4 * Copyright 1998 Eric Kohl
5 * Copyright 2000 Eric Kohl for CodeWeavers
8 * - Imagelist support (partially).
9 * - Callback items (under construction).
10 * - Hottrack support (partially).
11 * - Custom draw support (including Notifications).
12 * - Drag and Drop support (including Notifications).
14 * - Use notification format
17 * - Little flaw when drawing a bitmap on the right side of the text.
23 #include "wine/unicode.h"
26 #include "imagelist.h"
27 #include "debugtools.h"
39 INT iOrder; /* see documentation of HD_ITEM */
41 BOOL bDown; /* is item pressed? (used for drawing) */
42 RECT rect; /* bounding rectangle of the item */
48 HWND hwndNotify; /* Owner window to send notifications to */
49 INT nNotifyFormat; /* format used for WM_NOTIFY messages */
50 UINT uNumItem; /* number of items (columns) */
51 INT nHeight; /* height of the header (pixels) */
52 HFONT hFont; /* handle to the current font */
53 HCURSOR hcurArrow; /* handle to the arrow cursor */
54 HCURSOR hcurDivider; /* handle to a cursor (used over dividers) <-|-> */
55 HCURSOR hcurDivopen; /* handle to a cursor (used over dividers) <-||-> */
56 BOOL bCaptured; /* Is the mouse captured? */
57 BOOL bPressed; /* Is a header item pressed (down)? */
58 BOOL bTracking; /* Is in tracking mode? */
59 BOOL bUnicode; /* Unicode flag */
60 INT iMoveItem; /* index of tracked item. (Tracking mode) */
61 INT xTrackOffset; /* distance between the right side of the tracked item and the cursor */
62 INT xOldTrack; /* track offset (see above) after the last WM_MOUSEMOVE */
63 INT nOldWidth; /* width of a sizing item after the last WM_MOUSEMOVE */
64 INT iHotItem; /* index of hot item (cursor is over this item) */
66 HIMAGELIST himl; /* handle to a image list (may be 0) */
67 HEADER_ITEM *items; /* pointer to array of HEADER_ITEM's */
68 BOOL bRectsValid; /* validity flag for bounding rectangles */
73 #define DIVIDER_WIDTH 10
75 #define HEADER_GetInfoPtr(hwnd) ((HEADER_INFO *)GetWindowLongA(hwnd,0))
79 HEADER_IndexToOrder (HWND hwnd, INT iItem)
81 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
82 HEADER_ITEM *lpItem = (HEADER_ITEM*)&infoPtr->items[iItem];
83 return lpItem->iOrder;
88 HEADER_OrderToIndex(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam)
90 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
91 INT i,iorder = (INT)wParam;
94 if ((iorder <0) || iorder >infoPtr->uNumItem)
96 for (i=0; i<infoPtr->uNumItem; i++)
97 if (HEADER_IndexToOrder(hwnd,i) == iorder)
103 HEADER_SetItemBounds (HWND hwnd)
105 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
110 infoPtr->bRectsValid = TRUE;
112 if (infoPtr->uNumItem == 0)
115 GetClientRect (hwnd, &rect);
118 for (i = 0; i < infoPtr->uNumItem; i++) {
119 phdi = &infoPtr->items[HEADER_OrderToIndex(hwnd,i)];
120 phdi->rect.top = rect.top;
121 phdi->rect.bottom = rect.bottom;
123 phdi->rect.right = phdi->rect.left + phdi->cxy;
124 x = phdi->rect.right;
129 HEADER_Size (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam)
131 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
133 infoPtr->bRectsValid = FALSE;
140 HEADER_DrawItem (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, INT iItem, BOOL bHotTrack)
142 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
143 HEADER_ITEM *phdi = &infoPtr->items[iItem];
147 TRACE("DrawItem(iItem %d bHotTrack %d)\n", iItem, bHotTrack);
149 if (!infoPtr->bRectsValid)
150 HEADER_SetItemBounds(hwnd);
153 if (r.right - r.left == 0)
154 return phdi->rect.right;
156 if (GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & HDS_BUTTONS) {
158 DrawEdge (hdc, &r, BDR_RAISEDOUTER,
164 DrawEdge (hdc, &r, EDGE_RAISED,
168 DrawEdge (hdc, &r, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_BOTTOM | BF_RIGHT | BF_ADJUST);
170 if (phdi->fmt & HDF_OWNERDRAW) {
172 dis.CtlType = ODT_HEADER;
173 dis.CtlID = GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_ID);
175 dis.itemAction = ODA_DRAWENTIRE;
176 dis.itemState = phdi->bDown ? ODS_SELECTED : 0;
180 dis.itemData = phdi->lParam;
181 oldBkMode = SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
182 SendMessageA (GetParent (hwnd), WM_DRAWITEM,
183 (WPARAM)dis.CtlID, (LPARAM)&dis);
184 if (oldBkMode != TRANSPARENT)
185 SetBkMode(hdc, oldBkMode);
188 UINT uTextJustify = DT_LEFT;
190 if ((phdi->fmt & HDF_JUSTIFYMASK) == HDF_CENTER)
191 uTextJustify = DT_CENTER;
192 else if ((phdi->fmt & HDF_JUSTIFYMASK) == HDF_RIGHT)
193 uTextJustify = DT_RIGHT;
195 if ((phdi->fmt & HDF_BITMAP) && (phdi->hbm)) {
198 INT yD, yS, cx, cy, rx, ry;
200 GetObjectA (phdi->hbm, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPVOID)&bmp);
202 ry = r.bottom - r.top;
203 rx = r.right - r.left;
205 if (ry >= bmp.bmHeight) {
207 yD = r.top + (ry - bmp.bmHeight) / 2;
213 yS = (bmp.bmHeight - ry) / 2;
217 if (rx >= bmp.bmWidth + 6) {
224 hdcBitmap = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc);
225 SelectObject (hdcBitmap, phdi->hbm);
