2 #define HAL_LED_SET_MASK 0x001c //20060901 Extend
3 #define HAL_LED_SET_SHIFT 2
6 #define RF_MAXIM_2825 0
7 #define RF_MAXIM_2827 1
8 #define RF_MAXIM_2828 2
9 #define RF_MAXIM_2829 3
10 #define RF_MAXIM_V1 15
11 #define RF_AIROHA_2230 16
12 #define RF_AIROHA_7230 17
13 #define RF_AIROHA_2230S 18 // 20060420 Add this
14 // #define RF_RFMD_2959 32 // 20060626 Remove all about RFMD
16 #define RF_WB_242_1 34 // 20060619.5 Add
17 #define RF_DECIDE_BY_INF 255
19 //----------------------------------------------------------------
20 // The follow define connect to upper layer
21 // User must modify for connection between HAL and upper layer
22 //----------------------------------------------------------------
27 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
28 //================================================================================================
30 //================================================================================================
31 #define HAL_USB_MODE_BURST( _H ) (_H->SoftwareSet & 0x20 ) // Bit 5 20060901 Modify
34 #define SCAN_MAX_CHNL_TIME (50)
36 // For TxL2 Frame typr recognise
37 #define FRAME_TYPE_802_3_DATA 0
38 #define FRAME_TYPE_802_11_MANAGEMENT 1
40 #define FRAME_TYPE_802_11_CONTROL 3
41 #define FRAME_TYPE_802_11_DATA 4
44 // The follow definition is used for convert the frame--------------------
45 #define DOT_11_SEQUENCE_OFFSET 22 //Sequence control offset
46 #define DOT_3_TYPE_OFFSET 12
47 #define DOT_11_MAC_HEADER_SIZE 24
48 #define DOT_11_SNAP_SIZE 6
49 #define DOT_11_TYPE_OFFSET 30 //The start offset of 802.11 Frame. Type encapsulatuin.
50 #define DEFAULT_SIFSTIME 10
51 #define DEFAULT_FRAGMENT_THRESHOLD 2346 // No fragment
52 #define DEFAULT_MSDU_LIFE_TIME 0xffff
59 // Frame Type of Bits (2, 3)---------------------------------------------
60 #define MAC_TYPE_MANAGEMENT 0x00
61 #define MAC_TYPE_CONTROL 0x04
62 #define MAC_TYPE_DATA 0x08
63 #define MASK_FRAGMENT_NUMBER 0x000F
70 #define HAL_KEYTYPE_WEP40 0
71 #define HAL_KEYTYPE_WEP104 1
72 #define HAL_KEYTYPE_TKIP 2 // 128 bit key
73 #define HAL_KEYTYPE_AES_CCMP 3 // 128 bit key
82 // Be used for 802.11 mac header
83 typedef struct _MAC_FRAME_CONTROL {
84 u8 mac_frame_info; // this is a combination of the protovl version, type and subtype
95 //-----------------------------------------------------
96 // Normal Key table format
97 //-----------------------------------------------------
99 #define MAX_KEY_TABLE 24 // 24 entry for storing key data
102 typedef struct _KEY_TABLE
106 u32 DW0_Security_Mode:2;//0:WEP 40 bit 1:WEP 104 bit 2:TKIP 128 bit 3:CCMP 128 bit
113 u32 DW2_RxSequenceCount1;
115 u32 DW3_RxSequenceCount2:16;
118 u32 DW4_TxSequenceCount1;
120 u32 DW5_TxSequenceCount2:16;
125 //--------------------------------------------------------
127 //--------------------------------------------------------
128 #define MAX_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_INDEX 8 // Have to multiple of 2
129 //#define FLAG_ERROR_TX_MASK cpu_to_le32(0x000000bf) //20061009 marked by anson's endian
130 #define FLAG_ERROR_TX_MASK 0x000000bf //20061009 anson's endian
131 //#define FLAG_ERROR_RX_MASK 0x00000c3f
132 //#define FLAG_ERROR_RX_MASK cpu_to_le32(0x0000083f) //20061009 marked by anson's endian
133 //Don't care replay error,
134 //it is handled by S/W
