3 # Output a simple RPM spec file that uses no fancy features requring
4 # RPM v4. This is intended to work with any RPM distro.
6 # The only gothic bit here is redefining install_post to avoid
7 # stripping the symbols from files in the kernel which we want
9 # Patched for non-x86 by Opencon (L) 2002 <opencon@rio.skydome.net>
12 # how we were called determines which rpms we build and how we build them
13 if [ "$1" = "prebuilt" ]; then
19 # starting to output the spec
20 if [ "`grep CONFIG_DRM=y .config | cut -f2 -d\=`" = "y" ]; then
25 __KERNELRELEASE=`echo $KERNELRELEASE | sed -e "s/-//g"`
28 echo "Summary: The Linux Kernel"
29 echo "Version: $__KERNELRELEASE"
30 # we need to determine the NEXT version number so that uname and
32 echo "Release: `. $srctree/scripts/mkversion`"
34 echo "Group: System Environment/Kernel"
35 echo "Vendor: The Linux Community"
36 echo "URL: http://www.kernel.org"
39 echo "Source: kernel-$__KERNELRELEASE.tar.gz"
42 echo "BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-%{PACKAGE_VERSION}-root"
43 echo "Provides: $PROVIDES"
44 echo "%define __spec_install_post /usr/lib/rpm/brp-compress || :"
45 echo "%define debug_package %{nil}"
48 echo "The Linux Kernel, the operating system core itself"
60 echo "make clean && make %{?_smp_mflags}"
66 echo 'mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot/efi $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules'
67 echo 'mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/firmware'
69 echo 'mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/boot $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules'
70 echo 'mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/firmware'
73 echo 'INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT make %{_smp_mflags} modules_install'
75 echo 'cp $KBUILD_IMAGE $RPM_BUILD_ROOT'"/boot/efi/vmlinuz-$KERNELRELEASE"
76 echo 'ln -s '"efi/vmlinuz-$KERNELRELEASE" '$RPM_BUILD_ROOT'"/boot/"
79 echo "cp vmlinux arch/powerpc/boot"
80 echo "cp arch/powerpc/boot/"'$KBUILD_IMAGE $RPM_BUILD_ROOT'"/boot/vmlinuz-$KERNELRELEASE"
82 echo 'cp $KBUILD_IMAGE $RPM_BUILD_ROOT'"/boot/vmlinuz-$KERNELRELEASE"
86 echo 'cp System.map $RPM_BUILD_ROOT'"/boot/System.map-$KERNELRELEASE"
88 echo 'cp .config $RPM_BUILD_ROOT'"/boot/config-$KERNELRELEASE"
91 echo '#echo -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT'
94 echo '%defattr (-, root, root)'
95 echo "%dir /lib/modules"
96 echo "/lib/modules/$KERNELRELEASE"