2 * Windows hook functions
4 * Copyright 2002 Alexandre Julliard
5 * Copyright 2005 Dmitry Timoshkov
7 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
9 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
18 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
19 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
22 * Status of the various hooks:
24 * WH_JOURNALRECORD Partially implemented
25 * WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK Partially implemented
27 * WH_GETMESSAGE OK (FIXME: A/W mapping?)
28 * WH_CALLWNDPROC OK (FIXME: A/W mapping?)
42 * WH_HARDWARE Not supported in Win32
43 * WH_DEBUG Not implemented
49 * HSHELL_GETMINRECT Not implemented
50 * HSHELL_REDRAW Not implemented
51 * HSHELL_TASKMAN Not implemented
52 * HSHELL_LANGUAGE Not implemented
53 * HSHELL_SYSMENU Not implemented
54 * HSHELL_ENDTASK Not implemented
56 * HSHELL_APPCOMMAND Not implemented
57 * HSHELL_WINDOWREPLACED Not implemented
59 * WH_FOREGROUNDIDLE Not implemented
61 * WH_KEYBOARD_LL Implemented but should use SendMessage instead
62 * WH_MOUSE_LL Implemented but should use SendMessage instead
66 #include "wine/port.h"
76 #include "user_private.h"
77 #include "wine/server.h"
78 #include "wine/unicode.h"
79 #include "wine/debug.h"
91 BOOL prev_unicode, next_unicode;
92 WCHAR module[MAX_PATH];
97 static const char * const hook_names[WH_WINEVENT - WH_MINHOOK + 1] =
119 /***********************************************************************
120 * get_ll_hook_timeout
123 static UINT get_ll_hook_timeout(void)
125 /* FIXME: should retrieve LowLevelHooksTimeout in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop */
130 /***********************************************************************
133 * Implementation of SetWindowsHookExA and SetWindowsHookExW.
135 static HHOOK set_windows_hook( INT id, HOOKPROC proc, HINSTANCE inst, DWORD tid, BOOL unicode )
138 WCHAR module[MAX_PATH];
147 /* FIXME: what if the tid belongs to another process? */
148 if (tid) /* thread-local hook */
150 if (id == WH_JOURNALRECORD ||
152 id == WH_KEYBOARD_LL ||
156 /* these can only be global */
162 else /* system-global hook */
164 if (id == WH_KEYBOARD_LL || id == WH_MOUSE_LL) inst = 0;
165 else if (!inst || !(len = GetModuleFileNameW( inst, module, MAX_PATH )) || len >= MAX_PATH)
167 SetLastError( ERROR_HOOK_NEEDS_HMOD );
172 SERVER_START_REQ( set_hook )
177 req->event_min = EVENT_MIN;
178 req->event_max = EVENT_MAX;
179 req->flags = WINEVENT_INCONTEXT;
180 req->unicode = unicode;
181 if (inst) /* make proc relative to the module base */
183 req->proc = (void *)((char *)proc - (char *)inst);
184 wine_server_add_data( req, module, strlenW(module) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
186 else req->proc = proc;
188 if (!wine_server_call_err( req ))
190 handle = reply->handle;
191 get_user_thread_info()->active_hooks = reply->active_hooks;
196 TRACE( "%s %p %x -> %p\n", hook_names[id-WH_MINHOOK], proc, tid, handle );
201 /***********************************************************************
204 static LRESULT call_hook_AtoW( HOOKPROC proc, INT id, INT code, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
207 UNICODE_STRING usBuffer;
208 if (id != WH_CBT || code != HCBT_CREATEWND) ret = proc( code, wparam, lparam );
211 CBT_CREATEWNDA *cbtcwA = (CBT_CREATEWNDA *)lparam;
216 cbtcwW.hwndInsertAfter = cbtcwA->hwndInsertAfter;
217 csW = *(CREATESTRUCTW *)cbtcwA->lpcs;
219 if (HIWORD(cbtcwA->lpcs->lpszName))
221 RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz(&usBuffer,cbtcwA->lpcs->lpszName);
222 csW.lpszName = usBuffer.Buffer;
224 if (HIWORD(cbtcwA->lpcs->lpszClass))
226 RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz(&usBuffer,cbtcwA->lpcs->lpszClass);
227 csW.lpszClass = usBuffer.Buffer;
229 ret = proc( code, wparam, (LPARAM)&cbtcwW );
230 cbtcwA->hwndInsertAfter = cbtcwW.hwndInsertAfter;
231 if (HIWORD(csW.lpszName)) HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (LPWSTR)csW.lpszName );
232 if (HIWORD(csW.lpszClass)) HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (LPWSTR)csW.lpszClass );
