IMalloc vtables are static.
[wine] / documentation / fonts.sgml
1   <sect1 id="config-fonts-main">
2     <title>Dealing with Fonts</title>
4     <sect2 id="config-windows-fonts">
5       <title>Fonts</title>
7       <para>
8         <note>
9           <para>
10             The <command>fnt2bdf</command> utility is included with
11             Wine. It can be found in the <filename>tools</filename>
12             directory. Links to the other tools mentioned in this
13             document can be found on wine headquarters:
14             <ulink url=""></ulink>
15           </para>
16         </note>
17       </para>
19       <sect3>
20         <title>How To Convert Windows Fonts</title>
21         <para>
22           If you have access to a Windows installation you should use the
23           <command>fnt2bdf</command> utility (found in the
24           <filename>tools</filename> directory) to convert bitmap
25           fonts (<filename>VGASYS.FON</filename>,
26           <filename>SSERIFE.FON</filename>, and
27           <filename>SERIFE.FON</filename>) into the format that the X
28           Window System can recognize.
29         </para>
31         <orderedlist>
32           <listitem>
33             <para>
34               Extract bitmap fonts with <command>fnt2bdf</command>.
35             </para>
36           </listitem>
37           <listitem>
38             <para>
39               Convert <filename>.bdf</filename> files produced by Step
40               1 into <filename>.pcf</filename> files with
41               <command>bdftopcf</command>.
42             </para>
43           </listitem>
44           <listitem>
45             <para>
46               Copy <filename>.pcf</filename> files to the font server
47               directory which is usually
48               <filename>/usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc</filename> (you will
49               probably  need superuser privileges). If you want to
50               create a new font directory you will need to add it to
51               the font path.
52             </para>
53           </listitem>
54           <listitem>
55             <para>
56               Run <command>mkfontdir</command> for the directory you
57               copied fonts to. If you are already in X you should run
58               <command>xset fp rehash</command> to make X server aware
59               of the new fonts. You may also or instead have to restart
60               the font server (using e.g.
61               <command>/etc/init.d/xfs restart</command>
62               under Red Hat 7.1)
63             </para>
64           </listitem>
65           <listitem>
66             <para>
67               Edit the <filename>~/.wine/config</filename> file to remove
68               aliases for the fonts you've just installed.
69             </para>
70           </listitem>
71         </orderedlist>
72         <para>
73           Wine can get by without these fonts but 'the look and feel'
74           may be quite different. Also, some applications try to load
75           their custom fonts on the fly (WinWord 6.0) and since Wine
76           does not implement this yet it instead prints out something
77           like;
78         </para>
79         <screen>
80 STUB: AddFontResource( SOMEFILE.FON )
81         </screen>
82         <para>
83           You can convert this file too. Note that
84           <filename>.FON</filename> file may not hold  any bitmap
85           fonts and <command>fnt2bdf</command> will fail if this is
86           the case. Also note that although the above message will not
87           disappear Wine will work around the problem by using the
88           font you extracted from the
89           <filename>SOMEFILE.FON</filename>.
90           <command>fnt2bdf</command> will only work for Windows 3.1
91           fonts. It  will not work for TrueType fonts.
92         </para>
93         <para>
94           What to do with TrueType fonts? There are several commercial
95           font tools that can convert them to the Type1 format but the
96           quality of the resulting fonts is far from stellar. The
97           other way to use them is to get a font server capable of
98           rendering  TrueType (Caldera has one, there also is the free
99           <command>xfstt</command> in
100           <filename>Linux/X11/fonts</filename> on sunsite and mirrors,
101           if you're on FreeBSD you can use the port in
102           <filename>/usr/ports/x11-servers/Xfstt</filename>.  And
103           there is <command>xfsft</command> which uses the freetype
104           library, see <link linkend="ttfont-server">freetype</link>
105           description).
