking PDA@(0x%08x,%s)\n",
555 pdaloc[i].auxctl == HFA384x_AUX_CTL_NV ?
556 "CTL_NV" : "CTL_EXTDS");
558 /* Copy bufsize bytes from our current pdaloc */
559 hfa384x_copy_from_aux(hw,
565 /* Test for garbage */
566 /* Traverse the PDR list Looking for PDA-END */
567 pdaok = 1; /* intially assume good */
570 while ( pdaok && morepdrs ) {
571 pdrlen = hfa384x2host_16(pda[currpdr]) * 2;
572 pdrcode = hfa384x2host_16(pda[currpdr+1]);
574 /* Test for completion at END record */
575 if ( pdrcode == HFA384x_PDR_END_OF_PDA ) {
578 /* Calculate CRC-16 and compare to PDA
579 * value. Note the addition of 2 words
580 * for ENDREC.len and ENDREC.code
583 crc = hfa384x_mkcrc16( (UINT8*)pda,
584 (currpdr + 2) * sizeof(UINT16));
585 pdacrc =hfa384x2host_16(pda[currpdr+2]);
586 if ( crc != pdacrc ) {
596 "END record detected w/ "
597 "len(%d) != 2, assuming bad PDA\n",
605 /* Test the record length */
606 if ( pdrlen > HFA384x_PDR_LEN_MAX || pdrlen == 0) {
608 "pdrlen for address #%d "
610 i, pdaloc[i].cardaddr,
611 pdaloc[i].auxctl, pdrlen);
612 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(3,"pdrlen invalid=%d\n",
618 /* Move to the next pdr */
620 /* note the access to pda[], we need words */
621 currpdr += hfa384x2host_16(pda[currpdr]) + 1;
622 if (currpdr*sizeof(UINT16) > len) {
624 "Didn't find PDA_END in buffer, "
625 "trying next location.\n");
633 "PDA Read from 0x%08x in %s space.\n",
635 pdaloc[i].auxctl == 0 ? "EXTDS" :
636 pdaloc[i].auxctl == 1 ? "NV" :
637 pdaloc[i].auxctl == 2 ? "PHY" :
638 pdaloc[i].auxctl == 3 ? "ICSRAM" :
643 result = pdaok ? 0 : -ENODATA;
646 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(3,"Failure: pda is not okay\n");
649 hfa384x_cmd_aux_disable(hw);
657 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
660 * Calculates the CRC16 for the given PDA and inserts the value
661 * into the end record.
664 * pda ptr to the PDA data structure.
668 * ~0 - failure (probably an errno)
669 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
671 hfa384x_mkcrc16(UINT8 *p, int len)
674 UINT8 *lim = p + len;
677 crc = (crc >> 8 ) ^ crc16tab[(crc & 0xff) ^ *p++];
684 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
685 * hfa384x_drvr_ramdl_enable
687 * Begins the ram download state. Checks to see that we're not
688 * already in a download state and that a port isn't enabled.
689 * Sets the download state and calls cmd_download with the
690 * ENABLE_VOLATILE subcommand and the exeaddr argument.
693 * hw device structure
694 * exeaddr the card execution address that will be
695 * jumped to when ramdl_disable() is called
700 * >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
701 * <0 driver reported error
707 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
708 int hfa384x_drvr_ramdl_enable(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT32 exeaddr)
715 /* Check that a port isn't active */
716 for ( i = 0; i < HFA384x_PORTID_MAX; i++) {
717 if ( hw->port_enabled[i] ) {
718 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"Can't download with a port enabled.\n");
724 /* Check that we're not already in a download state */
725 if ( hw->dlstate != HFA384x_DLSTATE_DISABLED ) {
726 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"Download state not disabled.\n");
731 /* Are we supposed to go into genesis mode? */
732 if (exeaddr == 0x3f0000) {
733 UINT16 initseq[2] = { 0xe100, 0xffa1 };
735 UINT8 hcr = 0x0f; /* Default to x16 SRAM */
738 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1, "Dropping into Genesis mode\n");
740 /* Issue card reset and enable aux port */
741 hfa384x_corereset(hw, prism2_reset_holdtime,
742 prism2_reset_settletime, 0);
743 hfa384x_cmd_aux_enable(hw, 1);
746 hfa384x_copy_to_aux(hw, 0x7E0038, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS,
747 initseq, sizeof(initseq));
749 hfa384x_corereset(hw, prism2_reset_holdtime,
750 prism2_reset_settletime, hcr);
752 /* Validate memory config */
753 hfa384x_copy_to_aux(hw, 0x7E0038, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS,
754 initseq, sizeof(initseq));
755 hfa384x_copy_from_aux(hw, 0x7E0038, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS,
756 readbuf, sizeof(initseq));
757 WLAN_HEX_DUMP(3, "readback", readbuf, sizeof(readbuf));
759 if (memcmp(initseq, readbuf, sizeof(readbuf))) {
760 hcr = 0x1f; /* x8 SRAM */
763 hfa384x_copy_to_aux(hw, 0x7E0038, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS,
764 initseq, sizeof(initseq));
765 hfa384x_corereset(hw, prism2_reset_holdtime,
766 prism2_reset_settletime, hcr);
768 hfa384x_copy_to_aux(hw, 0x7E0038, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS,
769 initseq, sizeof(initseq));
770 hfa384x_copy_from_aux(hw, 0x7E0038, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS,
771 readbuf, sizeof(initseq));
772 WLAN_HEX_DUMP(2, "readback", readbuf, sizeof(readbuf));
774 if (memcmp(initseq, readbuf, sizeof(readbuf))) {
775 WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Genesis mode failed\n");
781 /* Now we're in genesis mode */
782 hw->dlstate = HFA384x_DLSTATE_GENESIS;
786 /* Retrieve the buffer loc&size and timeout */
787 if ( (result = hfa384x_drvr_getconfig(hw, HFA384x_RID_DOWNLOADBUFFER,
788 &(hw->bufinfo), sizeof(hw->bufinfo))) ) {
791 hw->bufinfo.page = hfa384x2host_16(hw->bufinfo.page);
792 hw->bufinfo.offset = hfa384x2host_16(hw->bufinfo.offset);
793 hw->bufinfo.len = hfa384x2host_16(hw->bufinfo.len);
794 if ( (result = hfa384x_drvr_getconfig16(hw, HFA384x_RID_MAXLOADTIME,
795 &(hw->dltimeout))) ) {
798 hw->dltimeout = hfa384x2host_16(hw->dltimeout);
800 /* Enable the aux port */
801 if ( (result = hfa384x_cmd_aux_enable(hw, 0)) ) {
802 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"Aux enable failed, result=%d.\n", result);
806 /* Call the download(1,addr) function */
807 lowaddr = HFA384x_ADDR_CMD_MKOFF(exeaddr);
808 hiaddr = HFA384x_ADDR_CMD_MKPAGE(exeaddr);
810 result = hfa384x_cmd_download(hw, HFA384x_PROGMODE_RAM,
813 /* Set the download state */
814 hw->dlstate = HFA384x_DLSTATE_RAMENABLED;
816 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"cmd_download(0x%04x, 0x%04x) failed, result=%d.\n",
817 lowaddr,hiaddr, result);
818 /* Disable the aux port */
819 hfa384x_cmd_aux_disable(hw);
828 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
829 * hfa384x_drvr_ramdl_disable
831 * Ends the ram download state.
834 * hw device structure
838 * >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
839 * <0 driver reported error
845 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
846 int hfa384x_drvr_ramdl_disable(hfa384x_t *hw)
849 /* Check that we're already in the download state */
850 if ( ( hw->dlstate != HFA384x_DLSTATE_RAMENABLED ) &&
851 ( hw->dlstate != HFA384x_DLSTATE_GENESIS ) ) {
855 if (hw->dlstate == HFA384x_DLSTATE_GENESIS) {
856 hfa384x_corereset(hw, prism2_reset_holdtime,
857 prism2_reset_settletime,
858 hw->isram16 ? 0x07: 0x17);
862 /* Disable the aux port */
863 hfa384x_cmd_download(hw, HFA384x_PROGMODE_DISABLE, 0, 0 , 0);
866 hw->dlstate = HFA384x_DLSTATE_DISABLED;
867 hfa384x_cmd_aux_disable(hw);
874 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
875 * hfa384x_drvr_ramdl_write
877 * Performs a RAM download of a chunk of data. First checks to see
878 * that we're in the RAM download state, then uses the aux functions
879 * to 1) copy the data, 2) readback and compare. The download
880 * state is unaffected. When all data has been written using
881 * this function, call drvr_ramdl_disable() to end the download state
882 * and restart the MAC.
885 * hw device structure
886 * daddr Card address to write to. (host order)
887 * buf Ptr to data to write.
888 * len Length of data (host order).
892 * >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
893 * <0 driver reported error
899 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
900 int hfa384x_drvr_ramdl_write(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT32 daddr, void* buf, UINT32 len)
905 /* Check that we're in the ram download state */
906 if ( ( hw->dlstate != HFA384x_DLSTATE_RAMENABLED ) &&
907 ( hw->dlstate != HFA384x_DLSTATE_GENESIS ) ) {
911 WLAN_LOG_INFO("Writing %d bytes to ram @0x%06x\n", len, daddr);
913 WLAN_HEX_DUMP(1, "dldata", buf, len);
915 /* Copy the data via the aux port */
916 hfa384x_copy_to_aux(hw, daddr, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS, buf, len);
918 /* Create a buffer for the verify */
919 verbuf = kmalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL);
920 if (verbuf == NULL ) return 1;
922 /* Read back and compare */
923 hfa384x_copy_from_aux(hw, daddr, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS, verbuf, len);
925 if ( memcmp(buf, verbuf, len) ) {
926 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"ramdl verify failed!\n");
930 kfree_s(verbuf, len);
936 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
937 * hfa384x_drvr_flashdl_enable
939 * Begins the flash download state. Checks to see that we're not
940 * already in a download state and that a port isn't enabled.
941 * Sets the download state and retrieves the flash download
942 * buffer location, buffer size, and timeout length.