238 /***********************************************************************
241 static LRESULT call_hook_WtoA( HOOKPROC proc, INT id, INT code, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
245 if (id != WH_CBT || code != HCBT_CREATEWND) ret = proc( code, wparam, lparam );
248 CBT_CREATEWNDW *cbtcwW = (CBT_CREATEWNDW *)lparam;
254 cbtcwA.hwndInsertAfter = cbtcwW->hwndInsertAfter;
255 csA = *(CREATESTRUCTA *)cbtcwW->lpcs;
257 if (HIWORD(cbtcwW->lpcs->lpszName)) {
258 len = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, cbtcwW->lpcs->lpszName, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
259 csA.lpszName = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, len*sizeof(CHAR) );
260 WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, cbtcwW->lpcs->lpszName, -1, (LPSTR)csA.lpszName, len, NULL, NULL );
263 if (HIWORD(cbtcwW->lpcs->lpszClass)) {
264 len = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, cbtcwW->lpcs->lpszClass, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
265 csA.lpszClass = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, len*sizeof(CHAR) );
266 WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, cbtcwW->lpcs->lpszClass, -1, (LPSTR)csA.lpszClass, len, NULL, NULL );
269 ret = proc( code, wparam, (LPARAM)&cbtcwA );
270 cbtcwW->hwndInsertAfter = cbtcwA.hwndInsertAfter;
271 if (HIWORD(csA.lpszName)) HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (LPSTR)csA.lpszName );
272 if (HIWORD(csA.lpszClass)) HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (LPSTR)csA.lpszClass );
278 /***********************************************************************
281 static LRESULT call_hook_proc( HOOKPROC proc, INT id, INT code, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam,
282 BOOL prev_unicode, BOOL next_unicode )
287 DPRINTF( "%04x:Call hook proc %p (id=%s,code=%x,wp=%08x,lp=%08lx)\n",
288 GetCurrentThreadId(), proc, hook_names[id-WH_MINHOOK], code, wparam, lparam );
290 if (!prev_unicode == !next_unicode) ret = proc( code, wparam, lparam );
291 else if (prev_unicode) ret = call_hook_WtoA( proc, id, code, wparam, lparam );
292 else ret = call_hook_AtoW( proc, id, code, wparam, lparam );
295 DPRINTF( "%04x:Ret hook proc %p (id=%s,code=%x,wp=%08x,lp=%08lx) retval=%08lx\n",
296 GetCurrentThreadId(), proc, hook_names[id-WH_MINHOOK], code, wparam, lparam, ret );
302 /***********************************************************************
305 * Retrieve the hook procedure real value for a module-relative proc
307 static void *get_hook_proc( void *proc, const WCHAR *module )
311 if (!(mod = GetModuleHandleW(module)))
313 TRACE( "loading %s\n", debugstr_w(module) );
314 /* FIXME: the library will never be freed */
315 if (!(mod = LoadLibraryW(module))) return NULL;
317 return (char *)mod + (ULONG_PTR)proc;
320 /***********************************************************************
323 * Call hook either in current thread or send message to the destination
326 static LRESULT call_hook( struct hook_info *info, INT code, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
332 struct hook_extra_info h_extra;
333 h_extra.handle = info->handle;
334 h_extra.lparam = lparam;
336 TRACE( "calling hook in thread %04x %s code %x wp %x lp %lx\n",
337 info->tid, hook_names[info->id-WH_MINHOOK], code, wparam, lparam );
342 MSG_SendInternalMessageTimeout( info->pid, info->tid, WM_WINE_KEYBOARD_LL_HOOK,
343 wparam, (LPARAM)&h_extra, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG,
344 get_ll_hook_timeout(), &ret );
347 MSG_SendInternalMessageTimeout( info->pid, info->tid, WM_WINE_MOUSE_LL_HOOK,
348 wparam, (LPARAM)&h_extra, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG,
349 get_ll_hook_timeout(), &ret );
352 ERR("Unknown hook id %d\n", info->id);
359 TRACE( "calling hook %p %s code %x wp %x lp %lx module %s\n",
360 info->proc, hook_names[info->id-WH_MINHOOK], code, wparam,
361 lparam, debugstr_w(info->module) );
363 if (!info->module[0] ||
364 (info->proc = get_hook_proc( info->proc, info->module )) != NULL)