106         </para>
107         <para>
108           However, there is a possibility of the native TrueType
109           support via FreeType renderer in the future (hint, hint :-)
110         </para>
111       </sect3>
113       <sect3>
114         <title>How To Add Font Aliases To <filename>~/.wine/config</filename></title>
115         <para>
116           Many Windows applications assume that fonts included in
117           original Windows 3.1  distribution are always present. By
118           default Wine creates a number of aliases that map them on
119           the existing X fonts:
120         </para>
122         <informaltable>
123           <tgroup cols="3">
124             <thead>
125               <row>
126                 <entry>Windows font</entry>
127                 <entry> mapped to...</entry>
128                 <entry>X font</entry>
129               </row>
130             </thead>
131             <tbody>
132               <row>
133                 <entry>"MS Sans Serif"</entry>
134                 <entry align="center">-&gt;</entry>
135                 <entry>"-adobe-helvetica-"</entry>
136               </row>
137               <row>
138                 <entry>"MS Serif"</entry>
139                 <entry align="center">-&gt;</entry>
140                 <entry>"-bitstream-charter-"</entry>
141               </row>
142               <row>
143                 <entry>"Times New Roman"</entry>
144                 <entry align="center">-&gt;</entry>
145                 <entry>"-adobe-times-"</entry>
146               </row>
147               <row>
148                 <entry>"Arial"</entry>
149                 <entry align="center">-&gt;</entry>
150                 <entry>"-adobe-helvetica-"</entry>
151               </row>
152             </tbody>
153           </tgroup>
154         </informaltable>
156         <para>
157           There is no default alias for the "System" font. Also, no
158           aliases are  created for the fonts that applications install
159           at runtime. The recommended  way to deal with this problem
160           is to convert the missing font (see above).  If it proves
161           impossible, like in the case with TrueType fonts, you can
162           force  the font mapper to choose a closely related X font by
163           adding an alias to the  [fonts] section. Make sure that the
164           X font actually exists (with <command>xfontsel</command>
165           tool).
166         </para>
167         <screen>
168 AliasN = [Windows font], [X font] &lt;, optional "mask X font" flag&gt;
169         </screen>
170         <para>
171           Example:
172         </para>
173         <screen>
174 Alias0 = System, --international-, subst
175 Alias1 = ...
176 ...
177         </screen>
178         <para>
180         </para>
181         <itemizedlist>
182           <listitem>
183             <para>
184               There must be no gaps in the sequence <literal>{0, ...,
185                 N}</literal> otherwise all aliases after the first gap
186               won't be read.
187             </para>
188           </listitem>
189           <listitem>
190             <para>
191               Usually font mapper translates X font names into font
192               names visible to Windows programs in the following
193               fashion:
194             </para>
196             <informaltable>
197               <tgroup cols="3">
198                 <thead>
199                   <row>
200                     <entry>X font</entry>
201                     <entry>...will show up as...</entry>
202                     <entry>Extracted name</entry>
203                   </row>
204                 </thead>
205                 <tbody>
206                   <row>
207                     <entry>--international-...</entry>
208                     <entry align="center">-&gt;</entry>
209                     <entry>"International"</entry>
210                   </row>
211                   <row>
212                     <entry>-adobe-helvetica-...</entry>
213                     <entry align="center">-&gt;</entry>
214                     <entry>"Helvetica"</entry>
215                   </row>
216                   <row>
217                     <entry>-adobe-utopia-...</entry>
218                     <entry align="center">-&gt;</entry>
219                     <entry>"Utopia"</entry>
220                   </row>
221                   <row>
222                     <entry>-misc-fixed-...</entry>
223                     <entry align="center">-&gt;</entry>
224                     <entry>"Fixed"</entry>
225                   </row>
226                   <row>
227                     <entry>-...</entry>
228                     <entry align="center">-&gt;</entry>
229                     <entry></entry>
230                   </row>
231                   <row>
232                     <entry>-sony-fixed-...</entry>
233                     <entry align="center">-&gt;</entry>
234                     <entry>"Sony Fixed"</entry>
235                   </row>
236                   <row>
237                     <entry>-...</entry>
238                     <entry align="center">-&gt;</entry>
239                     <entry></entry>
240                   </row>
241                 </tbody>
242               </tgroup>
243             </informaltable>
245             <para>
246               Note that since <literal>-misc-fixed-</literal> and
247               <literal>-sony-fixed-</literal> are different fonts Wine
248               modified the second extracted name to make sure Windows
249               programs can distinguish them because only extracted
250               names appear in the font selection dialogs.
