5 * where we put the ssd info
9 __u8 type:7; /* subchannel type */
10 __u8 chpid[8]; /* chpids */
11 __u16 fla[8]; /* full link addresses */
12 } __attribute__ ((packed));
15 * path management control word
18 __u32 intparm; /* interruption parameter */
19 __u32 qf : 1; /* qdio facility */
20 __u32 res0 : 1; /* reserved zeros */
21 __u32 isc : 3; /* interruption sublass */
22 __u32 res5 : 3; /* reserved zeros */
23 __u32 ena : 1; /* enabled */
24 __u32 lm : 2; /* limit mode */
25 __u32 mme : 2; /* measurement-mode enable */
26 __u32 mp : 1; /* multipath mode */
27 __u32 tf : 1; /* timing facility */
28 __u32 dnv : 1; /* device number valid */
29 __u32 dev : 16; /* device number */
30 __u8 lpm; /* logical path mask */
31 __u8 pnom; /* path not operational mask */
32 __u8 lpum; /* last path used mask */
33 __u8 pim; /* path installed mask */
34 __u16 mbi; /* measurement-block index */
35 __u8 pom; /* path operational mask */
36 __u8 pam; /* path available mask */
37 __u8 chpid[8]; /* CHPID 0-7 (if available) */
38 __u32 unused1 : 8; /* reserved zeros */
39 __u32 st : 3; /* subchannel type */
40 __u32 unused2 : 18; /* reserved zeros */
41 __u32 mbfc : 1; /* measurement block format control */
42 __u32 xmwme : 1; /* extended measurement word mode enable */
43 __u32 csense : 1; /* concurrent sense; can be enabled ...*/
44 /* ... per MSCH, however, if facility */
45 /* ... is not installed, this results */
46 /* ... in an operand exception. */
47 } __attribute__ ((packed));
50 * subchannel information block
53 struct pmcw pmcw; /* path management control word */
54 struct scsw scsw; /* subchannel status word */
55 __u64 mba; /* measurement block address */
56 __u8 mda[4]; /* model dependent area */
57 } __attribute__ ((packed,aligned(4)));
60 * operation request block
63 __u32 intparm; /* interruption parameter */
64 __u32 key : 4; /* flags, like key, suspend control, etc. */
65 __u32 spnd : 1; /* suspend control */
66 __u32 res1 : 1; /* reserved */
67 __u32 mod : 1; /* modification control */
68 __u32 sync : 1; /* synchronize control */
69 __u32 fmt : 1; /* format control */
70 __u32 pfch : 1; /* prefetch control */
71 __u32 isic : 1; /* initial-status-interruption control */
72 __u32 alcc : 1; /* address-limit-checking control */
73 __u32 ssic : 1; /* suppress-suspended-interr. control */
74 __u32 res2 : 1; /* reserved */
75 __u32 c64 : 1; /* IDAW/QDIO 64 bit control */
76 __u32 i2k : 1; /* IDAW 2/4kB block size control */
77 __u32 lpm : 8; /* logical path mask */
78 __u32 ils : 1; /* incorrect length */
79 __u32 zero : 6; /* reserved zeros */
80 __u32 orbx : 1; /* ORB extension control */
81 __u32 cpa; /* channel program address */
82 } __attribute__ ((packed,aligned(4)));
84 /* subchannel data structure used by I/O subroutines */
86 unsigned int irq; /* aka. subchannel number */
87 spinlock_t lock; /* subchannel lock */
94 } st; /* subchannel type */
97 unsigned int suspend:1; /* allow suspend */
98 unsigned int prefetch:1;/* deny prefetch */
99 unsigned int inter:1; /* suppress intermediate interrupts */
100 } __attribute__ ((packed)) options;
102 __u8 vpm; /* verified path mask */
103 __u8 lpm; /* logical path mask */
104 __u8 opm; /* operational path mask */
105 struct schib schib; /* subchannel information block */
106 struct orb orb; /* operation request block */
107 struct ccw1 sense_ccw; /* static ccw for sense command */
108 struct ssd_info ssd_info; /* subchannel description */
109 struct device dev; /* entry in device tree */
110 struct css_driver *driver;
111 } __attribute__ ((aligned(8)));
113 #define IO_INTERRUPT_TYPE 0 /* I/O interrupt type */
115 #define to_subchannel(n) container_of(n, struct subchannel, dev)
117 extern int cio_validate_subchannel (struct subchannel *, unsigned int);
118 extern int cio_enable_subchannel (struct subchannel *, unsigned int);
119 extern int cio_disable_subchannel (struct subchannel *);
120 extern int cio_cancel (struct subchannel *);
121 extern int cio_clear (struct subchannel *);
122 extern int cio_resume (struct subchannel *);
123 extern int cio_halt (struct subchannel *);
124 extern int cio_start (struct subchannel *, struct ccw1 *, __u8);
125 extern int cio_start_key (struct subchannel *, struct ccw1 *, __u8, __u8);
126 extern int cio_cancel (struct subchannel *);
127 extern int cio_set_options (struct subchannel *, int);
128 extern int cio_get_options (struct subchannel *);
129 extern int cio_modify (struct subchannel *);
132 extern struct subchannel *cio_probe_console(void);
133 extern void cio_release_console(void);
134 extern int cio_is_console(int irq);
135 extern struct subchannel *cio_get_console_subchannel(void);
137 #define cio_is_console(irq) 0
138 #define cio_get_console_subchannel() NULL
141 extern int cio_show_msg;