945 * hw device structure
949 * >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
950 * <0 driver reported error
956 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
957 int hfa384x_drvr_flashdl_enable(hfa384x_t *hw)
963 /* Check that a port isn't active */
964 for ( i = 0; i < HFA384x_PORTID_MAX; i++) {
965 if ( hw->port_enabled[i] ) {
966 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"called when port enabled.\n");
971 /* Check that we're not already in a download state */
972 if ( hw->dlstate != HFA384x_DLSTATE_DISABLED ) {
976 /* Retrieve the buffer loc&size and timeout */
977 if ( (result = hfa384x_drvr_getconfig(hw, HFA384x_RID_DOWNLOADBUFFER,
978 &(hw->bufinfo), sizeof(hw->bufinfo))) ) {
981 hw->bufinfo.page = hfa384x2host_16(hw->bufinfo.page);
982 hw->bufinfo.offset = hfa384x2host_16(hw->bufinfo.offset);
983 hw->bufinfo.len = hfa384x2host_16(hw->bufinfo.len);
984 if ( (result = hfa384x_drvr_getconfig16(hw, HFA384x_RID_MAXLOADTIME,
985 &(hw->dltimeout))) ) {
988 hw->dltimeout = hfa384x2host_16(hw->dltimeout);
990 /* Enable the aux port */
991 if ( (result = hfa384x_cmd_aux_enable(hw, 0)) ) {
995 hw->dlstate = HFA384x_DLSTATE_FLASHENABLED;
1001 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1002 * hfa384x_drvr_flashdl_disable
1004 * Ends the flash download state. Note that this will cause the MAC
1005 * firmware to restart.
1008 * hw device structure
1012 * >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
1013 * <0 driver reported error
1019 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
1020 int hfa384x_drvr_flashdl_disable(hfa384x_t *hw)
1023 /* Check that we're already in the download state */
1024 if ( hw->dlstate != HFA384x_DLSTATE_FLASHENABLED ) {
1028 /* There isn't much we can do at this point, so I don't */
1029 /* bother w/ the return value */
1030 hfa384x_cmd_download(hw, HFA384x_PROGMODE_DISABLE, 0, 0 , 0);
1031 hw->dlstate = HFA384x_DLSTATE_DISABLED;
1033 /* Disable the aux port */
1034 hfa384x_cmd_aux_disable(hw);
1041 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1042 * hfa384x_drvr_flashdl_write
1044 * Performs a FLASH download of a chunk of data. First checks to see
1045 * that we're in the FLASH download state, then sets the download
1046 * mode, uses the aux functions to 1) copy the data to the flash
1047 * buffer, 2) sets the download 'write flash' mode, 3) readback and
1048 * compare. Lather rinse, repeat as many times an necessary to get
1049 * all the given data into flash.
1050 * When all data has been written using this function (possibly
1051 * repeatedly), call drvr_flashdl_disable() to end the download state
1052 * and restart the MAC.
1055 * hw device structure
1056 * daddr Card address to write to. (host order)
1057 * buf Ptr to data to write.
1058 * len Length of data (host order).
1062 * >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
1063 * <0 driver reported error
1069 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
1070 int hfa384x_drvr_flashdl_write(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT32 daddr, void* buf, UINT32 len)
1083 /* Check that we're in the flash download state */
1084 if ( hw->dlstate != HFA384x_DLSTATE_FLASHENABLED ) {
1088 WLAN_LOG_INFO("Download %d bytes to flash @0x%06x\n", len, daddr);
1090 /* Need a flat address for arithmetic */
1091 dlbufaddr = HFA384x_ADDR_AUX_MKFLAT(
1093 hw->bufinfo.offset);
1094 verbuf = kmalloc(hw->bufinfo.len, GFP_KERNEL);
1097 WLAN_LOG_WARNING("dlbuf@0x%06lx len=%d to=%d\n", dlbufaddr, hw->bufinfo.len, hw->dltimeout);
1099 /* Figure out how many times to to the flash prog */
1100 nwrites = len / hw->bufinfo.len;
1101 nwrites += (len % hw->bufinfo.len) ? 1 : 0;
1103 if ( verbuf == NULL ) {
1104 WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate flash verify buffer\n");
1108 for ( i = 0; i < nwrites; i++) {
1109 /* Get the dest address and len */
1110 currlen = (len - (hw->bufinfo.len * i)) > hw->bufinfo.len ?
1112 (len - (hw->bufinfo.len * i));
1113 currdaddr = daddr + (hw->bufinfo.len * i);
1114 destlo = HFA384x_ADDR_CMD_MKOFF(currdaddr);
1115 desthi = HFA384x_ADDR_CMD_MKPAGE(currdaddr);
1116 WLAN_LOG_INFO("Writing %d bytes to flash @0x%06x\n", currlen, currdaddr);
1118 WLAN_HEX_DUMP(1, "dldata", buf+(hw->bufinfo.len*i), currlen);
1120 /* Set the download mode */
1121 result = hfa384x_cmd_download(hw, HFA384x_PROGMODE_NV,
1122 destlo, desthi, currlen);
1124 WLAN_LOG_ERROR("download(NV,lo=%x,hi=%x,len=%x) "
1125 "cmd failed, result=%d. Aborting d/l\n",
1126 destlo, desthi, currlen, result);
1129 /* copy the data to the flash buffer */
1130 hfa384x_copy_to_aux(hw, dlbufaddr, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS,
1131 buf+(hw->bufinfo.len*i), currlen);
1132 /* set the download 'write flash' mode */
1133 result = hfa384x_cmd_download(hw, HFA384x_PROGMODE_NVWRITE, 0,0,0);
1136 "download(NVWRITE,lo=%x,hi=%x,len=%x) "
1137 "cmd failed, result=%d. Aborting d/l\n",
1138 destlo, desthi, currlen, result);
1141 /* readback and compare, if fail...bail */
1142 hfa384x_copy_from_aux(hw,
1143 currdaddr, HFA384x_AUX_CTL_NV,
1146 if ( memcmp(buf+(hw->bufinfo.len*i), verbuf, currlen) ) {
1152 /* DOH! This kfree's for you Mark :-) My forehead hurts... */
1155 /* Leave the firmware in the 'post-prog' mode. flashdl_disable will */
1156 /* actually disable programming mode. Remember, that will cause the */
1157 /* the firmware to effectively reset itself. */
1164 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1165 * hfa384x_cmd_initialize
1167 * Issues the initialize command and sets the hw->state based
1171 * hw device structure
1175 * >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
1176 * <0 driver reported error
1182 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
1183 int hfa384x_cmd_initialize(hfa384x_t *hw)
1187 hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
1191 /* we don't want to be interrupted during the reset */
1192 hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0, HFA384x_INTEN);
1193 hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0xffff, HFA384x_EVACK);
1195 cmd.cmd = HFA384x_CMDCODE_INIT;
1200 spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1201 result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
1202 spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1204 if ( result == 0 ) {
1205 for ( i = 0; i < HFA384x_NUMPORTS_MAX; i++) {
1206 hw->port_enabled[i] = 0;
1210 hw->link_status = HFA384x_LINK_NOTCONNECTED;
1217 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1218 * hfa384x_drvr_commtallies
1220 * Send a commtallies inquiry to the MAC. Note that this is an async
1221 * call that will result in an info frame arriving sometime later.
1224 * hw device structure
1233 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
1234 int hfa384x_drvr_commtallies( hfa384x_t *hw )
1236 hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
1241 cmd.cmd = HFA384x_CMDCODE_INQ;
1242 cmd.parm0 = HFA384x_IT_COMMTALLIES;
1246 spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1247 result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
1248 spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1255 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1256 * hfa384x_drvr_enable
1258 * Issues the enable command to enable communications on one of
1259 * the MACs 'ports'. Only macport 0 is valid for stations.
1260 * APs may also enable macports 1-6. Only ports that are currently
1261 * disabled may be enabled.
1264 * hw device structure
1265 * macport MAC port number
1269 * >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
1270 * <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
1276 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
1277 int hfa384x_drvr_enable(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 macport)
1282 if ((!hw->isap && macport != 0) ||
1283 (hw->isap && !(macport <= HFA384x_PORTID_MAX)) ||
1284 (hw->port_enabled[macport]) ){
1287 result = hfa384x_cmd_enable(hw, macport);
1288 if ( result == 0 ) {
1289 hw->port_enabled[macport] = 1;
1297 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1298 * hfa384x_cmd_enable
1300 * Issues the the enable command to enable communications on one of the
1304 * hw device structure
1305 * macport MAC port number
1309 * >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
1310 * <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
1316 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
1317 int hfa384x_cmd_enable(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 macport)
1320 hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
1324 cmd.cmd = HFA384x_CMD_CMDCODE_SET(HFA384x_CMDCODE_ENABLE) |
1325 HFA384x_CMD_MACPORT_SET(macport);
1330 spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1331 result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
1332 spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1339 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1340 * hfa384x_drvr_disable
1342 * Issues the disable command to stop communications on one of
1343 * the MACs 'ports'. Only macport 0 is valid for stations.
1344 * APs may also disable macports 1-6. Only ports that have been
1345 * previously enabled may be disabled.
1348 * hw device structure
1349 * macport MAC port number (host order)
1353 * >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
1354 * <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
1360 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
1361 int hfa384x_drvr_disable(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 macport)
1366 if ((!hw->isap && macport != 0) ||
1367 (hw->isap && !(macport <= HFA384x_PORTID_MAX)) ||
1368 !(hw->port_enabled[macport]) ){
1371 result = hfa384x_cmd_disable(hw, macport);
1372 if ( result == 0 ) {
1373 hw->port_enabled[macport] = 0;
1381 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1382 * hfa384x_cmd_disable
1384 * Issues the command to disable a port.
1387 * hw device structure
1388 * macport MAC port number (host order)
1392 * >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
1393 * <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
1399 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
1400 int hfa384x_cmd_disable(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 macport)
1403 hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
1408 HFA384x_CMD_MACPORT_SET(macport);
1413 spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1414 result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
1415 spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1422 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1423 * hfa384x_cmd_diagnose
1425 * Issues the diagnose command to test the: register interface,
1426 * MAC controller (including loopback), External RAM, Non-volatile
1427 * memory integrity, and synthesizers. Following execution of this
1428 * command, MAC/firmware are in the 'initial state'. Therefore,
1429 * the Initialize command should be issued after successful
1430 * completion of this command. This function may only be called
1431 * when the MAC is in the 'communication disabled' state.