251             </para>
252           </listitem>
253           <listitem>
254             <para>
255               "Masking" alias replaces the original extracted name so
256               that in the  example case we will have the following
257               mapping:
258             </para>
259             <informaltable>
260               <tgroup cols="3">
261                 <thead>
262                   <row>
263                     <entry>X font</entry>
264                     <entry> masked to...</entry>
265                     <entry>Extracted name</entry>
266                   </row>
267                 </thead>
268                 <tbody>
269                   <row>
270                     <entry>--international-...</entry>
271                     <entry align="center">-&gt;</entry>
272                     <entry>"System"</entry>
273                   </row>
274                 </tbody>
275               </tgroup>
276             </informaltable>
277             <para>
278               "Nonmasking" aliases are transparent to the user and
279               they do not replace extracted names.
280             </para>
281             <para>
282               Wine discards an alias when it sees that the native X
283               font is available.
284             </para>
285           </listitem>
286           <listitem>
287             <para>
288               If you do not have access to Windows fonts mentioned in
289               the first  paragraph you should try to substitute the
290               "System" font with  nonmasking alias. The
291               <command>xfontsel</command> application will show you
292               the fonts available to X.
293             </para>
294             <screen>
295 Alias.. = System, ...bold font without serifs
296             </screen>
297           </listitem>
298         </itemizedlist>
299         <para>
300           Also, some Windows applications request fonts without
301           specifying the  typeface name of the font. Font table starts
302           with Arial in most Windows  installations, however X font
303           table starts with whatever is the first line  in the
304           <filename>fonts.dir</filename>.  Therefore Wine uses the
305           following entry to determine  which font to check first.
306         </para>
307         <para>
308           Example:
309         </para>
310         <screen>
311 Default = -adobe-times-
312         </screen>
313         <para>
315         </para>
316         <para>
317           It is better to have a scalable font family (bolds and
318           italics included)  as the default choice because mapper
319           checks all available fonts until  requested height and other
320           attributes match perfectly or the end of the  font table is
321           reached. Typical X installations have scalable fonts in the
322           <filename>../fonts/Type1</filename> and
323           <filename>../fonts/Speedo</filename> directories.
324         </para>
325       </sect3>
327       <sect3>
328         <title>How To Manage Cached Font Metrics</title>
329         <para>
330           Wine stores detailed information about available fonts in
331           the <filename>~/.wine/cachedmetrics.[display]</filename> file. You
332           can copy it elsewhere and add this entry to the [fonts]
333           section  in your <filename>~/.wine/config</filename>:
334         </para>
335         <screen>
336 FontMetrics = &lt;file with metrics&gt;
337         </screen>
338         <para>
339           If Wine detects changes in the X font configuration it will
340           rebuild font metrics from scratch and then it will overwrite
341           <filename>~/.wine/cachedmetrics.[display]</filename> with  the new
342           information. This process can take a while.
343         </para>
344       </sect3>
346       <sect3>
347         <title>Too Small Or Too Large Fonts</title>
348         <para>
349           Windows programs may ask Wine to render a font with the
350           height specified in points. However, point-to-pixel ratio
351           depends on the real physical size  of your display (15",
352           17", etc...). X tries to provide an estimate of that  but it
353           can be quite different from the actual size. You can change
354           this ratio by adding the following entry to the [fonts]
355           section:
356         </para>
357         <screen>
358 Resolution = &lt;integer value&gt;
359         </screen>
360         <para>
361           In general, higher numbers give you larger fonts. Try to
362           experiment with values in the 60 - 120 range. 96 is a good
363           starting point.
364         </para>
365       </sect3>
367       <sect3>
368         <title>"FONT_Init: failed to load ..." Messages On Startup</title>
369         <para>
370           The most likely cause is a broken
371           <filename>fonts.dir</filename> file in one of your font
372           directories. You need to rerun <command>mkfontdir</command>
373           to rebuild this file. Read its manpage for more information.