366 struct user_thread_info *thread_info = get_user_thread_info();
367 HHOOK prev = thread_info->hook;
368 BOOL prev_unicode = thread_info->hook_unicode;
370 thread_info->hook = info->handle;
371 thread_info->hook_unicode = info->next_unicode;
372 ret = call_hook_proc( (HOOKPROC)info->proc, info->id, code, wparam, lparam,
373 info->prev_unicode, info->next_unicode );
374 thread_info->hook = prev;
375 thread_info->hook_unicode = prev_unicode;
381 /***********************************************************************
384 LRESULT HOOK_CallHooks( INT id, INT code, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL unicode )
386 struct user_thread_info *thread_info = get_user_thread_info();
387 struct hook_info info;
392 if (!HOOK_IsHooked( id ))
394 TRACE( "skipping hook %s mask %x\n", hook_names[id-WH_MINHOOK], thread_info->active_hooks );
398 ZeroMemory( &info, sizeof(info) - sizeof(info.module) );
399 info.prev_unicode = unicode;
402 SERVER_START_REQ( start_hook_chain )
405 req->event = EVENT_MIN;
406 wine_server_set_reply( req, info.module, sizeof(info.module)-sizeof(WCHAR) );
407 if (!wine_server_call( req ))
409 info.module[wine_server_reply_size(req) / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
410 info.handle = reply->handle;
411 info.pid = reply->pid;
412 info.tid = reply->tid;
413 info.proc = reply->proc;
414 info.next_unicode = reply->unicode;
415 thread_info->active_hooks = reply->active_hooks;
420 if (!info.tid && !info.proc) return 0;
421 ret = call_hook( &info, code, wparam, lparam );
423 SERVER_START_REQ( finish_hook_chain )
426 wine_server_call( req );
433 /***********************************************************************
436 BOOL HOOK_IsHooked( INT id )
438 struct user_thread_info *thread_info = get_user_thread_info();
440 if (!thread_info->active_hooks) return TRUE;
441 return (thread_info->active_hooks & (1 << (id - WH_MINHOOK))) != 0;
445 /***********************************************************************
446 * SetWindowsHookA (USER32.@)
448 HHOOK WINAPI SetWindowsHookA( INT id, HOOKPROC proc )
450 return SetWindowsHookExA( id, proc, 0, GetCurrentThreadId() );
454 /***********************************************************************
455 * SetWindowsHookW (USER32.@)
457 HHOOK WINAPI SetWindowsHookW( INT id, HOOKPROC proc )
459 return SetWindowsHookExW( id, proc, 0, GetCurrentThreadId() );
463 /***********************************************************************
464 * SetWindowsHookExA (USER32.@)
466 HHOOK WINAPI SetWindowsHookExA( INT id, HOOKPROC proc, HINSTANCE inst, DWORD tid )
468 return set_windows_hook( id, proc, inst, tid, FALSE );
471 /***********************************************************************
472 * SetWindowsHookExW (USER32.@)
474 HHOOK WINAPI SetWindowsHookExW( INT id, HOOKPROC proc, HINSTANCE inst, DWORD tid )
476 return set_windows_hook( id, proc, inst, tid, TRUE );
480 /***********************************************************************
481 * UnhookWindowsHook (USER32.@)
483 BOOL WINAPI UnhookWindowsHook( INT id, HOOKPROC proc )
487 TRACE( "%s %p\n", hook_names[id-WH_MINHOOK], proc );
489 SERVER_START_REQ( remove_hook )
494 ret = !wine_server_call_err( req );
495 if (ret) get_user_thread_info()->active_hooks = reply->active_hooks;
498 if (!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_HOOK_HANDLE );
504 /***********************************************************************
505 * UnhookWindowsHookEx (USER32.@)
507 BOOL WINAPI UnhookWindowsHookEx( HHOOK hhook )
511 TRACE( "%p\n", hhook );
513 SERVER_START_REQ( remove_hook )
517 ret = !wine_server_call_err( req );
518 if (ret) get_user_thread_info()->active_hooks = reply->active_hooks;
521 if (!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_HOOK_HANDLE );
526 /***********************************************************************
527 * CallNextHookEx (USER32.@)
529 LRESULT WINAPI CallNextHookEx( HHOOK hhook, INT code, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
531 struct user_thread_info *thread_info = get_user_thread_info();