135 #define FLAG_ERROR_RX_MASK 0x0000083f //20060926 anson's endian
137 #define FLAG_BAND_RX_MASK 0x10000000 //Bit 28
139 typedef struct _R00_DESCRIPTOR
144 #ifdef _BIG_ENDIAN_ //20060926 anson's endian
147 u32 R00_packet_or_buffer_status:1;
148 u32 R00_packet_in_fifo:1;
150 u32 R00_receive_byte_count:12;
151 u32 R00_receive_time_index:16;
156 u32 R00_receive_time_index:16;
157 u32 R00_receive_byte_count:12;
159 u32 R00_packet_in_fifo:1;
160 u32 R00_packet_or_buffer_status:1;
166 typedef struct _T00_DESCRIPTOR
171 #ifdef _BIG_ENDIAN_ //20061009 anson's endian
174 u32 T00_first_mpdu:1; // for hardware use
175 u32 T00_last_mpdu:1; // for hardware use
176 u32 T00_IsLastMpdu:1;// 0: not 1:Yes for software used
177 u32 T00_IgnoreResult:1;// The same mechanism with T00 setting. 050111 Modify for TS
178 u32 T00_RESERVED_ID:2;//3 bit ID reserved
179 u32 T00_tx_packet_id:4;//930519.4.e 930810.3.c
181 u32 T00_header_length:6;
182 u32 T00_frame_length:12;
187 u32 T00_frame_length:12;
188 u32 T00_header_length:6;
190 u32 T00_tx_packet_id:4;//930519.4.e 930810.3.c
191 u32 T00_RESERVED_ID:2;//3 bit ID reserved
192 u32 T00_IgnoreResult:1;// The same mechanism with T00 setting. 050111 Modify for TS
193 u32 T00_IsLastMpdu:1;// 0: not 1:Yes for software used
194 u32 T00_last_mpdu:1; // for hardware use
195 u32 T00_first_mpdu:1; // for hardware use
201 typedef struct _R01_DESCRIPTOR
206 #ifdef _BIG_ENDIAN_ //20060926 add by anson's endian
215 u32 R01_decryption_method:2;
218 u32 R01_broadcast_frame:1;
219 u32 R01_multicast_frame:1;
220 u32 R01_directed_frame:1;
221 u32 R01_receive_frame_antenna_selection:1;
222 u32 R01_frame_receive_during_atim_window:1;
223 u32 R01_protocol_version_error:1;
224 u32 R01_authentication_frame_icv_error:1;
225 u32 R01_null_key_to_authentication_frame:1;
234 u32 R01_null_key_to_authentication_frame:1;
235 u32 R01_authentication_frame_icv_error:1;
236 u32 R01_protocol_version_error:1;
237 u32 R01_frame_receive_during_atim_window:1;
238 u32 R01_receive_frame_antenna_selection:1;
239 u32 R01_directed_frame:1;
240 u32 R01_multicast_frame:1;
241 u32 R01_broadcast_frame:1;
244 u32 R01_decryption_method:2;
256 typedef struct _T01_DESCRIPTOR
261 #ifdef _BIG_ENDIAN_ //20061009 anson's endian
264 u32 T01_rts_cts_duration:16;
265 u32 T01_fall_back_rate:3;
268 u32 T01_modulation_type:1;
269 u32 T01_plcp_header_length:1;
270 u32 T01_transmit_rate:3;
272 u32 T01_add_challenge_text:1;
273 u32 T01_inhibit_crc:1;
274 u32 T01_loop_back_wep_mode:1;
275 u32 T01_retry_abort_ebable:1;
280 u32 T01_retry_abort_ebable:1;
281 u32 T01_loop_back_wep_mode:1;
282 u32 T01_inhibit_crc:1;
283 u32 T01_add_challenge_text:1;
285 u32 T01_transmit_rate:3;
286 u32 T01_plcp_header_length:1;
287 u32 T01_modulation_type:1;
290 u32 T01_fall_back_rate:3;
291 u32 T01_rts_cts_duration:16;
297 typedef struct _T02_DESCRIPTOR
302 #ifdef _BIG_ENDIAN_ //20061009 add by anson's endian
305 u32 T02_IsLastMpdu:1;// The same mechanism with T00 setting
306 u32 T02_IgnoreResult:1;// The same mechanism with T00 setting. 050111 Modify for TS
307 u32 T02_RESERVED_ID:2;// The same mechanism with T00 setting
312 u32 T02_transmit_complete:1;
313 u32 T02_transmit_abort_due_to_TBTT:1;
314 u32 T02_effective_transmission_rate:1;
315 u32 T02_transmit_without_encryption_due_to_wep_on_false:1;
316 u32 T02_discard_due_to_null_wep_key:1;