226 BitBlt (hdc, r.left + 3, yD, cx, cy, hdcBitmap, 0, yS, SRCCOPY);
227 DeleteDC (hdcBitmap);
229 r.left += (bmp.bmWidth + 3);
233 if ((phdi->fmt & HDF_BITMAP_ON_RIGHT) && (phdi->hbm)) {
236 INT xD, yD, yS, cx, cy, rx, ry, tx;
239 GetObjectA (phdi->hbm, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPVOID)&bmp);
242 DrawTextW (hdc, phdi->pszText, -1,
244 tx = textRect.right - textRect.left;
245 ry = r.bottom - r.top;
246 rx = r.right - r.left;
248 if (ry >= bmp.bmHeight) {
250 yD = r.top + (ry - bmp.bmHeight) / 2;
256 yS = (bmp.bmHeight - ry) / 2;
260 if (r.left + tx + bmp.bmWidth + 9 <= r.right) {
262 xD = r.left + tx + 6;
265 if (rx >= bmp.bmWidth + 6) {
267 xD = r.right - bmp.bmWidth - 3;
277 hdcBitmap = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc);
278 SelectObject (hdcBitmap, phdi->hbm);
279 BitBlt (hdc, xD, yD, cx, cy, hdcBitmap, 0, yS, SRCCOPY);
280 DeleteDC (hdcBitmap);
283 if ((phdi->fmt & HDF_IMAGE) && (infoPtr->himl)) {
285 /* FIXME: (r.bottom- (infoPtr->himl->cy))/2 should horicontal center the image
286 It looks like it doesn't work as expected*/
287 ImageList_Draw (infoPtr->himl, phdi->iImage,hdc,r.left, (r.bottom- (infoPtr->himl->cy))/2,0);
288 r.left += infoPtr->himl->cx;
291 if (((phdi->fmt & HDF_STRING)
293 HDF_BITMAP_ON_RIGHT|HDF_IMAGE)))) /* no explicit format specified? */
294 && (phdi->pszText)) {
295 oldBkMode = SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
298 SetTextColor (hdc, (bHotTrack) ? COLOR_HIGHLIGHT : COLOR_BTNTEXT);
299 DrawTextW (hdc, phdi->pszText, -1,
301 if (oldBkMode != TRANSPARENT)
302 SetBkMode(hdc, oldBkMode);
306 return phdi->rect.right;
311 HEADER_Refresh (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc)
313 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
314 HFONT hFont, hOldFont;
319 /* get rect for the bar, adjusted for the border */
320 GetClientRect (hwnd, &rect);
322 hFont = infoPtr->hFont ? infoPtr->hFont : GetStockObject (SYSTEM_FONT);
323 hOldFont = SelectObject (hdc, hFont);
325 /* draw Background */
326 hbrBk = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE);
327 FillRect(hdc, &rect, hbrBk);
330 for (i = 0; i < infoPtr->uNumItem; i++) {
331 x = HEADER_DrawItem (hwnd, hdc, HEADER_OrderToIndex(hwnd,i), FALSE);
334 if ((x <= rect.right) && (infoPtr->uNumItem > 0)) {
336 if (GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & HDS_BUTTONS)
339 DrawEdge (hdc, &rect, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_BOTTOM);
342 SelectObject (hdc, hOldFont);
347 HEADER_RefreshItem (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, INT iItem)
349 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
350 HFONT hFont, hOldFont;
352 hFont = infoPtr->hFont ? infoPtr->hFont : GetStockObject (SYSTEM_FONT);
353 hOldFont = SelectObject (hdc, hFont);
354 HEADER_DrawItem (hwnd, hdc, iItem, FALSE);
355 SelectObject (hdc, hOldFont);
360 HEADER_InternalHitTest (HWND hwnd, LPPOINT lpPt, UINT *pFlags, INT *pItem)
362 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
367 GetClientRect (hwnd, &rect);
371 if (PtInRect (&rect, *lpPt))
373 if (infoPtr->uNumItem == 0) {
374 *pFlags |= HHT_NOWHERE;
380 /* somewhere inside */
381 for (iCount = 0; iCount < infoPtr->uNumItem; iCount++) {
382 rect = infoPtr->items[iCount].rect;
383 width = rect.right - rect.left;
388 if (PtInRect (&rect, *lpPt)) {
389 if (width <= 2 * DIVIDER_WIDTH) {
390 *pFlags |= HHT_ONHEADER;
392 TRACE("ON HEADER %d\n", iCount);
397 rcTest.right = rcTest.left + DIVIDER_WIDTH;
398 if (PtInRect (&rcTest, *lpPt)) {
400 *pFlags |= HHT_ONDIVOPEN;
402 TRACE("ON DIVOPEN %d\n", *pItem);
406 *pFlags |= HHT_ONDIVIDER;
408 TRACE("ON DIVIDER %d\n", *pItem);
414 rcTest.left = rcTest.right - DIVIDER_WIDTH;
415 if (PtInRect (&rcTest, *lpPt)) {
416 *pFlags |= HHT_ONDIVIDER;
418 TRACE("ON DIVIDER %d\n", *pItem);
422 *pFlags |= HHT_ONHEADER;
424 TRACE("ON HEADER %d\n", iCount);
429 /* check for last divider part (on nowhere) */
430 rect = infoPtr->items[infoPtr->uNumItem-1].rect;
431 rect.left = rect.right;
432 rect.right += DIVIDER_WIDTH;
433 if (PtInRect (&rect, *lpPt)) {
435 *pFlags |= HHT_ONDIVOPEN;
436 *pItem = infoPtr->uNumItem - 1;
437 TRACE("ON DIVOPEN %d\n", *pItem);
441 *pFlags |= HHT_ONDIVIDER;
442 *pItem = infoPtr->uNumItem-1;
443 TRACE("ON DIVIDER %d\n", *pItem);
448 *pFlags |= HHT_NOWHERE;
455 if (lpPt->x < rect.left) {
457 *pFlags |= HHT_TOLEFT;
459 else if (lpPt->x > rect.right) {
461 *pFlags |= HHT_TORIGHT;
464 if (lpPt->y < rect.top) {
466 *pFlags |= HHT_ABOVE;
468 else if (lpPt->y > rect.bottom) {
470 *pFlags |= HHT_BELOW;
475 TRACE("flags=0x%X\n", *pFlags);
481 HEADER_DrawTrackLine (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, INT x)
487 GetClientRect (hwnd, &rect);
489 hOldPen = SelectObject (hdc, GetStockObject (BLACK_PEN));
490 oldRop = SetROP2 (hdc, R2_XORPEN);
491 MoveToEx (hdc, x, rect.top, NULL);
492 LineTo (hdc, x, rect.bottom);
493 SetROP2 (hdc, oldRop);