1434 * hw device structure
1438 * >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
1439 * <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
1445 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
1446 #define DIAG_PATTERNA ((UINT16)0xaaaa)
1447 #define DIAG_PATTERNB ((UINT16)0x5555)
1449 int hfa384x_cmd_diagnose(hfa384x_t *hw)
1452 hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
1456 cmd.cmd = HFA384x_CMD_CMDCODE_SET(HFA384x_CMDCODE_DIAG);
1457 cmd.parm0 = DIAG_PATTERNA;
1458 cmd.parm1 = DIAG_PATTERNB;
1461 spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1462 result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
1463 spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1470 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1471 * hfa384x_cmd_allocate
1473 * Issues the allocate command instructing the firmware to allocate
1474 * a 'frame structure buffer' in MAC controller RAM. This command
1475 * does not provide the result, it only initiates one of the f/w's
1476 * asynchronous processes to construct the buffer. When the
1477 * allocation is complete, it will be indicated via the Alloc
1478 * bit in the EvStat register and the FID identifying the allocated
1479 * space will be available from the AllocFID register. Some care
1480 * should be taken when waiting for the Alloc event. If a Tx or
1481 * Notify command w/ Reclaim has been previously executed, it's
1482 * possible the first Alloc event after execution of this command
1483 * will be for the reclaimed buffer and not the one you asked for.
1484 * This case must be handled in the Alloc event handler.
1487 * hw device structure
1488 * len allocation length, must be an even value
1489 * in the range [4-2400]. (host order)
1493 * >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
1494 * <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
1500 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
1501 int hfa384x_cmd_allocate(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 len)
1504 hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
1509 len < HFA384x_CMD_ALLOC_LEN_MIN ||
1510 len > HFA384x_CMD_ALLOC_LEN_MAX ) {
1513 cmd.cmd = HFA384x_CMD_CMDCODE_SET(HFA384x_CMDCODE_ALLOC);
1518 spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1519 result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
1520 spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1527 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1528 * hfa384x_cmd_transmit
1530 * Instructs the firmware to transmit a frame previously copied
1531 * to a given buffer. This function returns immediately, the Tx
1532 * results are available via the Tx or TxExc events (if the frame
1533 * control bits are set). The reclaim argument specifies if the
1534 * FID passed will be used by the f/w tx process or returned for
1535 * use w/ another transmit command. If reclaim is set, expect an
1536 * Alloc event signalling the availibility of the FID for reuse.
1538 * NOTE: hw->cmdlock MUST BE HELD before calling this function!
1541 * hw device structure
1542 * reclaim [0|1] indicates whether the given FID will
1543 * be handed back (via Alloc event) for reuse.
1545 * qos [0-3] Value to put in the QoS field of the
1546 * tx command, identifies a queue to place the
1547 * outgoing frame in.
1549 * fid FID of buffer containing the frame that was
1550 * previously copied to MAC memory via the bap.
1555 * >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
1556 * <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
1559 * hw->resp0 will contain the FID being used by async tx
1560 * process. If reclaim==0, resp0 will be the same as the fid
1561 * argument. If reclaim==1, resp0 will be the different and
1562 * is the value to watch for in the Tx|TxExc to indicate completion
1563 * of the frame passed in fid.
1567 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
1568 int hfa384x_cmd_transmit(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 reclaim, UINT16 qos, UINT16 fid)
1571 hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
1574 cmd.cmd = HFA384x_CMD_CMDCODE_SET(HFA384x_CMDCODE_TX) |
1575 HFA384x_CMD_RECL_SET(reclaim) |
1576 HFA384x_CMD_QOS_SET(qos);
1581 result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
1588 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1589 * hfa384x_cmd_clearpersist
1591 * Instructs the firmware to clear the persistence bit in a given
1592 * FID. This has the effect of telling the firmware to drop the
1593 * persistent frame. The FID must be one that was previously used
1594 * to transmit a PRST frame.
1597 * hw device structure
1598 * fid FID of the persistent frame (host order)
1602 * >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
1603 * <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
1609 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
1610 int hfa384x_cmd_clearpersist(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 fid)
1613 hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
1622 spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1623 result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
1624 spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1630 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1631 * hfa384x_cmd_notify
1633 * Sends an info frame to the firmware to alter the behavior
1634 * of the f/w asynch processes. Can only be called when the MAC
1635 * is in the enabled state.
1638 * hw device structure
1639 * reclaim [0|1] indicates whether the given FID will
1640 * be handed back (via Alloc event) for reuse.
1642 * fid FID of buffer containing the frame that was
1643 * previously copied to MAC memory via the bap.
1648 * >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
1649 * <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
1652 * hw->resp0 will contain the FID being used by async notify
1653 * process. If reclaim==0, resp0 will be the same as the fid
1654 * argument. If reclaim==1, resp0 will be the different.
1658 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
1659 int hfa384x_cmd_notify(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 reclaim, UINT16 fid,
1660 void *buf, UINT16 len)
1663 hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
1666 cmd.cmd = HFA384x_CMD_CMDCODE_SET(HFA384x_CMDCODE_NOTIFY) |
1667 HFA384x_CMD_RECL_SET(reclaim);
1672 spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1674 /* Copy the record to FID */
1675 result = hfa384x_copy_to_bap(hw, HFA384x_BAP_PROC, hw->infofid, 0, buf, len);
1678 "copy_to_bap(%04x, 0, %d) failed, result=0x%x\n",
1679 hw->infofid, len, result);
1684 result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
1687 spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1695 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1696 * hfa384x_cmd_inquiry
1698 * Requests an info frame from the firmware. The info frame will
1699 * be delivered asynchronously via the Info event.
1702 * hw device structure
1703 * fid FID of the info frame requested. (host order)
1707 * >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
1708 * <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
1714 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
1715 static int hfa384x_cmd_inquiry(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 fid)
1718 hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
1722 cmd.cmd = HFA384x_CMD_CMDCODE_SET(HFA384x_CMDCODE_INQ);
1727 spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1728 result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
1729 spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1737 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1738 * hfa384x_cmd_access
1740 * Requests that a given record be copied to/from the record
1741 * buffer. If we're writing from the record buffer, the contents
1742 * must previously have been written to the record buffer via the
1743 * bap. If we're reading into the record buffer, the record can
1744 * be read out of the record buffer after this call.
1747 * hw device structure
1748 * write [0|1] copy the record buffer to the given
1749 * configuration record. (host order)
1750 * rid RID of the record to read/write. (host order)
1751 * buf host side record buffer. Upon return it will
1752 * contain the body portion of the record (minus the
1754 * len buffer length (in bytes, should match record length)
1758 * >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
1759 * <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
1765 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
1766 int hfa384x_cmd_access(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 write, UINT16 rid,
1767 void* buf, UINT16 len)
1770 hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
1776 /* This should NOT be called in interrupt context! */
1778 WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Krap, in Interrupt context!");
1784 spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1787 rec.rid = host2hfa384x_16(rid);
1788 rec.reclen = host2hfa384x_16((len/2) + 1); /* note conversion to words, +1 for rid field */
1789 /* write the record */
1790 result = hfa384x_copy_to_bap4( hw, HFA384x_BAP_PROC, rid, 0,
1795 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(3,"Failure writing record header+data\n");
1801 cmd.cmd = HFA384x_CMD_CMDCODE_SET(HFA384x_CMDCODE_ACCESS) |
1802 HFA384x_CMD_WRITE_SET(write);
1807 result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
1809 WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Call to hfa384x_docmd_wait failed (%d %d)\n",
1810 result, cmd.result.resp0);
1815 result = hfa384x_copy_from_bap( hw, HFA384x_BAP_PROC, rid, 0, &rec, sizeof(rec));
1817 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(3,"Call to hfa384x_copy_from_bap failed\n");
1821 /* Validate the record length */
1822 if ( ((hfa384x2host_16(rec.reclen)-1)*2) != len ) { /* note body len calculation in bytes */
1823 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1, "RID len mismatch, rid=0x%04x hlen=%d fwlen=%d\n",
1824 rid, len, (hfa384x2host_16(rec.reclen)-1)*2);
1829 result = hfa384x_copy_from_bap( hw, HFA384x_BAP_PROC, rid, sizeof(rec), buf, len);
1834 spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1840 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1841 * hfa384x_cmd_monitor
1843 * Enables the 'monitor mode' of the MAC. Here's the description of
1844 * monitor mode that I've received thus far:
1846 * "The "monitor mode" of operation is that the MAC passes all
1847 * frames for which the PLCP checks are correct. All received
1848 * MPDUs are passed to the host with MAC Port = 7, with a
1849 * receive status of good, FCS error, or undecryptable. Passing
1850 * certain MPDUs is a violation of the 802.11 standard, but useful
1851 * for a debugging tool." Normal communication is not possible
1852 * while monitor mode is enabled.
1855 * hw device structure
1856 * enable a code (0x0b|0x0f) that enables/disables
1857 * monitor mode. (host order)
1861 * >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
1862 * <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
1868 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
1869 int hfa384x_cmd_monitor(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 enable)
1872 hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
1877 HFA384x_CMD_AINFO_SET(enable);
1882 spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1883 result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
1884 spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1891 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1892 * hfa384x_cmd_download
1894 * Sets the controls for the MAC controller code/data download
1895 * process. The arguments set the mode and address associated
1896 * with a download. Note that the aux registers should be enabled
1897 * prior to setting one of the download enable modes.
1900 * hw device structure
1901 * mode 0 - Disable programming and begin code exec
1902 * 1 - Enable volatile mem programming
1903 * 2 - Enable non-volatile mem programming
1904 * 3 - Program non-volatile section from NV download
1908 * highaddr For mode 1, sets the high & low order bits of
1909 * the "destination address". This address will be
1910 * the execution start address when download is
1911 * subsequently disabled.
1912 * For mode 2, sets the high & low order bits of
1913 * the destination in NV ram.