532 struct hook_info info;
534 ZeroMemory( &info, sizeof(info) - sizeof(info.module) );
536 SERVER_START_REQ( get_hook_info )
538 req->handle = thread_info->hook;
540 req->event = EVENT_MIN;
541 wine_server_set_reply( req, info.module, sizeof(info.module)-sizeof(WCHAR) );
542 if (!wine_server_call_err( req ))
544 info.module[wine_server_reply_size(req) / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
545 info.handle = reply->handle;
547 info.pid = reply->pid;
548 info.tid = reply->tid;
549 info.proc = reply->proc;
550 info.next_unicode = reply->unicode;
555 info.prev_unicode = thread_info->hook_unicode;
556 return call_hook( &info, code, wparam, lparam );
560 LRESULT call_current_hook( HHOOK hhook, INT code, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
562 struct hook_info info;
564 ZeroMemory( &info, sizeof(info) - sizeof(info.module) );
566 SERVER_START_REQ( get_hook_info )
570 req->event = EVENT_MIN;
571 wine_server_set_reply( req, info.module, sizeof(info.module)-sizeof(WCHAR) );
572 if (!wine_server_call_err( req ))
574 info.module[wine_server_reply_size(req) / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
575 info.handle = reply->handle;
577 info.pid = reply->pid;
578 info.tid = reply->tid;
579 info.proc = reply->proc;
580 info.next_unicode = reply->unicode;
585 info.prev_unicode = TRUE; /* assume Unicode for this function */
586 return call_hook( &info, code, wparam, lparam );
589 /***********************************************************************
590 * CallMsgFilterA (USER32.@)
592 BOOL WINAPI CallMsgFilterA( LPMSG msg, INT code )
594 if (HOOK_CallHooks( WH_SYSMSGFILTER, code, 0, (LPARAM)msg, FALSE )) return TRUE;
595 return HOOK_CallHooks( WH_MSGFILTER, code, 0, (LPARAM)msg, FALSE );
599 /***********************************************************************
600 * CallMsgFilterW (USER32.@)
602 BOOL WINAPI CallMsgFilterW( LPMSG msg, INT code )
604 if (HOOK_CallHooks( WH_SYSMSGFILTER, code, 0, (LPARAM)msg, TRUE )) return TRUE;
605 return HOOK_CallHooks( WH_MSGFILTER, code, 0, (LPARAM)msg, TRUE );
609 /***********************************************************************
610 * SetWinEventHook [USER32.@]
612 * Set up an event hook for a set of events.
615 * event_min [I] Lowest event handled by pfnProc
616 * event_max [I] Highest event handled by pfnProc
617 * inst [I] DLL containing pfnProc
618 * proc [I] Callback event hook function
619 * pid [I] Process to get events from, or 0 for all processes
620 * tid [I] Thread to get events from, or 0 for all threads
621 * flags [I] Flags indicating the status of pfnProc
624 * Success: A handle representing the hook.
625 * Failure: A NULL handle.
627 HWINEVENTHOOK WINAPI SetWinEventHook(DWORD event_min, DWORD event_max,
629 DWORD pid, DWORD tid, DWORD flags)
631 HWINEVENTHOOK handle = 0;
632 WCHAR module[MAX_PATH];
635 TRACE("%d,%d,%p,%p,%08x,%04x,%08x\n", event_min, event_max, inst,
636 proc, pid, tid, flags);
640 if (!(len = GetModuleFileNameW(inst, module, MAX_PATH)) || len >= MAX_PATH)
644 if ((flags & WINEVENT_INCONTEXT) && !inst)
650 if (event_min > event_max)
656 /* FIXME: what if the tid or pid belongs to another process? */
657 if (tid) /* thread-local hook */
660 SERVER_START_REQ( set_hook )
662 req->id = WH_WINEVENT;
665 req->event_min = event_min;
666 req->event_max = event_max;
669 if (inst) /* make proc relative to the module base */
671 req->proc = (void *)((char *)proc - (char *)inst);
672 wine_server_add_data( req, module, strlenW(module) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
674 else req->proc = proc;
676 if (!wine_server_call_err( req ))
678 handle = reply->handle;
679 get_user_thread_info()->active_hooks = reply->active_hooks;
684 TRACE("-> %p\n", handle);
689 /***********************************************************************
690 * UnhookWinEvent [USER32.@]
692 * Remove an event hook for a set of events.
695 * hEventHook [I] Event hook to remove
698 * Success: TRUE. The event hook has been removed.
699 * Failure: FALSE, if hEventHook is invalid.