494 SelectObject (hdc, hOldPen);
499 HEADER_SendSimpleNotify (HWND hwnd, UINT code)
501 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
504 nmhdr.hwndFrom = hwnd;
505 nmhdr.idFrom = GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_ID);
508 return (BOOL)SendMessageA (infoPtr->hwndNotify, WM_NOTIFY,
509 (WPARAM)nmhdr.idFrom, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
513 HEADER_SendHeaderNotify (HWND hwnd, UINT code, INT iItem, INT mask)
515 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
519 nmhdr.hdr.hwndFrom = hwnd;
520 nmhdr.hdr.idFrom = GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_ID);
521 nmhdr.hdr.code = code;
524 nmhdr.pitem = &nmitem;
526 nmitem.cxy = infoPtr->items[iItem].cxy;
527 nmitem.hbm = infoPtr->items[iItem].hbm;
528 nmitem.pszText = NULL;
529 nmitem.cchTextMax = 0;
530 /* nmitem.pszText = infoPtr->items[iItem].pszText; */
531 /* nmitem.cchTextMax = infoPtr->items[iItem].cchTextMax; */
532 nmitem.fmt = infoPtr->items[iItem].fmt;
533 nmitem.lParam = infoPtr->items[iItem].lParam;
534 nmitem.iOrder = infoPtr->items[iItem].iOrder;
535 nmitem.iImage = infoPtr->items[iItem].iImage;
537 return (BOOL)SendMessageA (infoPtr->hwndNotify, WM_NOTIFY,
538 (WPARAM)nmhdr.hdr.idFrom, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
543 HEADER_SendClickNotify (HWND hwnd, UINT code, INT iItem)
545 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
548 nmhdr.hdr.hwndFrom = hwnd;
549 nmhdr.hdr.idFrom = GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_ID);
550 nmhdr.hdr.code = code;
555 return (BOOL)SendMessageA (infoPtr->hwndNotify, WM_NOTIFY,
556 (WPARAM)nmhdr.hdr.idFrom, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
561 HEADER_CreateDragImage (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam)
563 FIXME("empty stub!\n");
569 HEADER_DeleteItem (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam)
571 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr(hwnd);
572 INT iItem = (INT)wParam;
574 TRACE("[iItem=%d]\n", iItem);
576 if ((iItem < 0) || (iItem >= (INT)infoPtr->uNumItem))
579 if (infoPtr->uNumItem == 1) {
580 TRACE("Simple delete!\n");
581 if (infoPtr->items[0].pszText)
582 COMCTL32_Free (infoPtr->items[0].pszText);
583 COMCTL32_Free (infoPtr->items);
585 infoPtr->uNumItem = 0;
588 HEADER_ITEM *oldItems = infoPtr->items;
589 TRACE("Complex delete! [iItem=%d]\n", iItem);
591 if (infoPtr->items[iItem].pszText)
592 COMCTL32_Free (infoPtr->items[iItem].pszText);
595 infoPtr->items = COMCTL32_Alloc (sizeof (HEADER_ITEM) * infoPtr->uNumItem);
596 /* pre delete copy */
598 memcpy (&infoPtr->items[0], &oldItems[0],
599 iItem * sizeof(HEADER_ITEM));
602 /* post delete copy */
603 if (iItem < infoPtr->uNumItem) {
604 memcpy (&infoPtr->items[iItem], &oldItems[iItem+1],
605 (infoPtr->uNumItem - iItem) * sizeof(HEADER_ITEM));
608 COMCTL32_Free (oldItems);
611 HEADER_SetItemBounds (hwnd);
613 InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
620 HEADER_GetImageList (HWND hwnd)
622 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
624 return (LRESULT)infoPtr->himl;
629 HEADER_GetItemA (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
631 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
632 HDITEMA *phdi = (HDITEMA*)lParam;
633 INT nItem = (INT)wParam;
638 if ((nItem < 0) || (nItem >= (INT)infoPtr->uNumItem))
641 TRACE("[nItem=%d]\n", nItem);
646 lpItem = (HEADER_ITEM*)&infoPtr->items[nItem];
647 if (phdi->mask & HDI_BITMAP)
648 phdi->hbm = lpItem->hbm;
650 if (phdi->mask & HDI_FORMAT)
651 phdi->fmt = lpItem->fmt;
653 if (phdi->mask & HDI_WIDTH)
654 phdi->cxy = lpItem->cxy;
656 if (phdi->mask & HDI_LPARAM)
657 phdi->lParam = lpItem->lParam;
659 if (phdi->mask & HDI_TEXT) {
660 if (lpItem->pszText != LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKW) {
662 WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP, 0, lpItem->pszText, -1,
663 phdi->pszText, phdi->cchTextMax, NULL, NULL);
668 phdi->pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKA;
671 if (phdi->mask & HDI_IMAGE)
672 phdi->iImage = lpItem->iImage;
674 if (phdi->mask & HDI_ORDER)
675 phdi->iOrder = lpItem->iOrder;
682 HEADER_GetItemW (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
684 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
685 HDITEMW *phdi = (HDITEMW*)lParam;
686 INT nItem = (INT)wParam;
691 if ((nItem < 0) || (nItem >= (INT)infoPtr->uNumItem))
694 TRACE("[nItem=%d]\n", nItem);
699 lpItem = (HEADER_ITEM*)&infoPtr->items[nItem];
700 if (phdi->mask & HDI_BITMAP)
701 phdi->hbm = lpItem->hbm;
703 if (phdi->mask & HDI_FORMAT)
704 phdi->fmt = lpItem->fmt;
706 if (phdi->mask & HDI_WIDTH)
707 phdi->cxy = lpItem->cxy;
709 if (phdi->mask & HDI_LPARAM)
710 phdi->lParam = lpItem->lParam;
712 if (phdi->mask & HDI_TEXT) {
713 if (lpItem->pszText != LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKW) {
715 lstrcpynW (phdi->pszText, lpItem->pszText, phdi->cchTextMax);