1914 * For modes 0 & 3, should be zero. (host order)
1915 * NOTE: these address args are in CMD format
1916 * codelen Length of the data to write in mode 2,
1917 * zero otherwise. (host order)
1921 * >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
1922 * <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
1928 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
1929 int hfa384x_cmd_download(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 mode, UINT16 lowaddr,
1930 UINT16 highaddr, UINT16 codelen)
1933 hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
1937 cmd.cmd = HFA384x_CMD_CMDCODE_SET(HFA384x_CMDCODE_DOWNLD) |
1938 HFA384x_CMD_PROGMODE_SET(mode);
1939 cmd.parm0 = lowaddr;
1940 cmd.parm1 = highaddr;
1941 cmd.parm2 = codelen;
1943 spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1944 result = hfa384x_dl_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
1945 spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
1952 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
1953 * hfa384x_cmd_aux_enable
1955 * Goes through the process of enabling the auxilary port. This
1956 * is necessary prior to raw reads/writes to card data space.
1957 * Direct access to the card data space is only used for downloading
1958 * code and debugging.
1959 * Note that a call to this function is required before attempting
1963 * hw device structure
1967 * >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
1968 * <0 driver reported error (timeout)
1974 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
1975 int hfa384x_cmd_aux_enable(hfa384x_t *hw, int force)
1977 int result = -ETIMEDOUT;
1978 unsigned long flags;
1979 UINT32 retries_remaining;
1981 UINT auxen_mirror = hw->auxen;
1985 /* Check for existing enable */
1991 /* acquire the lock */
1992 spin_lock_irqsave( &(hw->cmdlock), flags);
1993 /* wait for cmd register busy bit to clear */
1994 retries_remaining = 100000;
1996 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_CMD);
1999 while (HFA384x_CMD_ISBUSY(reg) && --retries_remaining);
2000 if (retries_remaining != 0) {
2001 /* busy bit clear, it's OK to write to ParamX regs */
2002 hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_AUXPW0,
2004 hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_AUXPW1,
2006 hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_AUXPW2,
2009 /* Set the aux enable in the Control register */
2010 hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_CONTROL_AUX_DOENABLE,
2013 /* Now wait for completion */
2014 retries_remaining = 100000;
2016 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_CONTROL);
2019 while ( ((reg & (BIT14|BIT15)) != HFA384x_CONTROL_AUX_ISENABLED) &&
2020 --retries_remaining );
2021 if (retries_remaining != 0) {
2027 /* Force it enabled even if the command failed, if told.. */
2028 if ((hw->auxen == auxen_mirror) && force)
2031 spin_unlock_irqrestore( &(hw->cmdlock), flags);
2037 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
2038 * hfa384x_cmd_aux_disable
2040 * Goes through the process of disabling the auxilary port
2041 * enabled with aux_enable().
2044 * hw device structure
2048 * >0 f/w reported failure - f/w status code
2049 * <0 driver reported error (timeout)
2055 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
2056 int hfa384x_cmd_aux_disable(hfa384x_t *hw)
2058 int result = -ETIMEDOUT;
2059 unsigned long timeout;
2064 /* See if there's more than one enable */
2065 if (hw->auxen) hw->auxen--;
2066 if (hw->auxen) return 0;
2068 /* Clear the aux enable in the Control register */
2069 hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0, HFA384x_PARAM0);
2070 hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0, HFA384x_PARAM1);
2071 hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0, HFA384x_PARAM2);
2072 hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_CONTROL_AUX_DODISABLE,
2075 /* Now wait for completion */
2076 timeout = jiffies + 1*HZ;
2077 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_CONTROL);
2078 while ( ((reg & (BIT14|BIT15)) != HFA384x_CONTROL_AUX_ISDISABLED) &&
2079 time_before(jiffies,timeout) ){
2081 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_CONTROL);
2083 if ((reg & (BIT14|BIT15)) == HFA384x_CONTROL_AUX_ISDISABLED ) {
2090 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
2091 * hfa384x_drvr_low_level
2093 * Write test commands to the card. Some test commands don't make
2094 * sense without prior set-up. For example, continous TX isn't very
2095 * useful until you set the channel. That functionality should be
2101 * -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
2102 int hfa384x_drvr_low_level(hfa384x_t *hw, hfa384x_metacmd_t *cmd)
2107 /* Do i need a host2hfa... conversion ? */
2109 printk(KERN_INFO "%#x %#x %#x %#x\n", cmd->cmd, cmd->parm0, cmd->parm1, cmd->parm2);
2111 spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
2112 result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, cmd);
2113 spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
2120 /* TODO: determine if these will ever be needed */
2122 int hfa384x_cmd_readmif(hfa384x_t *hw)
2130 int hfa384x_cmd_writemif(hfa384x_t *hw)
2138 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
2139 * hfa384x_drvr_mmi_read
2141 * Read mmi registers. mmi is intersil-speak for the baseband
2142 * processor registers.
2145 * hw device structure
2146 * register The test register to be accessed (must be even #).
2150 * >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
2151 * <0 driver reported error
2157 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
2158 int hfa384x_drvr_mmi_read(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT32 addr, UINT32 *resp)
2161 hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
2164 cmd.cmd = (UINT16) 0x30;
2165 cmd.parm0 = (UINT16) addr;
2169 /* Do i need a host2hfa... conversion ? */
2170 spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
2171 result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
2172 spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
2174 *resp = (UINT32) cmd.result.resp0;
2180 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
2181 * hfa384x_drvr_mmi_write
2183 * Read mmi registers. mmi is intersil-speak for the baseband
2184 * processor registers.
2187 * hw device structure
2188 * addr The test register to be accessed (must be even #).
2189 * data The data value to write to the register.
2193 * >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
2194 * <0 driver reported error
2200 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
2203 hfa384x_drvr_mmi_write(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT32 addr, UINT32 data)
2206 hfa384x_metacmd_t cmd;
2209 cmd.cmd = (UINT16) 0x31;
2210 cmd.parm0 = (UINT16) addr;
2211 cmd.parm1 = (UINT16) data;
2214 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"mmi write : addr = 0x%08x\n", addr);
2215 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"mmi write : data = 0x%08x\n", data);
2217 /* Do i need a host2hfa... conversion ? */
2218 spin_lock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
2219 result = hfa384x_docmd_wait(hw, &cmd);
2220 spin_unlock_bh(&hw->cmdlock);
2227 /* TODO: determine if these will ever be needed */
2229 int hfa384x_cmd_readmif(hfa384x_t *hw)
2237 int hfa384x_cmd_writemif(hfa384x_t *hw)
2247 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
2248 * hfa384x_copy_from_bap
2250 * Copies a collection of bytes from the MAC controller memory via
2251 * one set of BAP registers.
2254 * hw device structure
2255 * bap [0|1] which BAP to use
2256 * id FID or RID, destined for the select register (host order)
2257 * offset An _even_ offset into the buffer for the given
2258 * FID/RID. We haven't the means to validate this,
2259 * so be careful. (host order)
2260 * buf ptr to array of bytes
2261 * len length of data to transfer in bytes
2265 * >0 f/w reported failure - value of offset reg.
2266 * <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
2273 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
2274 int hfa384x_copy_from_bap(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 bap, UINT16 id, UINT16 offset,
2275 void *buf, UINT len)
2278 unsigned long flags = 0;
2279 UINT8 *d = (UINT8*)buf;
2288 /* Validate bap, offset, buf, and len */
2290 (offset > HFA384x_BAP_OFFSET_MAX) ||
2293 (len > HFA384x_BAP_DATALEN_MAX) ){
2296 selectreg = (bap == 1) ? HFA384x_SELECT1 : HFA384x_SELECT0 ;
2297 offsetreg = (bap == 1) ? HFA384x_OFFSET1 : HFA384x_OFFSET0 ;
2298 datareg = (bap == 1) ? HFA384x_DATA1 : HFA384x_DATA0 ;
2301 spin_lock_irqsave( &(hw->baplock), flags);
2303 /* Write id to select reg */
2304 hfa384x_setreg(hw, id, selectreg);
2305 /* Write offset to offset reg */
2306 hfa384x_setreg(hw, offset, offsetreg);
2307 /* Wait for offset[busy] to clear (see BAP_TIMEOUT) */
2310 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, offsetreg);
2311 if ( i > 0 ) udelay(10);
2313 } while ( i < prism2_bap_timeout && HFA384x_OFFSET_ISBUSY(reg));
2314 #if (WLAN_HOSTIF != WLAN_PCI)
2316 spin_unlock_irqrestore( &(hw->baplock), flags);
2319 if ( HFA384x_OFFSET_ISBUSY(reg) ){
2320 /* If timeout, return -ETIMEDOUT */
2322 } else if ( HFA384x_OFFSET_ISERR(reg) ){
2323 /* If offset[err] == 1, return -EINVAL */
2326 /* Read even(len) buf contents from data reg */
2327 for ( i = 0; i < (len & 0xfffe); i+=2 ) {
2328 *(UINT16*)(&(d[i])) =
2329 hfa384x_getreg_noswap(hw, datareg);
2331 /* If len odd, handle last byte */
2333 reg = hfa384x_getreg_noswap(hw, datareg);
2334 d[len-1] = ((UINT8*)(®))[0];
2338 /* According to Intersil errata dated 9/16/02:
2340 "In PRISM PCI MAC host interface, if both BAPs are concurrently
2341 requesing memory access, both will accept the Ack. There is no
2342 firmware workaround possible. To prevent BAP access failures or
2343 hang conditions the host MUST NOT access both BAPs in sucession
2344 unless at least 5us elapses between accesses. The safest choice
2345 is to USE ONLY ONE BAP for all data movement operations."
2349 We have to serialize ALL BAP accesses, and furthermore, add a 5us
2350 delay after access if we're using a PCI platform.
2352 Unfortunately, this means we have to lock out interrupts througout
2353 the entire BAP copy.
2355 It remains to be seen if "BAP access" means "BAP setup" or the more
2356 literal definition of "copying data back and forth" I'm erring for
2357 the latter, safer definition. -- SLP.
2361 #if (WLAN_HOSTIF == WLAN_PCI)
2364 spin_unlock_irqrestore( &(hw->baplock), flags);
2371 "copy_from_bap(0x%04x, 0, %d) failed, result=0x%x\n",
2379 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
2380 * hfa384x_copy_to_bap
2382 * Copies a collection of bytes to the MAC controller memory via
2383 * one set of BAP registers.