317 u32 T02_RESERVED_1:1;
318 u32 T02_out_of_MaxTxMSDULiftTime:1;
319 u32 T02_transmit_abort:1;
320 u32 T02_transmit_fail:1;
325 u32 T02_transmit_fail:1;
326 u32 T02_transmit_abort:1;
327 u32 T02_out_of_MaxTxMSDULiftTime:1;
328 u32 T02_RESERVED_1:1;
329 u32 T02_discard_due_to_null_wep_key:1;
330 u32 T02_transmit_without_encryption_due_to_wep_on_false:1;
331 u32 T02_effective_transmission_rate:1;
332 u32 T02_transmit_abort_due_to_TBTT:1;
333 u32 T02_transmit_complete:1;
338 u32 T02_RESERVED_ID:2;// The same mechanism with T00 setting
339 u32 T02_IgnoreResult:1;// The same mechanism with T00 setting. 050111 Modify for TS
340 u32 T02_IsLastMpdu:1;// The same mechanism with T00 setting
346 typedef struct _DESCRIPTOR { // Skip length = 8 DWORD
347 // ID for descriptor ---, The field doesn't be cleard in the operation of Descriptor definition
349 //----------------------The above region doesn't be cleared by DESCRIPTOR_RESET------
352 u16 FragmentThreshold;
353 u8 InternalUsed;//Only can be used by operation of descriptor definition
354 u8 Type;// 0: 802.3 1:802.11 data frame 2:802.11 management frame
356 u8 PreambleMode;// 0: short 1:long
359 u8 EapFix; // For speed up key install
361 // For R00 and T00 ----------------------------------------------
368 // For R01 and T01 ----------------------------------------------
375 // For R02 and T02 ----------------------------------------------
382 // For R03 and T03 ----------------------------------------------
391 u8 buffer_start_index;
392 u16 buffer_total_size;
396 // For storing the buffer
397 u16 buffer_size[ MAX_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_INDEX ];
398 void* buffer_address[ MAX_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_INDEX ];//931130.4.q
403 #define DEFAULT_NULL_PACKET_COUNT 180000 //20060828.1 Add. 180 seconds
405 #define MAX_TXVGA_EEPROM 9 //How many word(u16) of EEPROM will be used for TxVGA
406 #define MAX_RF_PARAMETER 32
408 typedef struct _TXVGA_FOR_50 {
414 //=====================================================================
415 // Device related include
416 //=====================================================================
418 #include "linux/wbusb_s.h"
419 #include "linux/wb35reg_s.h"
420 #include "linux/wb35tx_s.h"
421 #include "linux/wb35rx_s.h"
424 // For Hal using ==================================================================
425 typedef struct _HW_DATA_T
427 // For compatible with 33
429 u32 BB3c_cal; // The value for Tx calibration comes from EEPROM
430 u32 BB54_cal; // The value for Rx calibration comes from EEPROM
433 // For surprise remove
434 u32 SurpriseRemove; // 0: Normal 1: Surprise remove
437 u8 CalOneTime; // 20060630.1
441 // For Fix 1'st DMA bug
443 u32 DMAFix; //V1_DMA_FIX The variable can be removed if driver want to save mem space for V2.
445 //=======================================================================================
446 // For USB driver, hal need more variables. Due to
447 // 1. NDIS-WDM operation
448 // 2. The SME, MLME and OLD MDS need Adapter structure, but the driver under HAL doesn't
449 // have that parameter when receiving and indicating packet.
450 // The MDS must input the Adapter pointer as the second parameter of hal_init_hardware.
451 // The function usage is different than PCI driver.