720 phdi->pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKW;
723 if (phdi->mask & HDI_IMAGE)
724 phdi->iImage = lpItem->iImage;
726 if (phdi->mask & HDI_ORDER)
727 phdi->iOrder = lpItem->iOrder;
733 inline static LRESULT
734 HEADER_GetItemCount (HWND hwnd)
736 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
737 return infoPtr->uNumItem;
742 HEADER_GetItemRect (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
744 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
745 INT iItem = (INT)wParam;
746 LPRECT lpRect = (LPRECT)lParam;
748 if ((iItem < 0) || (iItem >= (INT)infoPtr->uNumItem))
751 lpRect->left = infoPtr->items[iItem].rect.left;
752 lpRect->right = infoPtr->items[iItem].rect.right;
753 lpRect->top = infoPtr->items[iItem].rect.top;
754 lpRect->bottom = infoPtr->items[iItem].rect.bottom;
761 HEADER_GetOrderArray(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
764 LPINT order = (LPINT) lParam;
765 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
767 if ((int)wParam <infoPtr->uNumItem)
769 for (i=0; i<(int)wParam; i++)
770 *order++=HEADER_OrderToIndex(hwnd,i);
775 HEADER_SetOrderArray(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
778 LPINT order = (LPINT) lParam;
779 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
782 if ((int)wParam <infoPtr->uNumItem)
784 for (i=0; i<(int)wParam; i++)
786 lpItem = (HEADER_ITEM*)&infoPtr->items[*order++];
789 infoPtr->bRectsValid=0;
790 InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
794 inline static LRESULT
795 HEADER_GetUnicodeFormat (HWND hwnd)
797 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
798 return infoPtr->bUnicode;
803 HEADER_HitTest (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
807 HEADER_InternalHitTest (hwnd, &phti->pt, &phti->flags, &phti->iItem);
809 if (phti->flags == HHT_ONHEADER)
817 HEADER_InsertItemA (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
819 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
820 HDITEMA *phdi = (HDITEMA*)lParam;
821 INT nItem = (INT)wParam;
825 if ((phdi == NULL) || (nItem < 0))
828 if (nItem > infoPtr->uNumItem)
829 nItem = infoPtr->uNumItem;
831 if (infoPtr->uNumItem == 0) {
832 infoPtr->items = COMCTL32_Alloc (sizeof (HEADER_ITEM));
836 HEADER_ITEM *oldItems = infoPtr->items;
839 infoPtr->items = COMCTL32_Alloc (sizeof (HEADER_ITEM) * infoPtr->uNumItem);
841 memcpy (&infoPtr->items[1], &oldItems[0],
842 (infoPtr->uNumItem-1) * sizeof(HEADER_ITEM));
846 /* pre insert copy */
848 memcpy (&infoPtr->items[0], &oldItems[0],
849 nItem * sizeof(HEADER_ITEM));
852 /* post insert copy */
853 if (nItem < infoPtr->uNumItem - 1) {
854 memcpy (&infoPtr->items[nItem+1], &oldItems[nItem],
855 (infoPtr->uNumItem - nItem - 1) * sizeof(HEADER_ITEM));
859 COMCTL32_Free (oldItems);
862 lpItem = (HEADER_ITEM*)&infoPtr->items[nItem];
863 lpItem->bDown = FALSE;
865 if (phdi->mask & HDI_WIDTH)
866 lpItem->cxy = phdi->cxy;
868 if (phdi->mask & HDI_TEXT) {
869 if (!phdi->pszText) /* null pointer check */
871 if (phdi->pszText != LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKA) {
872 len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, phdi->pszText, -1, NULL, 0);
873 lpItem->pszText = COMCTL32_Alloc( len*sizeof(WCHAR) );
874 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, phdi->pszText, -1, lpItem->pszText, len);
877 lpItem->pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKW;
880 if (phdi->mask & HDI_FORMAT)
881 lpItem->fmt = phdi->fmt;
883 if (lpItem->fmt == 0)
884 lpItem->fmt = HDF_LEFT;
886 if (!(lpItem->fmt &HDF_STRING) && (phdi->mask & HDI_TEXT))
888 lpItem->fmt |= HDF_STRING;
890 if (phdi->mask & HDI_BITMAP)
891 lpItem->hbm = phdi->hbm;
893 if (phdi->mask & HDI_LPARAM)
894 lpItem->lParam = phdi->lParam;
896 if (phdi->mask & HDI_IMAGE)
897 lpItem->iImage = phdi->iImage;
899 if (phdi->mask & HDI_ORDER)
901 lpItem->iOrder = phdi->iOrder;
904 lpItem->iOrder=nItem;
907 HEADER_SetItemBounds (hwnd);
909 InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
916 HEADER_InsertItemW (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
918 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
919 HDITEMW *phdi = (HDITEMW*)lParam;
920 INT nItem = (INT)wParam;
924 if ((phdi == NULL) || (nItem < 0))
927 if (nItem > infoPtr->uNumItem)
928 nItem = infoPtr->uNumItem;
930 if (infoPtr->uNumItem == 0) {
931 infoPtr->items = COMCTL32_Alloc (sizeof (HEADER_ITEM));
935 HEADER_ITEM *oldItems = infoPtr->items;
938 infoPtr->items = COMCTL32_Alloc (sizeof (HEADER_ITEM) * infoPtr->uNumItem);
939 /* pre insert copy */
941 memcpy (&infoPtr->items[0], &oldItems[0],
942 nItem * sizeof(HEADER_ITEM));
945 /* post insert copy */
946 if (nItem < infoPtr->uNumItem - 1) {
947 memcpy (&infoPtr->items[nItem+1], &oldItems[nItem],
948 (infoPtr->uNumItem - nItem) * sizeof(HEADER_ITEM));
951 COMCTL32_Free (oldItems);
954 lpItem = (HEADER_ITEM*)&infoPtr->items[nItem];
955 lpItem->bDown = FALSE;