2386 * hw device structure
2387 * bap [0|1] which BAP to use
2388 * id FID or RID, destined for the select register (host order)
2389 * offset An _even_ offset into the buffer for the given
2390 * FID/RID. We haven't the means to validate this,
2391 * so be careful. (host order)
2392 * buf ptr to array of bytes
2393 * len length of data to transfer (in bytes)
2397 * >0 f/w reported failure - value of offset reg.
2398 * <0 driver reported error (timeout|bad arg)
2405 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
2406 int hfa384x_copy_to_bap(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 bap, UINT16 id, UINT16 offset,
2407 void *buf, UINT len)
2409 return hfa384x_copy_to_bap4(hw, bap, id, offset, buf, len, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
2412 int hfa384x_copy_to_bap4(hfa384x_t *hw, UINT16 bap, UINT16 id, UINT16 offset,
2413 void *buf, UINT len1, void* buf2, UINT len2,
2414 void *buf3, UINT len3, void *buf4, UINT len4)
2417 unsigned long flags = 0;
2427 // printk(KERN_DEBUG "ctb1 %d id %04x o %d %d %d %d %d\n", bap, id, offset, len1, len2, len3, len4);
2429 /* Validate bap, offset, buf, and len */
2431 (offset > HFA384x_BAP_OFFSET_MAX) ||
2434 (len1+len2+len3+len4 > HFA384x_BAP_DATALEN_MAX) ){
2437 selectreg = (bap == 1) ? HFA384x_SELECT1 : HFA384x_SELECT0;
2438 offsetreg = (bap == 1) ? HFA384x_OFFSET1 : HFA384x_OFFSET0;
2439 datareg = (bap == 1) ? HFA384x_DATA1 : HFA384x_DATA0;
2441 spin_lock_irqsave( &(hw->baplock), flags);
2443 /* Write id to select reg */
2444 hfa384x_setreg(hw, id, selectreg);
2446 /* Write offset to offset reg */
2447 hfa384x_setreg(hw, offset, offsetreg);
2448 /* Wait for offset[busy] to clear (see BAP_TIMEOUT) */
2451 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, offsetreg);
2452 if ( i > 0 ) udelay(10);
2454 } while ( i < prism2_bap_timeout && HFA384x_OFFSET_ISBUSY(reg));
2456 #if (WLAN_HOSTIF != WLAN_PCI)
2458 spin_unlock_irqrestore( &(hw->baplock), flags);
2461 if ( HFA384x_OFFSET_ISBUSY(reg) ){
2462 /* If timeout, return reg */
2464 } else if ( HFA384x_OFFSET_ISERR(reg) ){
2465 /* If offset[err] == 1, return reg */
2469 /* Write even(len1) buf contents to data reg */
2470 for ( i = 0; i < (len1 & 0xfffe); i+=2 ) {
2471 hfa384x_setreg_noswap(hw,
2472 *(UINT16*)(&(d[i])), datareg);
2476 UINT8 *b = (UINT8 *) &data;
2484 hfa384x_setreg_noswap(hw, data, datareg);
2486 if ((buf2 != NULL) && (len2 > 0)) {
2487 /* Write even(len2) buf contents to data reg */
2489 for ( i = 0; i < (len2 & 0xfffe); i+=2 ) {
2490 hfa384x_setreg_noswap(hw, *(UINT16*)(&(d[i])), datareg);
2494 UINT8 *b = (UINT8 *) &data;
2502 hfa384x_setreg_noswap(hw, data, datareg);
2506 if ((buf3 != NULL) && (len3 > 0)) {
2507 /* Write even(len3) buf contents to data reg */
2509 for ( i = 0; i < (len3 & 0xfffe); i+=2 ) {
2510 hfa384x_setreg_noswap(hw, *(UINT16*)(&(d[i])), datareg);
2514 UINT8 *b = (UINT8 *) &data;
2522 hfa384x_setreg_noswap(hw, data, datareg);
2525 if ((buf4 != NULL) && (len4 > 0)) {
2526 /* Write even(len4) buf contents to data reg */
2528 for ( i = 0; i < (len4 & 0xfffe); i+=2 ) {
2529 hfa384x_setreg_noswap(hw, *(UINT16*)(&(d[i])), datareg);
2533 UINT8 *b = (UINT8 *) &data;
2537 hfa384x_setreg_noswap(hw, data, datareg);
2540 // printk(KERN_DEBUG "ctb2 %d id %04x o %d %d %d %d %d\n", bap, id, offset, len1, len2, len3, len4);
2544 #if (WLAN_HOSTIF == WLAN_PCI)
2547 spin_unlock_irqrestore( &(hw->baplock), flags);
2553 WLAN_LOG_ERROR("copy_to_bap() failed.\n");
2560 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
2561 * hfa384x_copy_from_aux
2563 * Copies a collection of bytes from the controller memory. The
2564 * Auxiliary port MUST be enabled prior to calling this function.
2565 * We _might_ be in a download state.
2568 * hw device structure
2569 * cardaddr address in hfa384x data space to read
2570 * auxctl address space select
2571 * buf ptr to destination host buffer
2572 * len length of data to transfer (in bytes)
2578 * buf contains the data copied
2583 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
2585 hfa384x_copy_from_aux(
2586 hfa384x_t *hw, UINT32 cardaddr, UINT32 auxctl, void *buf, UINT len)
2594 if ( !(hw->auxen) ) {
2596 "Attempt to read 0x%04x when aux not enabled\n",
2601 /* Build appropriate aux page and offset */
2602 currpage = HFA384x_AUX_MKPAGE(cardaddr);
2603 curroffset = HFA384x_AUX_MKOFF(cardaddr, auxctl);
2604 hfa384x_setreg(hw, currpage, HFA384x_AUXPAGE);
2605 hfa384x_setreg(hw, curroffset, HFA384x_AUXOFFSET);
2606 udelay(5); /* beat */
2610 *((UINT16*)(buf+i)) = hfa384x_getreg_noswap(hw, HFA384x_AUXDATA);
2613 if ( (curroffset&HFA384x_ADDR_AUX_OFF_MASK) >
2614 HFA384x_ADDR_AUX_OFF_MAX ) {
2617 curroffset = HFA384x_AUX_MKOFF(curroffset, auxctl);
2618 hfa384x_setreg(hw, currpage, HFA384x_AUXPAGE);
2619 hfa384x_setreg(hw, curroffset, HFA384x_AUXOFFSET);
2620 udelay(5); /* beat */
2623 /* Make sure the auxctl bits are clear */
2624 hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0, HFA384x_AUXOFFSET);
2629 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
2630 * hfa384x_copy_to_aux
2632 * Copies a collection of bytes to the controller memory. The
2633 * Auxiliary port MUST be enabled prior to calling this function.
2634 * We _might_ be in a download state.
2637 * hw device structure
2638 * cardaddr address in hfa384x data space to read
2639 * auxctl address space select
2640 * buf ptr to destination host buffer
2641 * len length of data to transfer (in bytes)
2647 * Controller memory now contains a copy of buf
2652 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
2654 hfa384x_copy_to_aux(
2655 hfa384x_t *hw, UINT32 cardaddr, UINT32 auxctl, void *buf, UINT len)
2663 if ( !(hw->auxen) ) {
2665 "Attempt to read 0x%04x when aux not enabled\n",
2670 /* Build appropriate aux page and offset */
2671 currpage = HFA384x_AUX_MKPAGE(cardaddr);
2672 curroffset = HFA384x_AUX_MKOFF(cardaddr, auxctl);
2673 hfa384x_setreg(hw, currpage, HFA384x_AUXPAGE);
2674 hfa384x_setreg(hw, curroffset, HFA384x_AUXOFFSET);
2675 udelay(5); /* beat */
2677 /* write the data */
2679 hfa384x_setreg_noswap(hw,
2680 *((UINT16*)(buf+i)), HFA384x_AUXDATA);
2683 if ( curroffset > HFA384x_ADDR_AUX_OFF_MAX ) {
2686 hfa384x_setreg(hw, currpage, HFA384x_AUXPAGE);
2687 hfa384x_setreg(hw, curroffset, HFA384x_AUXOFFSET);
2688 udelay(5); /* beat */
2695 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
2698 * Waits for availability of the Command register, then
2699 * issues the given command. Then polls the Evstat register
2700 * waiting for command completion. Timeouts shouldn't be
2701 * possible since we're preventing overlapping commands and all
2702 * commands should be cleared and acknowledged.
2705 * wlandev device structure
2706 * cmd cmd structure. Includes all arguments and result
2707 * data points. All in host order.
2711 * -ETIMEDOUT timed out waiting for register ready or
2712 * command completion
2713 * >0 command indicated error, Status and Resp0-2 are
2721 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
2722 static int hfa384x_docmd_wait( hfa384x_t *hw, hfa384x_metacmd_t *cmd)
2724 int result = -ETIMEDOUT;
2733 /* wait for the busy bit to clear */
2735 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_CMD);
2736 while ( HFA384x_CMD_ISBUSY(reg) &&
2738 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_CMD);
2743 if (HFA384x_CMD_ISBUSY(reg)) {
2744 WLAN_LOG_ERROR("hfa384x_cmd timeout(1), reg=0x%0hx.\n", reg);
2747 if (!HFA384x_CMD_ISBUSY(reg)) {
2748 /* busy bit clear, write command */
2749 hfa384x_setreg(hw, cmd->parm0, HFA384x_PARAM0);
2750 hfa384x_setreg(hw, cmd->parm1, HFA384x_PARAM1);
2751 hfa384x_setreg(hw, cmd->parm2, HFA384x_PARAM2);
2752 hfa384x_setreg(hw, cmd->cmd, HFA384x_CMD);
2757 while (! hw->cmdflag)
2758 interruptible_sleep_on(&hw->cmdq);
2760 wait_event_interruptible(hw->cmdq, hw->cmdflag);
2762 result = HFA384x_STATUS_RESULT_GET(cmd->status);
2764 /* Now wait for completion */
2766 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_EVSTAT);
2767 /* Initialization is the problem. It takes about
2768 100ms. "normal" commands are typically is about
2769 200-400 us (I've never seen less than 200). Longer
2770 is better so that we're not hammering the bus. */
2771 while ( !HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISCMD(reg) &&
2773 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_EVSTAT);
2778 if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISCMD(reg) ) {
2780 cmd->result.status = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_STATUS);
2781 cmd->result.resp0 = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RESP0);
2782 cmd->result.resp1 = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RESP1);
2783 cmd->result.resp2 = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RESP2);
2784 hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_CMD,
2786 result = HFA384x_STATUS_RESULT_GET(cmd->result.status);
2788 WLAN_LOG_ERROR("hfa384x_cmd timeout(2), reg=0x%0hx.\n", reg);
2790 #endif /* CMD_IRQ */
2802 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
2803 * hfa384x_dl_docmd_wait
2805 * Waits for availability of the Command register, then
2806 * issues the given command. Then polls the Evstat register
2807 * waiting for command completion. Timeouts shouldn't be
2808 * possible since we're preventing overlapping commands and all
2809 * commands should be cleared and acknowledged.