452 //=======================================================================================
455 //===============================================
456 // Definition for MAC address
457 //===============================================
458 u8 PermanentMacAddress[ETH_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS + 2]; // The Enthernet addr that are stored in EEPROM. + 2 to 8-byte alignment
459 u8 CurrentMacAddress[ETH_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS + 2]; // The Enthernet addr that are in used. + 2 to 8-byte alignment
461 //=====================================================================
462 // Definition for 802.11
463 //=====================================================================
464 u8 *bssid_pointer; // Used by hal_get_bssid for return value
465 u8 bssid[8];// Only 6 byte will be used. 8 byte is required for read buffer
466 u8 ssid[32];// maximum ssid length is 32 byte
473 u16 CapabilityInformation;
478 u8 bss_type;// 0: IBSS_NET or 1:ESS_NET
479 u8 preamble;// 0: short preamble, 1: long preamble
480 u8 slot_time_select;// 9 or 20 value
481 u8 phy_type;// Phy select
483 u32 phy_para[MAX_RF_PARAMETER];
486 u32 CurrentRadioSw; // 20060320.2 0:On 1:Off
487 u32 CurrentRadioHw; // 20060825 0:On 1:Off
489 u8 *power_save_point; // Used by hal_get_power_save_mode for return value
491 u8 desired_power_save;
492 u8 dtim;// Is running dtim
493 u8 mapping_key_replace_index;//In Key table, the next index be replaced 931130.4.r
495 u16 MaxReceiveLifeTime;
496 u16 FragmentThreshold;
497 u16 FragmentThreshold_tmp;
500 u8 Key_slot[MAX_KEY_TABLE][8]; //Ownership record for key slot. For Alignment
501 u32 Key_content[MAX_KEY_TABLE][12]; // 10DW for each entry + 2 for burst command( Off and On valid bit)
502 u8 CurrentDefaultKeyIndex;
503 u32 CurrentDefaultKeyLength;
505 //========================================================================
506 // Variable for each module
507 //========================================================================
508 WBUSB WbUsb; // Need WbUsb.h
509 WB35REG Wb35Reg; // Need Wb35Reg.h
510 WB35TX Wb35Tx; // Need Wb35Tx.h
511 WB35RX Wb35Rx; // Need Wb35Rx.h
513 OS_TIMER LEDTimer;// For LED
515 u32 LEDpoint;// For LED
517 u32 dto_tx_retry_count; // LA20040210_DTO kevin
518 u32 dto_tx_frag_count; // LA20040210_DTO kevin
519 u32 rx_ok_count[13]; // index=0: total rx ok
520 //u32 rx_ok_bytes[13]; // index=0, total rx ok bytes
521 u32 rx_err_count[13]; // index=0: total rx err
524 u32 tx_TBTT_start_count;
526 u32 tx_WepOn_false_count;
527 u32 tx_Null_key_count;
528 u32 tx_retry_count[8];
530 u8 PowerIndexFromEEPROM; // For 2412MHz
532 u8 IsWaitJoinComplete; // TRUE: set join request
538 u32 IsInitOK; // 0: Driver starting 1: Driver init OK
540 // For Phy calibration
541 s32 iq_rsdl_gain_tx_d2;
542 s32 iq_rsdl_phase_tx_d2;
543 u32 txvga_setting_for_cal; // 20060703.1 Add
545 u8 TxVgaSettingInEEPROM[ (((MAX_TXVGA_EEPROM*2)+3) & ~0x03) ]; // 20060621 For backup EEPROM value
546 u8 TxVgaFor24[16]; // Max is 14, 2 for alignment
547 TXVGA_FOR_50 TxVgaFor50[36]; // 35 channels in 5G. 35x2 = 70 byte. 2 for alignments
554 // LED_control 4 byte: Gray_Led_1[3] Gray_Led_0[2] Led[1] Led[0]
556 // For Led gray setting
558 // 0: normal control, LED behavior will decide by EEPROM setting
559 // 1: Turn off specific LED
560 // 2: Always on specific LED
561 // 3: slow blinking specific LED
562 // 4: fast blinking specific LED
563 // 5: WPS led control is set. Led0 is Red, Led1 id Green
564 // Led[1] is parameter for WPS LED mode
565 // // 1:InProgress 2: Error 3: Session overlap 4: Success 20061108 control
567 u32 LED_LinkOn; //Turn LED on control
568 u32 LED_Scanning; // Let LED in scan process control
569 u32 LED_Blinking; // Temp variable for shining
573 s32 SurpriseRemoveCount;
576 u32 time_count;//TICK_TIME_100ms 1 = 100ms
581 // 20060828.1 for avoid AP disconnect
584 } hw_data_t, *phw_data_t;
586 // The mapping of Rx and Tx descriptor field
587 typedef struct _HAL_RATE