957 if (phdi->mask & HDI_WIDTH)
958 lpItem->cxy = phdi->cxy;
960 if (phdi->mask & HDI_TEXT) {
961 WCHAR wide_null_char = 0;
962 if (!phdi->pszText) /* null pointer check */
963 phdi->pszText = &wide_null_char;
964 if (phdi->pszText != LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKW) {
965 len = strlenW (phdi->pszText);
966 lpItem->pszText = COMCTL32_Alloc ((len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
967 strcpyW (lpItem->pszText, phdi->pszText);
970 lpItem->pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKW;
973 if (phdi->mask & HDI_FORMAT)
974 lpItem->fmt = phdi->fmt;
976 if (lpItem->fmt == 0)
977 lpItem->fmt = HDF_LEFT;
979 if (phdi->mask & HDI_BITMAP)
980 lpItem->hbm = phdi->hbm;
982 if (phdi->mask & HDI_LPARAM)
983 lpItem->lParam = phdi->lParam;
985 if (phdi->mask & HDI_IMAGE)
986 lpItem->iImage = phdi->iImage;
988 if (phdi->mask & HDI_ORDER)
990 lpItem->iOrder = phdi->iOrder;
993 lpItem->iOrder = nItem;
995 HEADER_SetItemBounds (hwnd);
997 InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
1004 HEADER_Layout (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1006 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
1007 LPHDLAYOUT lpLayout = (LPHDLAYOUT)lParam;
1009 lpLayout->pwpos->hwnd = hwnd;
1010 lpLayout->pwpos->hwndInsertAfter = 0;
1011 lpLayout->pwpos->x = lpLayout->prc->left;
1012 lpLayout->pwpos->y = lpLayout->prc->top;
1013 lpLayout->pwpos->cx = lpLayout->prc->right - lpLayout->prc->left;
1014 if (GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & HDS_HIDDEN)
1015 lpLayout->pwpos->cy = 0;
1017 lpLayout->pwpos->cy = infoPtr->nHeight;
1018 lpLayout->prc->top += infoPtr->nHeight;
1020 lpLayout->pwpos->flags = SWP_NOZORDER;
1022 TRACE("Layout x=%d y=%d cx=%d cy=%d\n",
1023 lpLayout->pwpos->x, lpLayout->pwpos->y,
1024 lpLayout->pwpos->cx, lpLayout->pwpos->cy);
1026 infoPtr->bRectsValid = FALSE;
1033 HEADER_SetImageList (HWND hwnd, HIMAGELIST himl)
1035 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
1038 TRACE("(himl 0x%x)\n", (int)himl);
1039 himlOld = infoPtr->himl;
1040 infoPtr->himl = himl;
1042 /* FIXME: Refresh needed??? */
1044 return (LRESULT)himlOld;
1049 HEADER_SetItemA (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1051 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
1052 HDITEMA *phdi = (HDITEMA*)lParam;
1053 INT nItem = (INT)wParam;
1054 HEADER_ITEM *lpItem;
1058 if ((nItem < 0) || (nItem >= (INT)infoPtr->uNumItem))
1061 TRACE("[nItem=%d]\n", nItem);
1063 if (HEADER_SendHeaderNotify (hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGINGA, nItem, phdi->mask))
1066 lpItem = (HEADER_ITEM*)&infoPtr->items[nItem];
1067 if (phdi->mask & HDI_BITMAP)
1068 lpItem->hbm = phdi->hbm;
1070 if (phdi->mask & HDI_FORMAT)
1071 lpItem->fmt = phdi->fmt;
1073 if (phdi->mask & HDI_LPARAM)
1074 lpItem->lParam = phdi->lParam;
1076 if (phdi->mask & HDI_TEXT) {
1077 if (phdi->pszText != LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKA) {
1078 if (lpItem->pszText) {
1079 COMCTL32_Free (lpItem->pszText);
1080 lpItem->pszText = NULL;
1082 if (phdi->pszText) {
1083 INT len = MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP,0,phdi->pszText,-1,NULL,0);
1084 lpItem->pszText = COMCTL32_Alloc( len*sizeof(WCHAR) );
1085 MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP,0,phdi->pszText,-1,lpItem->pszText,len);
1089 lpItem->pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKW;
1092 if (phdi->mask & HDI_WIDTH)
1093 lpItem->cxy = phdi->cxy;
1095 if (phdi->mask & HDI_IMAGE)
1096 lpItem->iImage = phdi->iImage;
1098 if (phdi->mask & HDI_ORDER)
1100 lpItem->iOrder = phdi->iOrder;
1103 lpItem->iOrder = nItem;
1105 HEADER_SendHeaderNotify (hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGEDA, nItem, phdi->mask);
1107 HEADER_SetItemBounds (hwnd);
1109 InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
1116 HEADER_SetItemW (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1118 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
1119 HDITEMW *phdi = (HDITEMW*)lParam;
1120 INT nItem = (INT)wParam;
1121 HEADER_ITEM *lpItem;
1125 if ((nItem < 0) || (nItem >= (INT)infoPtr->uNumItem))
1128 TRACE("[nItem=%d]\n", nItem);
1130 if (HEADER_SendHeaderNotify (hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGINGW, nItem, phdi->mask))
1133 lpItem = (HEADER_ITEM*)&infoPtr->items[nItem];
1134 if (phdi->mask & HDI_BITMAP)
1135 lpItem->hbm = phdi->hbm;
1137 if (phdi->mask & HDI_FORMAT)
1138 lpItem->fmt = phdi->fmt;
1140 if (phdi->mask & HDI_LPARAM)
1141 lpItem->lParam = phdi->lParam;
1143 if (phdi->mask & HDI_TEXT) {
1144 if (phdi->pszText != LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKW) {
1145 if (lpItem->pszText) {
1146 COMCTL32_Free (lpItem->pszText);
1147 lpItem->pszText = NULL;
1149 if (phdi->pszText) {
1150 INT len = strlenW (phdi->pszText);
1151 lpItem->pszText = COMCTL32_Alloc ((len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