2811 * This routine is only used for downloads. Since it doesn't lock out
2812 * interrupts the system response is much better.
2815 * wlandev device structure
2816 * cmd cmd structure. Includes all arguments and result
2817 * data points. All in host order.
2821 * -ETIMEDOUT timed out waiting for register ready or
2822 * command completion
2823 * >0 command indicated error, Status and Resp0-2 are
2831 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
2832 static int hfa384x_dl_docmd_wait( hfa384x_t *hw, hfa384x_metacmd_t *cmd)
2834 int result = -ETIMEDOUT;
2835 unsigned long timeout;
2839 /* wait for the busy bit to clear */
2840 timeout = jiffies + 1*HZ;
2841 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_CMD);
2842 while ( HFA384x_CMD_ISBUSY(reg) && time_before( jiffies, timeout) ) {
2843 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_CMD);
2846 if (HFA384x_CMD_ISBUSY(reg)) {
2847 WLAN_LOG_WARNING("Timed out waiting for cmd register.\n");
2851 if (!HFA384x_CMD_ISBUSY(reg)) {
2852 /* busy bit clear, write command */
2853 hfa384x_setreg(hw, cmd->parm0, HFA384x_PARAM0);
2854 hfa384x_setreg(hw, cmd->parm1, HFA384x_PARAM1);
2855 hfa384x_setreg(hw, cmd->parm2, HFA384x_PARAM2);
2856 hfa384x_setreg(hw, cmd->cmd, HFA384x_CMD);
2858 /* Now wait for completion */
2859 if ( (HFA384x_CMD_CMDCODE_GET(cmd->cmd) == HFA384x_CMDCODE_DOWNLD) ) {
2860 /* dltimeout is in ms */
2861 timeout = (((UINT32)hw->dltimeout) / 1000UL) * HZ;
2862 if ( timeout > 0 ) {
2865 timeout = jiffies + 1*HZ;
2868 timeout = jiffies + 1*HZ;
2870 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_EVSTAT);
2871 while ( !HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISCMD(reg) && time_before(jiffies,timeout) ) {
2873 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_EVSTAT);
2875 if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISCMD(reg) ) {
2877 cmd->result.status = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_STATUS);
2878 cmd->result.resp0 = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RESP0);
2879 cmd->result.resp1 = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RESP1);
2880 cmd->result.resp2 = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RESP2);
2881 hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_CMD, HFA384x_EVACK);
2882 result = HFA384x_STATUS_RESULT_GET(cmd->result.status);
2891 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
2892 * hfa384x_drvr_start
2894 * Issues the MAC initialize command, sets up some data structures,
2895 * and enables the interrupts. After this function completes, the
2896 * low-level stuff should be ready for any/all commands.
2899 * hw device structure
2902 * >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
2903 * <0 driver reported error
2909 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
2910 int hfa384x_drvr_start(hfa384x_t *hw)
2918 /* call initialize */
2919 result = hfa384x_cmd_initialize(hw);
2921 WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Initialize command failed.\n");
2925 /* make sure interrupts are disabled and any layabout events cleared */
2926 hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0, HFA384x_INTEN);
2927 hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0xffff, HFA384x_EVACK);
2931 hw->txfid_N = HFA384x_DRVR_FIDSTACKLEN_MAX;
2932 memset(hw->txfid_queue, 0, sizeof(hw->txfid_queue));
2934 /* Allocate tx and notify FIDs */
2936 for ( i = 0; i < HFA384x_DRVR_FIDSTACKLEN_MAX-1; i++) {
2937 result = hfa384x_cmd_allocate(hw, HFA384x_DRVR_TXBUF_MAX);
2939 WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Allocate(tx) command failed.\n");
2944 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_EVSTAT);
2947 } while ( !HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISALLOC(reg) && j < 50); /* 50 is timeout */
2949 WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Timed out waiting for evalloc(tx).\n");
2950 result = -ETIMEDOUT;
2953 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_ALLOCFID);
2955 txfid_queue_add(hw, reg);
2957 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(4,"hw->txfid_queue[%d]=0x%04x\n",i,reg);
2959 reg = HFA384x_EVACK_ALLOC_SET(1);
2960 hfa384x_setreg(hw, reg, HFA384x_EVACK);
2964 /* Now, the info frame fid */
2965 result = hfa384x_cmd_allocate(hw, HFA384x_INFOFRM_MAXLEN);
2967 WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Allocate(tx) command failed.\n");
2972 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_EVSTAT);
2975 } while ( !HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISALLOC(reg) && i < 50); /* 50 is timeout */
2977 WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Timed out waiting for evalloc(info).\n");
2978 result = -ETIMEDOUT;
2981 hw->infofid = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_ALLOCFID);
2982 reg = HFA384x_EVACK_ALLOC_SET(1);
2983 hfa384x_setreg(hw, reg, HFA384x_EVACK);
2984 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(4,"hw->infofid=0x%04x\n", hw->infofid);
2986 /* Set swsupport regs to magic # for card presence detection */
2987 hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_DRVR_MAGIC, HFA384x_SWSUPPORT0);
2989 /* Now enable the interrupts and set the running state */
2990 hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0xffff, HFA384x_EVSTAT);
2991 hfa384x_events_all(hw);
2993 hw->state = HFA384x_STATE_RUNNING;
2997 WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Failed, result=%d\n", result);
3004 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
3007 * Issues the initialize command to leave us in the 'reset' state.
3010 * hw device structure
3013 * >0 f/w reported error - f/w status code
3014 * <0 driver reported error
3020 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
3021 int hfa384x_drvr_stop(hfa384x_t *hw)
3027 del_timer_sync(&hw->commsqual_timer);
3029 if ( hw->wlandev->hwremoved ) {
3030 /* only flush when we're shutting down for good */
3031 flush_scheduled_work();
3034 if (hw->state == HFA384x_STATE_RUNNING) {
3036 * Send the MAC initialize cmd.
3038 hfa384x_cmd_initialize(hw);
3041 * Make absolutely sure interrupts are disabled and any
3042 * layabout events cleared
3044 hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0, HFA384x_INTEN);
3045 hfa384x_setreg(hw, 0xffff, HFA384x_EVACK);
3048 tasklet_kill(&hw->bap_tasklet);
3050 hw->link_status = HFA384x_LINK_NOTCONNECTED;
3051 hw->state = HFA384x_STATE_INIT;
3053 /* Clear all the port status */
3054 for ( i = 0; i < HFA384x_NUMPORTS_MAX; i++) {
3055 hw->port_enabled[i] = 0;
3063 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
3064 * hfa384x_drvr_txframe
3066 * Takes a frame from prism2sta and queues it for transmission.
3069 * hw device structure
3070 * skb packet buffer struct. Contains an 802.11
3072 * p80211_hdr points to the 802.11 header for the packet.
3074 * 0 Success and more buffs available
3075 * 1 Success but no more buffs
3076 * 2 Allocation failure
3077 * 3 MAC Tx command failed
3078 * 4 Buffer full or queue busy
3084 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
3085 int hfa384x_drvr_txframe(hfa384x_t *hw, struct sk_buff *skb, p80211_hdr_t *p80211_hdr, p80211_metawep_t *p80211_wep)
3087 hfa384x_tx_frame_t txdesc;
3094 /* Build Tx frame structure */
3095 /* Set up the control field */
3096 memset(&txdesc, 0, sizeof(txdesc));
3098 /* Tx complete and Tx exception disable per dleach. Might be causing
3105 HFA384x_TX_TXEX_SET(1) | HFA384x_TX_TXOK_SET(1);
3109 HFA384x_TX_TXEX_SET(1) | HFA384x_TX_TXOK_SET(0);
3113 HFA384x_TX_TXEX_SET(0) | HFA384x_TX_TXOK_SET(0);
3116 /* if we're using host WEP, increase size by IV+ICV */
3117 if (p80211_wep->data) {
3118 txdesc.data_len = host2hfa384x_16(skb->len+8);
3119 // txdesc.tx_control |= HFA384x_TX_NOENCRYPT_SET(1);
3121 txdesc.data_len = host2hfa384x_16(skb->len);
3124 txdesc.tx_control = host2hfa384x_16(txdesc.tx_control);
3125 /* copy the header over to the txdesc */
3126 memcpy(&(txdesc.frame_control), p80211_hdr, sizeof(p80211_hdr_t));
3128 /* Since tbusy is set whenever the stack is empty, there should
3129 * always be something on the stack if we get to this point.
3130 * [MSM]: NOT TRUE!!!!! so I added the test of fid below.