374           If you can't run <command>mkfontdir</command> on this
375           machine as you are not root, use <command>xset -fp
376             xxx</command> to remove the broken font path.
377         </para>
378       </sect3>
379     </sect2>
381     <sect2 id="ttfont-server">
382     <title>Setting up a TrueType Font Server</title>
383       <para>
384         Follow these instructions to set up a TrueType font server on your system.
385       </para>
387       <orderedlist>
388         <listitem>
389           <para>
390             Get a freetype source archive (<filename>freetype-X.Y.tar.gz</filename> ?).
391           </para>
392         </listitem>
393         <listitem>
394           <para>
395             Read docs, unpack, configure and install
396           </para>
397         </listitem>
398         <listitem>
399           <para>
400             Test the library, e.g. <command>ftview 20 /dosc/win95/fonts/times</command>
401           </para>
402         </listitem>
403         <listitem>
404           <para>
405             Get <filename>xfsft-beta1e.linux-i586</filename>
406           </para>
407         </listitem>
408         <listitem>
409           <para>
410             Install it and start it when booting, e.g. in an
411             rc-script.  The manpage for <command>xfs</command>
412             applies.
413           </para>
414         </listitem>
415         <listitem>
416           <para>
417             Follow the hints given by <email></email>
418           </para>
419         </listitem>
420         <listitem>
421           <para>
422             I got <command>xfsft</command> from
423             <ulink url=""></ulink>.
424             I have it running all the time.  Here is
425             <filename>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fs/config</filename>:
426           </para>
427           <programlisting>
428 clone-self = on
429 use-syslog = off
430 catalogue = /c/windows/fonts
431 error-file = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fs/fs-errors
432 default-point-size = 120
433 default-resolutions = 75,75,100,100
434           </programlisting>
435           <para>
436             Obviously <filename>/c/windows/fonts</filename> is where
437             my Windows fonts on my Win95 <medialabel>C:</medialabel>
438             drive live; could be e.g.
439             <filename>/mnt/dosC/windows/system</filename> for Win31.
440           </para>
441           <para>
442             In <filename>/c/windows/fonts/fonts.scale</filename> I
443             have:
444           </para>
445           <programlisting>
446 14
447 arial.ttf -monotype-arial-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
448 arialbd.ttf -monotype-arial-bold-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
449 arialbi.ttf -monotype-arial-bold-o-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
450 ariali.ttf -monotype-arial-medium-o-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
451 cour.ttf -monotype-courier-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
452 courbd.ttf -monotype-courier-bold-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
453 courbi.ttf -monotype-courier-bold-o-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
454 couri.ttf -monotype-courier-medium-o-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
455 times.ttf -monotype-times-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
456 timesbd.ttf -monotype-times-bold-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
457 timesbi.ttf -monotype-times-bold-i-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
458 timesi.ttf -monotype-times-medium-i-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
459 symbol.ttf -monotype-symbol-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-microsoft-symbol
460 wingding.ttf -microsoft-wingdings-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-microsoft-symbol
461           </programlisting>
462           <para>
463             In <filename>/c/windows/fonts/fonts.dir</filename> I have
464             exactly the same.
465           </para>
466           <para>
467             In <filename>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config</filename> I have
468           </para>
469           <programlisting>
470 FontPath "tcp/localhost:7100"
471           </programlisting>
472           <para>
473             in front of the other <literal>FontPath</literal> lines.
474             That's it!  As an interesting by-product of course, all
475             those web pages which specify Arial come up in Arial in
476             Netscape ...
477           </para>
478         </listitem>
479         <listitem>
480           <para>
481             Shut down X and restart (and debug errors you did while
482             setting up everything).
483           </para>
484         </listitem>
485         <listitem>
486           <para>
487             Test with e.g. <command>xlsfont | grep arial</command>
488           </para>
489         </listitem>
490       </orderedlist>
492   </sect2>
494 </sect1>
496 <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
497 Local variables:
498 mode: sgml
499 sgml-parent-document:("wine-user.sgml" "set" "book" "chapter" "")
500 End:
501 -->