1152 strcpyW (lpItem->pszText, phdi->pszText);
1156 lpItem->pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKW;
1159 if (phdi->mask & HDI_WIDTH)
1160 lpItem->cxy = phdi->cxy;
1162 if (phdi->mask & HDI_IMAGE)
1163 lpItem->iImage = phdi->iImage;
1165 if (phdi->mask & HDI_ORDER)
1167 lpItem->iOrder = phdi->iOrder;
1170 lpItem->iOrder = nItem;
1172 HEADER_SendHeaderNotify(hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGINGW, nItem, phdi->mask);
1174 HEADER_SetItemBounds (hwnd);
1176 InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
1181 inline static LRESULT
1182 HEADER_SetUnicodeFormat (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam)
1184 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
1185 BOOL bTemp = infoPtr->bUnicode;
1187 infoPtr->bUnicode = (BOOL)wParam;
1194 HEADER_Create (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1196 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr;
1201 infoPtr = (HEADER_INFO *)COMCTL32_Alloc (sizeof(HEADER_INFO));
1202 SetWindowLongA (hwnd, 0, (DWORD)infoPtr);
1204 infoPtr->hwndNotify = GetParent(hwnd);
1205 infoPtr->uNumItem = 0;
1206 infoPtr->nHeight = 20;
1209 infoPtr->bRectsValid = FALSE;
1210 infoPtr->hcurArrow = LoadCursorA (0, IDC_ARROWA);
1211 infoPtr->hcurDivider = LoadCursorA (COMCTL32_hModule, MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDC_DIVIDER));
1212 infoPtr->hcurDivopen = LoadCursorA (COMCTL32_hModule, MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDC_DIVIDEROPEN));
1213 infoPtr->bPressed = FALSE;
1214 infoPtr->bTracking = FALSE;
1215 infoPtr->iMoveItem = 0;
1217 infoPtr->iHotItem = -1;
1218 infoPtr->bUnicode = IsWindowUnicode (hwnd);
1219 infoPtr->nNotifyFormat =
1220 SendMessageA (infoPtr->hwndNotify, WM_NOTIFYFORMAT, (WPARAM)hwnd, NF_QUERY);
1223 hOldFont = SelectObject (hdc, GetStockObject (SYSTEM_FONT));
1224 GetTextMetricsA (hdc, &tm);
1225 infoPtr->nHeight = tm.tmHeight + VERT_BORDER;
1226 SelectObject (hdc, hOldFont);
1234 HEADER_Destroy (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1236 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
1237 HEADER_ITEM *lpItem;
1240 if (infoPtr->items) {
1241 lpItem = (HEADER_ITEM*)infoPtr->items;
1242 for (nItem = 0; nItem < infoPtr->uNumItem; nItem++, lpItem++) {
1243 if ((lpItem->pszText) && (lpItem->pszText != LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKW))
1244 COMCTL32_Free (lpItem->pszText);
1246 COMCTL32_Free (infoPtr->items);
1250 ImageList_Destroy (infoPtr->himl);
1252 COMCTL32_Free (infoPtr);
1253 SetWindowLongA (hwnd, 0, 0);
1258 static inline LRESULT
1259 HEADER_GetFont (HWND hwnd)
1261 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
1263 return (LRESULT)infoPtr->hFont;
1268 HEADER_LButtonDblClk (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1274 pt.x = (INT)LOWORD(lParam);
1275 pt.y = (INT)HIWORD(lParam);
1276 HEADER_InternalHitTest (hwnd, &pt, &flags, &nItem);
1278 if ((GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & HDS_BUTTONS) && (flags == HHT_ONHEADER))
1279 HEADER_SendHeaderNotify (hwnd, HDN_ITEMDBLCLICKA, nItem,0);
1280 else if ((flags == HHT_ONDIVIDER) || (flags == HHT_ONDIVOPEN))
1281 HEADER_SendHeaderNotify (hwnd, HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICKA, nItem,0);
1288 HEADER_LButtonDown (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1290 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
1291 DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
1297 pt.x = (INT)LOWORD(lParam);
1298 pt.y = (INT)HIWORD(lParam);
1299 HEADER_InternalHitTest (hwnd, &pt, &flags, &nItem);
1301 if ((dwStyle & HDS_BUTTONS) && (flags == HHT_ONHEADER)) {
1303 infoPtr->bCaptured = TRUE;
1304 infoPtr->bPressed = TRUE;
1305 infoPtr->iMoveItem = nItem;
1307 infoPtr->items[nItem].bDown = TRUE;
1309 /* Send WM_CUSTOMDRAW */
1311 HEADER_RefreshItem (hwnd, hdc, nItem);
1312 ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc);
1314 TRACE("Pressed item %d!\n", nItem);
1316 else if ((flags == HHT_ONDIVIDER) || (flags == HHT_ONDIVOPEN)) {
1317 if (!(HEADER_SendHeaderNotify (hwnd, HDN_BEGINTRACKA, nItem,0))) {
1319 infoPtr->bCaptured = TRUE;
1320 infoPtr->bTracking = TRUE;
1321 infoPtr->iMoveItem = nItem;
1322 infoPtr->nOldWidth = infoPtr->items[nItem].cxy;
1323 infoPtr->xTrackOffset = infoPtr->items[nItem].rect.right - pt.x;
1325 if (!(dwStyle & HDS_FULLDRAG)) {
1326 infoPtr->xOldTrack = infoPtr->items[nItem].rect.right;
1328 HEADER_DrawTrackLine (hwnd, hdc, infoPtr->xOldTrack);
1329 ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc);
1332 TRACE("Begin tracking item %d!\n", nItem);
1341 HEADER_LButtonUp (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1343 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
1345 *DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
1352 pt.x = (INT)SLOWORD(lParam);
1353 pt.y = (INT)SHIWORD(lParam);
1354 HEADER_InternalHitTest (hwnd, &pt, &flags, &nItem);
1356 if (infoPtr->bPressed) {