3135 fid = txfid_queue_remove(hw);
3137 if ( fid == 0 ) { /* stack or queue was empty */
3141 /* now let's get the cmdlock */
3142 spin_lock(&hw->cmdlock);
3144 /* Copy descriptor+payload to FID */
3145 if (p80211_wep->data) {
3146 result = hfa384x_copy_to_bap4(hw, HFA384x_BAP_PROC, fid, 0,
3147 &txdesc, sizeof(txdesc),
3148 p80211_wep->iv, sizeof(p80211_wep->iv),
3149 p80211_wep->data, skb->len,
3150 p80211_wep->icv, sizeof(p80211_wep->icv));
3152 result = hfa384x_copy_to_bap4(hw, HFA384x_BAP_PROC, fid, 0,
3153 &txdesc, sizeof(txdesc),
3154 skb->data, skb->len,
3160 "copy_to_bap(%04x, %d, %d) failed, result=0x%x\n",
3166 /* put the fid back in the queue */
3167 txfid_queue_add(hw, fid);
3173 /* Issue Tx command */
3174 result = hfa384x_cmd_transmit(hw, HFA384x_TXCMD_RECL, macq, fid);
3176 if ( result != 0 ) {
3177 txfid_queue_add(hw, fid);
3179 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"cmd_tx(%04x) failed, result=%d\n",
3185 /* indicate we haven't any buffers, int_alloc will clear */
3186 result = txfid_queue_empty(hw);
3189 spin_unlock(&hw->cmdlock);
3195 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
3198 * Driver interrupt handler.
3202 * dev_id pointer to the device
3209 * May result in a frame being passed up the stack or an info
3210 * frame being handled.
3213 * Ummm, could it be interrupt?
3214 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
3215 irqreturn_t hfa384x_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id PT_REGS)
3218 wlandevice_t *wlandev = (wlandevice_t*)dev_id;
3219 hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
3223 if (!wlandev || wlandev->hwremoved)
3224 return IRQ_NONE; /* Not much we can do w/o hardware */
3226 if (hw->iobase == 0) /* XXX FIXME Properly */
3231 if (ev_read >= prism2_irq_evread_max)
3234 /* Check swsupport reg magic # for card presence */
3235 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_SWSUPPORT0);
3236 if ( reg != HFA384x_DRVR_MAGIC) {
3237 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(2, "irq=%d, no magic. Card removed?.\n", irq);
3241 /* read the EvStat register for interrupt enabled events */
3242 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_EVSTAT);
3244 /* AND with the enabled interrupts */
3245 reg &= hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_INTEN);
3247 /* Handle the events */
3248 if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISWTERR(reg) ){
3250 "Error: WTERR interrupt received (unhandled).\n");
3251 hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_WTERR_SET(1),
3255 if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISINFDROP(reg) ){
3256 hfa384x_int_infdrop(wlandev);
3257 hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_INFDROP_SET(1),
3261 if (HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISBAP_OP(reg)) {
3262 /* Disable the BAP interrupts */
3263 hfa384x_events_nobap(hw);
3264 tasklet_schedule(&hw->bap_tasklet);
3267 if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISALLOC(reg) ){
3268 hfa384x_int_alloc(wlandev);
3269 hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_ALLOC_SET(1),
3273 if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISDTIM(reg) ){
3274 hfa384x_int_dtim(wlandev);
3275 hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_DTIM_SET(1),
3279 if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISCMD(reg) ){
3280 hfa384x_int_cmd(wlandev);
3281 hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_CMD_SET(1),
3286 /* allow the evstat to be updated after the evack */
3295 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
3298 * Handles command completion event.
3301 * wlandev wlan device structure
3310 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
3311 void hfa384x_int_cmd(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
3313 hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
3316 // check to make sure it's the right command?
3318 hw->cmddata->status = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_STATUS);
3319 hw->cmddata->resp0 = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RESP0);
3320 hw->cmddata->resp1 = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RESP1);
3321 hw->cmddata->resp2 = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RESP2);
3325 printk(KERN_INFO "um. int_cmd\n");
3327 wake_up_interruptible(&hw->cmdq);
3329 // XXXX perform a bap copy too?
3336 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
3339 * Handles the DTIM early warning event.
3342 * wlandev wlan device structure
3351 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
3352 static void hfa384x_int_dtim(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
3355 hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
3358 prism2sta_ev_dtim(wlandev);
3364 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
3365 * hfa384x_int_infdrop
3367 * Handles the InfDrop event.
3370 * wlandev wlan device structure
3379 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
3380 static void hfa384x_int_infdrop(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
3383 hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
3386 prism2sta_ev_infdrop(wlandev);
3392 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
3395 * Handles the Info event.
3398 * wlandev wlan device structure
3407 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
3408 static void hfa384x_int_info(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
3410 hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
3412 hfa384x_InfFrame_t inf;
3415 /* Retrieve the FID */
3416 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_INFOFID);
3418 /* Retrieve the length */
3419 result = hfa384x_copy_from_bap( hw,
3420 HFA384x_BAP_INT, reg, 0, &inf.framelen, sizeof(UINT16));
3423 "copy_from_bap(0x%04x, 0, %d) failed, result=0x%x\n",
3424 reg, sizeof(inf), result);
3427 inf.framelen = hfa384x2host_16(inf.framelen);
3429 /* Retrieve the rest */
3430 result = hfa384x_copy_from_bap( hw,
3431 HFA384x_BAP_INT, reg, sizeof(UINT16),
3432 &(inf.infotype), inf.framelen * sizeof(UINT16));
3435 "copy_from_bap(0x%04x, 0, %d) failed, result=0x%x\n",
3436 reg, sizeof(inf), result);
3440 prism2sta_ev_info(wlandev, &inf);
3447 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
3450 * Handles the TxExc event. A Transmit Exception event indicates
3451 * that the MAC's TX process was unsuccessful - so the packet did
3452 * not get transmitted.
3455 * wlandev wlan device structure
3464 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
3465 static void hfa384x_int_txexc(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
3467 hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
3472 /* Collect the status and display */
3473 fid = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_TXCOMPLFID);
3474 result = hfa384x_copy_from_bap(hw, HFA384x_BAP_INT, fid, 0, &status, sizeof(status));
3477 "copy_from_bap(0x%04x, 0, %d) failed, result=0x%x\n",
3478 fid, sizeof(status), result);
3481 status = hfa384x2host_16(status);
3482 prism2sta_ev_txexc(wlandev, status);
3489 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
3492 * Handles the Tx event.
3495 * wlandev wlan device structure
3504 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
3505 static void hfa384x_int_tx(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
3507 hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
3512 fid = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_TXCOMPLFID);
3513 result = hfa384x_copy_from_bap(hw, HFA384x_BAP_INT, fid, 0, &status, sizeof(status));
3516 "copy_from_bap(0x%04x, 0, %d) failed, result=0x%x\n",
3517 fid, sizeof(status), result);
3520 status = hfa384x2host_16(status);
3521 prism2sta_ev_tx(wlandev, status);
3527 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
3530 * Handles the Rx event.
3533 * wlandev wlan device structure
3542 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
3543 static void hfa384x_int_rx(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
3545 hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
3547 hfa384x_rx_frame_t rxdesc;
3551 p80211_rxmeta_t *rxmeta;
3552 struct sk_buff *skb = NULL;
3558 rxfid = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_RXFID);
3559 /* Get the descriptor (including headers) */
3560 result = hfa384x_copy_from_bap(hw,
3568 "copy_from_bap(0x%04x, %d, %d) failed, result=0x%x\n",
3576 /* Byte order convert once up front. */
3577 rxdesc.status = hfa384x2host_16(rxdesc.status);
3578 rxdesc.time = hfa384x2host_32(rxdesc.time);
3580 /* drop errors and whatnot in promisc mode */
3581 if (( wlandev->netdev->flags & IFF_PROMISC ) &&
3582 (HFA384x_RXSTATUS_ISFCSERR(rxdesc.status) ||
3583 HFA384x_RXSTATUS_ISUNDECR(rxdesc.status)))
3586 /* Now handle frame based on port# */
3587 switch( HFA384x_RXSTATUS_MACPORT_GET(rxdesc.status) )
3591 fc = ieee2host16(rxdesc.frame_control);
3593 /* If exclude and we receive an unencrypted, drop it */
3594 if ( (wlandev->hostwep & HOSTWEP_EXCLUDEUNENCRYPTED) &&
3595 !WLAN_GET_FC_ISWEP(fc)) {
3599 hdrlen = p80211_headerlen(fc);
3601 /* Allocate the buffer, note CRC (aka FCS). pballoc */
3602 /* assumes there needs to be space for one */
3603 skb = dev_alloc_skb(hfa384x2host_16(rxdesc.data_len) + hdrlen + WLAN_CRC_LEN + 2); /* a little extra */
3606 WLAN_LOG_ERROR("alloc_skb failed.\n");
3610 skb->dev = wlandev->netdev;
3612 /* theoretically align the IP header on a 32-bit word. */
3613 if ( hdrlen == WLAN_HDR_A4_LEN )
3614 skb_reserve(skb, 2);
3616 /* Copy the 802.11 hdr to the buffer */
3617 datap = skb_put(skb, WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN);
3618 memcpy(datap, &rxdesc.frame_control, WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN);
3620 /* Snag the A4 address if present */
3621 if (hdrlen == WLAN_HDR_A4_LEN) {
3622 datap = skb_put(skb, WLAN_ADDR_LEN);
3623 memcpy(datap, &rxdesc.address4, WLAN_HDR_A3_LEN);
3626 /* we can convert the data_len as we passed the original on */
3627 rxdesc.data_len = hfa384x2host_16(rxdesc.data_len);
3629 /* Copy the payload data to the buffer */
3630 if ( rxdesc.data_len > 0 ) {
3631 datap = skb_put(skb, rxdesc.data_len);
3632 result = hfa384x_copy_from_bap(hw,
3633 HFA384x_BAP_INT, rxfid, HFA384x_RX_DATA_OFF,
3634 datap, rxdesc.data_len);
3637 "copy_from_bap(0x%04x, %d, %d) failed, result=0x%x\n",
3639 HFA384x_RX_DATA_OFF,
3645 /* the prism2 cards don't return the FCS */
3646 datap = skb_put(skb, WLAN_CRC_LEN);
3647 memset (datap, 0xff, WLAN_CRC_LEN);
3648 skb_reset_mac_header(skb);
3650 /* Attach the rxmeta, set some stuff */
3651 p80211skb_rxmeta_attach(wlandev, skb);
3652 rxmeta = P80211SKB_RXMETA(skb);
3653 rxmeta->mactime = rxdesc.time;
3654 rxmeta->rxrate = rxdesc.rate;
3655 rxmeta->signal = rxdesc.signal - hw->dbmadjust;
3656 rxmeta->noise = rxdesc.silence - hw->dbmadjust;
3658 prism2sta_ev_rx(wlandev, skb);
3662 if ( ! HFA384x_RXSTATUS_ISFCSERR(rxdesc.status) ) {
3663 hfa384x_int_rxmonitor( wlandev, rxfid, &rxdesc);
3665 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(3,"Received monitor frame: FCSerr set\n");
3671 WLAN_LOG_WARNING("Received frame on unsupported port=%d\n",
3672 HFA384x_RXSTATUS_MACPORT_GET(rxdesc.status) );
3685 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
3686 * hfa384x_int_rxmonitor
3688 * Helper function for int_rx. Handles monitor frames.