701 BOOL WINAPI UnhookWinEvent(HWINEVENTHOOK hEventHook)
705 TRACE( "%p\n", hEventHook );
707 SERVER_START_REQ( remove_hook )
709 req->handle = hEventHook;
710 req->id = WH_WINEVENT;
711 ret = !wine_server_call_err( req );
712 if (ret) get_user_thread_info()->active_hooks = reply->active_hooks;
718 inline static BOOL find_first_hook(DWORD id, DWORD event, HWND hwnd, LONG object_id,
719 LONG child_id, struct hook_info *info)
721 struct user_thread_info *thread_info = get_user_thread_info();
724 if (!HOOK_IsHooked( id ))
726 TRACE( "skipping hook %s mask %x\n", hook_names[id-WH_MINHOOK], thread_info->active_hooks );
730 SERVER_START_REQ( start_hook_chain )
735 req->object_id = object_id;
736 req->child_id = child_id;
737 wine_server_set_reply( req, info->module, sizeof(info->module)-sizeof(WCHAR) );
738 ret = !wine_server_call( req );
741 info->module[wine_server_reply_size(req) / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
742 info->handle = reply->handle;
743 info->proc = reply->proc;
744 info->tid = reply->tid;
745 thread_info->active_hooks = reply->active_hooks;
749 return ret && (info->tid || info->proc);
752 inline static BOOL find_next_hook(DWORD event, HWND hwnd, LONG object_id,
753 LONG child_id, struct hook_info *info)
757 SERVER_START_REQ( get_hook_info )
759 req->handle = info->handle;
763 req->object_id = object_id;
764 req->child_id = child_id;
765 wine_server_set_reply( req, info->module, sizeof(info->module)-sizeof(WCHAR) );
766 ret = !wine_server_call( req );
769 info->module[wine_server_reply_size(req) / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
770 info->handle = reply->handle;
771 info->proc = reply->proc;
772 info->tid = reply->tid;
779 inline static void find_hook_close(DWORD id)
781 SERVER_START_REQ( finish_hook_chain )
784 wine_server_call( req );
789 /***********************************************************************
790 * NotifyWinEvent [USER32.@]
792 * Inform the OS that an event has occurred.
795 * event [I] Id of the event
796 * hwnd [I] Window holding the object that created the event
797 * object_id [I] Type of object that created the event
798 * child_id [I] Child object of nId, or CHILDID_SELF.
803 void WINAPI NotifyWinEvent(DWORD event, HWND hwnd, LONG object_id, LONG child_id)
805 struct hook_info info;
807 TRACE("%04x,%p,%d,%d\n", event, hwnd, object_id, child_id);
818 if (event & 0x80000000)
820 /* FIXME: on 64-bit platforms we need to invent some other way for
821 * passing parameters, nId and nChildId can't hold full [W|L]PARAM.
822 * struct call_hook *hook = (LRESULT *)hWnd;
823 * wparam = hook->wparam;
824 * lparam = hook->lparam;
826 LRESULT *ret = (LRESULT *)hwnd;
827 INT id, code, unicode;
829 id = (dwEvent & 0x7fff0000) >> 16;
830 code = event & 0x7fff;
831 unicode = event & 0x8000;
832 *ret = HOOK_CallHooks(id, code, object_id, child_id, unicode);
837 if (!find_first_hook(WH_WINEVENT, event, hwnd, object_id, child_id, &info)) return;
843 TRACE( "calling WH_WINEVENT hook %p event %x hwnd %p %x %x module %s\n",
844 info.proc, event, hwnd, object_id, child_id, debugstr_w(info.module) );
846 if (!info.module[0] || (info.proc = get_hook_proc( info.proc, info.module )) != NULL)
849 DPRINTF( "%04x:Call winevent hook proc %p (hhook=%p,event=%x,hwnd=%p,object_id=%x,child_id=%x,tid=%04x,time=%x)\n",
850 GetCurrentThreadId(), info.proc, info.handle, event, hwnd, object_id,
851 child_id, GetCurrentThreadId(), GetCurrentTime());
853 info.proc(info.handle, event, hwnd, object_id, child_id,
854 GetCurrentThreadId(), GetCurrentTime());
857 DPRINTF( "%04x:Ret winevent hook proc %p (hhook=%p,event=%x,hwnd=%p,object_id=%x,child_id=%x,tid=%04x,time=%x)\n",
858 GetCurrentThreadId(), info.proc, info.handle, event, hwnd, object_id,
859 child_id, GetCurrentThreadId(), GetCurrentTime());
865 while (find_next_hook(event, hwnd, object_id, child_id, &info));
867 find_hook_close(WH_WINEVENT);
871 /***********************************************************************
872 * IsWinEventHookInstalled [USER32.@]
874 * Determine if an event hook is installed for an event.
877 * dwEvent [I] Id of the event
880 * TRUE, If there are any hooks installed for the event.
886 BOOL WINAPI IsWinEventHookInstalled(DWORD dwEvent)
888 FIXME("(%d)-stub!\n", dwEvent);