5 #define HVSC .long 0x44000022
8 #define H_BUSY 1 /* Hardware busy -- retry later */
9 #define H_CLOSED 2 /* Resource closed */
10 #define H_NOT_AVAILABLE 3
11 #define H_CONSTRAINED 4 /* Resource request constrained to max allowed */
13 #define H_IN_PROGRESS 14 /* Kind of like busy */
14 #define H_PAGE_REGISTERED 15
15 #define H_PARTIAL_STORE 16
16 #define H_PENDING 17 /* returned from H_POLL_PENDING */
17 #define H_CONTINUE 18 /* Returned from H_Join on success */
18 #define H_LONG_BUSY_START_RANGE 9900 /* Start of long busy range */
19 #define H_LONG_BUSY_ORDER_1_MSEC 9900 /* Long busy, hint that 1msec \
20 is a good time to retry */
21 #define H_LONG_BUSY_ORDER_10_MSEC 9901 /* Long busy, hint that 10msec \
22 is a good time to retry */
23 #define H_LONG_BUSY_ORDER_100_MSEC 9902 /* Long busy, hint that 100msec \
24 is a good time to retry */
25 #define H_LONG_BUSY_ORDER_1_SEC 9903 /* Long busy, hint that 1sec \
26 is a good time to retry */
27 #define H_LONG_BUSY_ORDER_10_SEC 9904 /* Long busy, hint that 10sec \
28 is a good time to retry */
29 #define H_LONG_BUSY_ORDER_100_SEC 9905 /* Long busy, hint that 100sec \
30 is a good time to retry */
31 #define H_LONG_BUSY_END_RANGE 9905 /* End of long busy range */
32 #define H_HARDWARE -1 /* Hardware error */
33 #define H_FUNCTION -2 /* Function not supported */
34 #define H_PRIVILEGE -3 /* Caller not privileged */
35 #define H_PARAMETER -4 /* Parameter invalid, out-of-range or conflicting */
36 #define H_BAD_MODE -5 /* Illegal msr value */
37 #define H_PTEG_FULL -6 /* PTEG is full */
38 #define H_NOT_FOUND -7 /* PTE was not found" */
39 #define H_RESERVED_DABR -8 /* DABR address is reserved by the hypervisor on this processor" */
41 #define H_AUTHORITY -10
42 #define H_PERMISSION -11
44 #define H_SOURCE_PARM -13
45 #define H_DEST_PARM -14
46 #define H_REMOTE_PARM -15
47 #define H_RESOURCE -16
48 #define H_ADAPTER_PARM -17
50 #define H_RCQ_PARM -19
51 #define H_SCQ_PARM -20
55 #define H_SIGT_PARM -24
56 #define H_TOKEN_PARM -25
57 #define H_MLENGTH_PARM -27
58 #define H_MEM_PARM -28
59 #define H_MEM_ACCESS_PARM -29
60 #define H_ATTR_PARM -30
61 #define H_PORT_PARM -31
62 #define H_MCG_PARM -32
64 #define H_TSIZE_PARM -34
65 #define H_TRACE_PARM -35
67 #define H_MASK_PARM -37
68 #define H_MCG_FULL -38
69 #define H_ALIAS_EXIST -39
70 #define H_P_COUNTER -40
71 #define H_TABLE_FULL -41
72 #define H_ALT_TABLE -42
73 #define H_MR_CONDITION -43
76 #define H_RESCINDEND -46
79 /* Long Busy is a condition that can be returned by the firmware
80 * when a call cannot be completed now, but the identical call
81 * should be retried later. This prevents calls blocking in the
82 * firmware for long periods of time. Annoyingly the firmware can return
83 * a range of return codes, hinting at how long we should wait before
84 * retrying. If you don't care for the hint, the macro below is a good
85 * way to check for the long_busy return codes
87 #define H_IS_LONG_BUSY(x) ((x >= H_LONG_BUSY_START_RANGE) \
88 && (x <= H_LONG_BUSY_END_RANGE))
91 #define H_LARGE_PAGE (1UL<<(63-16))
92 #define H_EXACT (1UL<<(63-24)) /* Use exact PTE or return H_PTEG_FULL */
93 #define H_R_XLATE (1UL<<(63-25)) /* include a valid logical page num in the pte if the valid bit is set */
94 #define H_READ_4 (1UL<<(63-26)) /* Return 4 PTEs */
95 #define H_AVPN (1UL<<(63-32)) /* An avpn is provided as a sanity test */
96 #define H_ANDCOND (1UL<<(63-33))
97 #define H_ICACHE_INVALIDATE (1UL<<(63-40)) /* icbi, etc. (ignored for IO pages) */
98 #define H_ICACHE_SYNCHRONIZE (1UL<<(63-41)) /* dcbst, icbi, etc (ignored for IO pages */
99 #define H_ZERO_PAGE (1UL<<(63-48)) /* zero the page before mapping (ignored for IO pages) */
100 #define H_COPY_PAGE (1UL<<(63-49))
101 #define H_N (1UL<<(63-61))