1357 if ((nItem == infoPtr->iMoveItem) && (flags == HHT_ONHEADER)) {
1358 infoPtr->items[infoPtr->iMoveItem].bDown = FALSE;
1360 HEADER_RefreshItem (hwnd, hdc, infoPtr->iMoveItem);
1361 ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc);
1363 HEADER_SendClickNotify (hwnd, HDN_ITEMCLICKA, infoPtr->iMoveItem);
1365 else if (flags == HHT_ONHEADER)
1367 HEADER_ITEM *lpItem;
1368 INT newindex = HEADER_IndexToOrder(hwnd,nItem);
1369 INT oldindex = HEADER_IndexToOrder(hwnd,infoPtr->iMoveItem);
1371 TRACE("Exchanging [index:order] [%d:%d] [%d:%d]\n",
1372 infoPtr->iMoveItem,oldindex,nItem,newindex);
1373 lpItem= (HEADER_ITEM*)&infoPtr->items[nItem];
1374 lpItem->iOrder=oldindex;
1376 lpItem= (HEADER_ITEM*)&infoPtr->items[infoPtr->iMoveItem];
1377 lpItem->iOrder = newindex;
1379 infoPtr->bRectsValid = FALSE;
1380 InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
1381 /* FIXME: Should some WM_NOTIFY be sent */
1384 TRACE("Released item %d!\n", infoPtr->iMoveItem);
1385 infoPtr->bPressed = FALSE;
1387 else if (infoPtr->bTracking) {
1388 TRACE("End tracking item %d!\n", infoPtr->iMoveItem);
1389 infoPtr->bTracking = FALSE;
1391 HEADER_SendHeaderNotify (hwnd, HDN_ENDTRACKA, infoPtr->iMoveItem,HDI_WIDTH);
1394 * we want to do this even for HDS_FULLDRAG because this is where
1395 * we send the HDN_ITEMCHANGING and HDN_ITEMCHANGED notifications
1397 * if (!(dwStyle & HDS_FULLDRAG)) {
1401 HEADER_DrawTrackLine (hwnd, hdc, infoPtr->xOldTrack);
1402 ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc);
1403 if (HEADER_SendHeaderNotify(hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGINGA, infoPtr->iMoveItem, HDI_WIDTH))
1405 infoPtr->items[infoPtr->iMoveItem].cxy = infoPtr->nOldWidth;
1408 nWidth = pt.x - infoPtr->items[infoPtr->iMoveItem].rect.left + infoPtr->xTrackOffset;
1411 infoPtr->items[infoPtr->iMoveItem].cxy = nWidth;
1414 HEADER_SendHeaderNotify(hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGINGA, infoPtr->iMoveItem, HDI_WIDTH);
1415 HEADER_SetItemBounds (hwnd);
1416 InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
1422 if (infoPtr->bCaptured) {
1423 infoPtr->bCaptured = FALSE;
1425 HEADER_SendSimpleNotify (hwnd, NM_RELEASEDCAPTURE);
1433 HEADER_NotifyFormat (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1435 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
1440 return infoPtr->nNotifyFormat;
1443 infoPtr->nNotifyFormat =
1444 SendMessageA ((HWND)wParam, WM_NOTIFYFORMAT,
1446 return infoPtr->nNotifyFormat;
1454 HEADER_MouseMove (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1456 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
1457 DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLongA (hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
1463 pt.x = (INT)SLOWORD(lParam);
1464 pt.y = (INT)SHIWORD(lParam);
1465 HEADER_InternalHitTest (hwnd, &pt, &flags, &nItem);
1467 if ((dwStyle & HDS_BUTTONS) && (dwStyle & HDS_HOTTRACK)) {
1469 infoPtr->iHotItem = nItem;
1471 infoPtr->iHotItem = -1;
1472 InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
1475 if (infoPtr->bCaptured) {
1476 if (infoPtr->bPressed) {
1477 if ((nItem == infoPtr->iMoveItem) && (flags == HHT_ONHEADER))
1478 infoPtr->items[infoPtr->iMoveItem].bDown = TRUE;
1480 infoPtr->items[infoPtr->iMoveItem].bDown = FALSE;
1482 HEADER_RefreshItem (hwnd, hdc, infoPtr->iMoveItem);
1483 ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc);
1485 TRACE("Moving pressed item %d!\n", infoPtr->iMoveItem);
1487 else if (infoPtr->bTracking) {
1488 if (dwStyle & HDS_FULLDRAG) {
1489 if (HEADER_SendHeaderNotify (hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGINGA, infoPtr->iMoveItem, HDI_WIDTH))
1491 nWidth = pt.x - infoPtr->items[infoPtr->iMoveItem].rect.left + infoPtr->xTrackOffset;
1494 infoPtr->items[infoPtr->iMoveItem].cxy = nWidth;
1495 HEADER_SendHeaderNotify(hwnd, HDN_ITEMCHANGEDA, infoPtr->iMoveItem, HDI_WIDTH);
1497 HEADER_SetItemBounds (hwnd);
1498 InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
1502 HEADER_DrawTrackLine (hwnd, hdc, infoPtr->xOldTrack);
1503 infoPtr->xOldTrack = pt.x + infoPtr->xTrackOffset;
1504 if (infoPtr->xOldTrack < infoPtr->items[infoPtr->iMoveItem].rect.left)
1505 infoPtr->xOldTrack = infoPtr->items[infoPtr->iMoveItem].rect.left;
1506 infoPtr->items[infoPtr->iMoveItem].cxy =
1507 infoPtr->xOldTrack - infoPtr->items[infoPtr->iMoveItem].rect.left;
1508 HEADER_DrawTrackLine (hwnd, hdc, infoPtr->xOldTrack);
1509 ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc);
1510 HEADER_SendHeaderNotify (hwnd, HDN_TRACKA, infoPtr->iMoveItem, HDI_WIDTH);
1513 TRACE("Tracking item %d!\n", infoPtr->iMoveItem);
1517 if ((dwStyle & HDS_BUTTONS) && (dwStyle & HDS_HOTTRACK)) {
1518 FIXME("hot track support!\n");
1526 HEADER_Paint (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam)
1531 hdc = wParam==0 ? BeginPaint (hwnd, &ps) : (HDC)wParam;
1532 HEADER_Refresh (hwnd, hdc);
1534 EndPaint (hwnd, &ps);