3689 * Note that this function allocates space for the FCS and sets it
3690 * to 0xffffffff. The hfa384x doesn't give us the FCS value but the
3691 * higher layers expect it. 0xffffffff is used as a flag to indicate
3695 * wlandev wlan device structure
3696 * rxfid received FID
3697 * rxdesc rx descriptor read from card in int_rx
3703 * Allocates an skb and passes it up via the PF_PACKET interface.
3706 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
3707 static void hfa384x_int_rxmonitor( wlandevice_t *wlandev, UINT16 rxfid,
3708 hfa384x_rx_frame_t *rxdesc)
3710 hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
3717 struct sk_buff *skb;
3720 /* Don't forget the status, time, and data_len fields are in host order */
3721 /* Figure out how big the frame is */
3722 fc = ieee2host16(rxdesc->frame_control);
3723 hdrlen = p80211_headerlen(fc);
3724 datalen = hfa384x2host_16(rxdesc->data_len);
3726 /* Allocate an ind message+framesize skb */
3727 skblen = sizeof(p80211msg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_t) +
3728 hdrlen + datalen + WLAN_CRC_LEN;
3730 /* sanity check the length */
3732 (sizeof(p80211msg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_t) +
3734 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1, "overlen frm: len=%d\n",
3735 skblen - sizeof(p80211msg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_t));
3738 if ( (skb = dev_alloc_skb(skblen)) == NULL ) {
3739 WLAN_LOG_ERROR("alloc_skb failed trying to allocate %d bytes\n", skblen);
3743 /* only prepend the prism header if in the right mode */
3744 if ((wlandev->netdev->type == ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM) &&
3745 (hw->sniffhdr == 0)) {
3746 p80211msg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_t *msg;
3747 datap = skb_put(skb, sizeof(p80211msg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_t));
3748 msg = (p80211msg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_t*) datap;
3750 /* Initialize the message members */
3751 msg->msgcode = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm;
3752 msg->msglen = sizeof(p80211msg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_t);
3753 strcpy(msg->devname, wlandev->name);
3755 msg->hosttime.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_hosttime;
3756 msg->hosttime.status = 0;
3757 msg->hosttime.len = 4;
3758 msg->hosttime.data = jiffies;
3760 msg->mactime.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_mactime;
3761 msg->mactime.status = 0;
3762 msg->mactime.len = 4;
3763 msg->mactime.data = rxdesc->time * 1000;
3765 msg->channel.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_channel;
3766 msg->channel.status = 0;
3767 msg->channel.len = 4;
3768 msg->channel.data = hw->sniff_channel;
3770 msg->rssi.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_rssi;
3771 msg->rssi.status = P80211ENUM_msgitem_status_no_value;
3775 msg->sq.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_sq;
3776 msg->sq.status = P80211ENUM_msgitem_status_no_value;
3780 msg->signal.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_signal;
3781 msg->signal.status = 0;
3782 msg->signal.len = 4;
3783 msg->signal.data = rxdesc->signal;
3785 msg->noise.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_noise;
3786 msg->noise.status = 0;
3788 msg->noise.data = rxdesc->silence;
3790 msg->rate.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_rate;
3791 msg->rate.status = 0;
3793 msg->rate.data = rxdesc->rate / 5; /* set to 802.11 units */
3795 msg->istx.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_istx;
3796 msg->istx.status = 0;
3798 msg->istx.data = P80211ENUM_truth_false;
3800 msg->frmlen.did = DIDmsg_lnxind_wlansniffrm_frmlen;
3801 msg->frmlen.status = 0;
3802 msg->frmlen.len = 4;
3803 msg->frmlen.data = hdrlen + datalen + WLAN_CRC_LEN;
3804 } else if ((wlandev->netdev->type == ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM) &&
3805 (hw->sniffhdr != 0)) {
3806 p80211_caphdr_t *caphdr;
3807 /* The NEW header format! */
3808 datap = skb_put(skb, sizeof(p80211_caphdr_t));
3809 caphdr = (p80211_caphdr_t*) datap;
3811 caphdr->version = htonl(P80211CAPTURE_VERSION);
3812 caphdr->length = htonl(sizeof(p80211_caphdr_t));
3813 caphdr->mactime = __cpu_to_be64(rxdesc->time);
3814 caphdr->hosttime = __cpu_to_be64(jiffies);
3815 caphdr->phytype = htonl(4); /* dss_dot11_b */
3816 caphdr->channel = htonl(hw->sniff_channel);
3817 caphdr->datarate = htonl(rxdesc->rate);
3818 caphdr->antenna = htonl(0); /* unknown */
3819 caphdr->priority = htonl(0); /* unknown */
3820 caphdr->ssi_type = htonl(3); /* rssi_raw */
3821 caphdr->ssi_signal = htonl(rxdesc->signal);
3822 caphdr->ssi_noise = htonl(rxdesc->silence);
3823 caphdr->preamble = htonl(0); /* unknown */
3824 caphdr->encoding = htonl(1); /* cck */
3826 /* Copy the 802.11 header to the skb (ctl frames may be less than a full header) */
3827 datap = skb_put(skb, hdrlen);
3828 memcpy( datap, &(rxdesc->frame_control), hdrlen);
3830 /* If any, copy the data from the card to the skb */
3833 /* Truncate the packet if the user wants us to */
3834 UINT dataread = datalen;
3835 if(hw->sniff_truncate > 0 && dataread > hw->sniff_truncate) {
3836 dataread = hw->sniff_truncate;
3840 datap = skb_put(skb, dataread);
3841 hfa384x_copy_from_bap(hw,
3842 HFA384x_BAP_INT, rxfid, HFA384x_RX_DATA_OFF,
3845 /* check for unencrypted stuff if WEP bit set. */
3846 if (*(datap - hdrlen + 1) & 0x40) // wep set
3847 if ((*(datap) == 0xaa) && (*(datap+1) == 0xaa))
3848 *(datap - hdrlen + 1) &= 0xbf; // clear wep; it's the 802.2 header!
3851 if (!truncated && hw->sniff_fcs) {
3853 datap = skb_put(skb, WLAN_CRC_LEN);
3854 memset( datap, 0xff, WLAN_CRC_LEN);
3857 /* pass it back up */
3858 prism2sta_ev_rx(wlandev, skb);
3864 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
3867 * Handles the Alloc event.
3870 * wlandev wlan device structure
3879 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
3880 static void hfa384x_int_alloc(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
3882 hfa384x_t *hw = wlandev->priv;
3888 /* Handle the reclaimed FID */
3889 /* collect the FID and push it onto the stack */
3890 fid = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_ALLOCFID);
3892 if ( fid != hw->infofid ) { /* It's a transmit fid */
3893 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(5, "int_alloc(%#x)\n", fid);
3894 result = txfid_queue_add(hw, fid);
3896 prism2sta_ev_alloc(wlandev);
3897 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(5, "q_add.\n");
3899 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(5, "q_full.\n");
3902 /* unlock the info fid */
3903 up(&hw->infofid_sem);
3911 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
3912 * hfa384x_drvr_handover
3914 * Sends a handover notification to the MAC.
3917 * hw device structure
3918 * addr address of station that's left
3922 * -ERESTARTSYS received signal while waiting for semaphore.
3923 * -EIO failed to write to bap, or failed in cmd.
3928 * process thread, NOTE: this call may block on a semaphore!
3929 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
3930 int hfa384x_drvr_handover( hfa384x_t *hw, UINT8 *addr)
3933 hfa384x_HandoverAddr_t rec;
3937 /* Acquire the infofid */
3938 if ( down_interruptible(&hw->infofid_sem) ) {
3939 result = -ERESTARTSYS;
3943 /* Set up the record */
3944 len = sizeof(hfa384x_HandoverAddr_t);
3945 rec.framelen = host2hfa384x_16(len/2 - 1);
3946 rec.infotype = host2hfa384x_16(HFA384x_IT_HANDOVERADDR);
3947 memcpy(rec.handover_addr, addr, sizeof(rec.handover_addr));
3949 /* Issue the command */
3950 result = hfa384x_cmd_notify(hw, 1, hw->infofid, &rec, len);
3952 if ( result != 0 ) {
3953 WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1,"cmd_notify(%04x) failed, result=%d",
3954 hw->infofid, result);
3964 void hfa384x_tx_timeout(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
3968 WLAN_LOG_WARNING("Implement me.\n");
3973 /* Handles all "rx" BAP operations */
3974 static void hfa384x_bap_tasklet(unsigned long data)
3976 hfa384x_t *hw = (hfa384x_t *) data;
3977 wlandevice_t *wlandev = hw->wlandev;
3978 int counter = prism2_irq_evread_max;
3983 while (counter-- > 0) {
3984 /* Get interrupt register */
3985 reg = hfa384x_getreg(hw, HFA384x_EVSTAT);
3987 if ((reg == 0xffff) ||
3988 !(reg & HFA384x_INT_BAP_OP)) {
3992 if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISINFO(reg) ){
3993 hfa384x_int_info(wlandev);
3994 hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_INFO_SET(1),
3997 if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISTXEXC(reg) ){
3998 hfa384x_int_txexc(wlandev);
3999 hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_TXEXC_SET(1),
4002 if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISTX(reg) ){
4003 hfa384x_int_tx(wlandev);
4004 hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_TX_SET(1),
4007 if ( HFA384x_EVSTAT_ISRX(reg) ){
4008 hfa384x_int_rx(wlandev);
4009 hfa384x_setreg(hw, HFA384x_EVACK_RX_SET(1),
4014 /* re-enable interrupts */
4015 hfa384x_events_all(hw);