102 #define H_PP1 (1UL<<(63-62))
103 #define H_PP2 (1UL<<(63-63))
106 #define H_DABRX_HYPERVISOR (1UL<<(63-61))
107 #define H_DABRX_KERNEL (1UL<<(63-62))
108 #define H_DABRX_USER (1UL<<(63-63))
110 /* Each control block has to be on a 4K bondary */
111 #define H_CB_ALIGNMENT 4096
113 /* pSeries hypervisor opcodes */
114 #define H_REMOVE 0x04
117 #define H_CLEAR_MOD 0x10
118 #define H_CLEAR_REF 0x14
119 #define H_PROTECT 0x18
120 #define H_GET_TCE 0x1c
121 #define H_PUT_TCE 0x20
122 #define H_SET_SPRG0 0x24
123 #define H_SET_DABR 0x28
124 #define H_PAGE_INIT 0x2c
125 #define H_SET_ASR 0x30
126 #define H_ASR_ON 0x34
127 #define H_ASR_OFF 0x38
128 #define H_LOGICAL_CI_LOAD 0x3c
129 #define H_LOGICAL_CI_STORE 0x40
130 #define H_LOGICAL_CACHE_LOAD 0x44
131 #define H_LOGICAL_CACHE_STORE 0x48
132 #define H_LOGICAL_ICBI 0x4c
133 #define H_LOGICAL_DCBF 0x50
134 #define H_GET_TERM_CHAR 0x54
135 #define H_PUT_TERM_CHAR 0x58
136 #define H_REAL_TO_LOGICAL 0x5c
137 #define H_HYPERVISOR_DATA 0x60
143 #define H_PERFMON 0x7c
144 #define H_MIGRATE_DMA 0x78
145 #define H_REGISTER_VPA 0xDC
147 #define H_CONFER 0xE4
149 #define H_GET_PPP 0xEC
150 #define H_SET_PPP 0xF0
153 #define H_REG_CRQ 0xFC
154 #define H_FREE_CRQ 0x100
155 #define H_VIO_SIGNAL 0x104
156 #define H_SEND_CRQ 0x108
157 #define H_COPY_RDMA 0x110
158 #define H_SET_XDABR 0x134
159 #define H_STUFF_TCE 0x138
160 #define H_PUT_TCE_INDIRECT 0x13C
161 #define H_VTERM_PARTNER_INFO 0x150
162 #define H_REGISTER_VTERM 0x154
163 #define H_FREE_VTERM 0x158
164 #define H_RESET_EVENTS 0x15C
165 #define H_ALLOC_RESOURCE 0x160
166 #define H_FREE_RESOURCE 0x164
167 #define H_MODIFY_QP 0x168
168 #define H_QUERY_QP 0x16C
169 #define H_REREGISTER_PMR 0x170
170 #define H_REGISTER_SMR 0x174
171 #define H_QUERY_MR 0x178
172 #define H_QUERY_MW 0x17C
173 #define H_QUERY_HCA 0x180
174 #define H_QUERY_PORT 0x184
175 #define H_MODIFY_PORT 0x188
176 #define H_DEFINE_AQP1 0x18C
177 #define H_GET_TRACE_BUFFER 0x190
178 #define H_DEFINE_AQP0 0x194
179 #define H_RESIZE_MR 0x198
180 #define H_ATTACH_MCQP 0x19C
181 #define H_DETACH_MCQP 0x1A0
182 #define H_CREATE_RPT 0x1A4
183 #define H_REMOVE_RPT 0x1A8
184 #define H_REGISTER_RPAGES 0x1AC
185 #define H_DISABLE_AND_GETC 0x1B0
186 #define H_ERROR_DATA 0x1B4
187 #define H_GET_HCA_INFO 0x1B8
188 #define H_GET_PERF_COUNT 0x1BC
189 #define H_MANAGE_TRACE 0x1C0
190 #define H_QUERY_INT_STATE 0x1E4
191 #define H_POLL_PENDING 0x1D8
193 #define H_ENABLE_CRQ 0x2B0
197 /* plpar_hcall() -- Generic call interface using above opcodes
199 * The actual call interface is a hypervisor call instruction with
200 * the opcode in R3 and input args in R4-R7.
201 * Status is returned in R3 with variable output values in R4-R11.
202 * Only H_PTE_READ with H_READ_4 uses R6-R11 so we ignore it for now
203 * and return only two out args which MUST ALWAYS BE PROVIDED.
205 long plpar_hcall(unsigned long opcode,
212 unsigned long *out3);
214 /* Same as plpar_hcall but for those opcodes that return no values
215 * other than status. Slightly more efficient.
217 long plpar_hcall_norets(unsigned long opcode, ...);
220 * Special hcall interface for ibmveth support.
221 * Takes 8 input parms. Returns a rc and stores the
222 * R4 return value in *out1.
224 long plpar_hcall_8arg_2ret(unsigned long opcode,
233 unsigned long *out1);
235 /* plpar_hcall_4out()
237 * same as plpar_hcall except with 4 output arguments.
240 long plpar_hcall_4out(unsigned long opcode,
248 unsigned long *out4);
250 long plpar_hcall_7arg_7ret(unsigned long opcode,
264 unsigned long *out7);
266 long plpar_hcall_9arg_9ret(unsigned long opcode,
284 unsigned long *out9);
286 #endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
287 #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
288 #endif /* _ASM_POWERPC_HVCALL_H */