1540 HEADER_RButtonUp (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1545 pt.x = LOWORD(lParam);
1546 pt.y = HIWORD(lParam);
1548 /* Send a Notify message */
1549 bRet = HEADER_SendSimpleNotify (hwnd, NM_RCLICK);
1551 /* Change to screen coordinate for WM_CONTEXTMENU */
1552 ClientToScreen(hwnd, &pt);
1554 /* Send a WM_CONTEXTMENU message in response to the RBUTTONUP */
1555 SendMessageA( hwnd, WM_CONTEXTMENU, (WPARAM) hwnd, MAKELPARAM(pt.x, pt.y));
1562 HEADER_SetCursor (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1564 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
1569 TRACE("code=0x%X id=0x%X\n", LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));
1572 ScreenToClient (hwnd, &pt);
1574 HEADER_InternalHitTest (hwnd, &pt, &flags, &nItem);
1576 if (flags == HHT_ONDIVIDER)
1577 SetCursor (infoPtr->hcurDivider);
1578 else if (flags == HHT_ONDIVOPEN)
1579 SetCursor (infoPtr->hcurDivopen);
1581 SetCursor (infoPtr->hcurArrow);
1588 HEADER_SetFont (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1590 HEADER_INFO *infoPtr = HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd);
1592 HFONT hFont, hOldFont;
1595 infoPtr->hFont = (HFONT)wParam;
1597 hFont = infoPtr->hFont ? infoPtr->hFont : GetStockObject (SYSTEM_FONT);
1600 hOldFont = SelectObject (hdc, hFont);
1601 GetTextMetricsA (hdc, &tm);
1602 infoPtr->nHeight = tm.tmHeight + VERT_BORDER;
1603 SelectObject (hdc, hOldFont);
1606 infoPtr->bRectsValid = FALSE;
1609 InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
1616 static LRESULT WINAPI
1617 HEADER_WindowProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
1619 TRACE("hwnd=%x msg=%x wparam=%x lParam=%lx\n", hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
1620 if (!HEADER_GetInfoPtr (hwnd) && (msg != WM_CREATE))
1621 return DefWindowProcA (hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
1623 /* case HDM_CLEARFILTER: */
1626 return HEADER_CreateDragImage (hwnd, wParam);
1629 return HEADER_DeleteItem (hwnd, wParam);
1631 /* case HDM_EDITFILTER: */
1633 /* case HDM_GETBITMAPMARGIN: */
1636 return HEADER_GetImageList (hwnd);
1639 return HEADER_GetItemA (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1642 return HEADER_GetItemW (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1645 return HEADER_GetItemCount (hwnd);
1648 return HEADER_GetItemRect (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1651 return HEADER_GetOrderArray(hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1654 return HEADER_GetUnicodeFormat (hwnd);
1657 return HEADER_HitTest (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1660 return HEADER_InsertItemA (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1663 return HEADER_InsertItemW (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1666 return HEADER_Layout (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1669 return HEADER_OrderToIndex(hwnd, wParam);
1671 /* case HDM_SETBITMAPMARGIN: */
1675 /* case HDM_SETHOTDIVIDER: */
1678 return HEADER_SetImageList (hwnd, (HIMAGELIST)lParam);
1681 return HEADER_SetItemA (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1684 return HEADER_SetItemW (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1687 return HEADER_SetOrderArray(hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1690 return HEADER_SetUnicodeFormat (hwnd, wParam);
1693 return HEADER_Create (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1696 return HEADER_Destroy (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1705 return HEADER_GetFont (hwnd);
1708 return HEADER_LButtonDblClk (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1711 return HEADER_LButtonDown (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1714 return HEADER_LButtonUp (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1717 return HEADER_MouseMove (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1720 return HEADER_NotifyFormat (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1723 return HEADER_Size (hwnd, wParam);
1726 return HEADER_Paint (hwnd, wParam);
1729 return HEADER_RButtonUp (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1732 return HEADER_SetCursor (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1735 return HEADER_SetFont (hwnd, wParam, lParam);
1739 ERR("unknown msg %04x wp=%04x lp=%08lx\n",
1740 msg, wParam, lParam );
1741 return DefWindowProcA (hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
1748 HEADER_Register (void)
1752 ZeroMemory (&wndClass, sizeof(WNDCLASSA));
1753 wndClass.style = CS_GLOBALCLASS | CS_DBLCLKS;
1754 wndClass.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)HEADER_WindowProc;
1755 wndClass.cbClsExtra = 0;
1756 wndClass.cbWndExtra = sizeof(HEADER_INFO *);
1757 wndClass.hCursor = LoadCursorA (0, IDC_ARROWA);
1758 wndClass.lpszClassName = WC_HEADERA;
1760 RegisterClassA (&wndClass);
1765 HEADER_Unregister (void)
1767 UnregisterClassA (WC_HEADERA, (HINSTANCE)NULL);