SourceFile Struct Reference

Represents a single source code file. More...

#include <structs.h>

Data Fields

char * filepath
int dirpath
char * filename
char * ext
char * diskpath
char * contents
int size
const char * language
int language_detected
char ** filenames

Detailed Description

Represents a single source code file.

Field Documentation

The contents of the file. Do not use this field. Use ohcount_sourcefile_get_contents() instead.

The last character address considered to be part of the directory path in filepath. This is an address in memory, not a length relative to filepath.

If filepath does not represent the real location of the file on disk, this field does.

The filepath's file extension.

The filepath's filename.

A string array of all filenames in this file's directory. Do not use this field. Use ohcount_sourcefile_get_filenames() instead.

The entire path to the file.

const char* SourceFile::language

The file's detected source code language. Do not use this field. Use ohcount_sourcefile_get_language() instead.

Flag used internally for keeping track of whether or not ohcount_sourcefile_get_language() has been called for this file.

A LicenseList of licenses detected. Do not use this field. Use ohcount_sourcefile_get_license_list() instead.

A LocList of all lines of code in each language in the file. Do not use this field. Use ohcount_sourcefile_get_loc_list() instead.

A ParsedLanguageList resulting from parsing the file. Do not use this field. Use ohcount_sourcefile_get_parsed_language_list() instead.

The size of the file's contents in bytes. Do not use this field. Use ohcount_sourcefile_get_contents_size() instead.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on Fri Aug 28 15:20:08 2009 for ohcount by  doxygen 1.5.9