2 * Stream on HGLOBAL Tests
4 * Copyright 2006 Robert Shearman (for CodeWeavers)
6 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
29 #include "wine/test.h"
31 #define ok_ole_success(hr, func) ok(hr == S_OK, func " failed with error 0x%08x\n", hr)
33 static char const * const *expected_method_list;
35 #define CHECK_EXPECTED_METHOD(method_name) \
37 ok(*expected_method_list != NULL, "Extra method %s called\n", method_name); \
38 if (*expected_method_list) \
40 ok(!strcmp(*expected_method_list, method_name), "Expected %s to be called instead of %s\n", \
41 *expected_method_list, method_name); \
42 expected_method_list++; \
46 static void test_streamonhglobal(IStream *pStream)
48 const char data[] = "Test String";
56 ull.QuadPart = sizeof(data);
57 hr = IStream_SetSize(pStream, ull);
58 ok_ole_success(hr, "IStream_SetSize");
60 hr = IStream_Write(pStream, data, sizeof(data), NULL);
61 ok_ole_success(hr, "IStream_Write");
64 hr = IStream_Seek(pStream, ll, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
65 ok_ole_success(hr, "IStream_Seek");
67 /* should return S_OK, not S_FALSE */
68 hr = IStream_Read(pStream, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &read);
69 ok_ole_success(hr, "IStream_Read");
70 ok(read == sizeof(data), "IStream_Read returned read %d\n", read);
72 /* ignores HighPart */
75 hr = IStream_SetSize(pStream, ull);
76 ok_ole_success(hr, "IStream_SetSize");
78 hr = IStream_Commit(pStream, STGC_DEFAULT);
79 ok_ole_success(hr, "IStream_Commit");
81 hr = IStream_Revert(pStream);
82 ok_ole_success(hr, "IStream_Revert");
84 hr = IStream_LockRegion(pStream, ull, ull, LOCK_WRITE);
85 ok(hr == STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION, "IStream_LockRegion should have returned STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION instead of 0x%08x\n", hr);
87 hr = IStream_Stat(pStream, &statstg, STATFLAG_DEFAULT);
88 ok_ole_success(hr, "IStream_Stat");
89 ok(statstg.type == STGTY_STREAM, "statstg.type should have been STGTY_STREAM instead of %d\n", statstg.type);
91 /* test OOM condition */
94 hr = IStream_SetSize(pStream, ull);
95 ok(hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY || broken(hr == S_OK), /* win9x */
96 "IStream_SetSize with large size should have returned E_OUTOFMEMORY instead of 0x%08x\n", hr);
99 static HRESULT WINAPI TestStream_QueryInterface(IStream *iface, REFIID riid, void **ppv)
101 if (IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IUnknown) ||
102 IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_ISequentialStream) ||
103 IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IStream))
106 IUnknown_AddRef(iface);
110 return E_NOINTERFACE;
113 static ULONG WINAPI TestStream_AddRef(IStream *iface)
118 static ULONG WINAPI TestStream_Release(IStream *iface)
123 static HRESULT WINAPI TestStream_Read(IStream *iface, void *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcbRead)
125 CHECK_EXPECTED_METHOD("TestStream_Read");
129 static HRESULT WINAPI TestStream_Write(IStream *iface, const void *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcbWritten)
131 CHECK_EXPECTED_METHOD("TestStream_Write");
136 static HRESULT WINAPI TestStream_Seek(IStream *iface, LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove, DWORD dwOrigin, ULARGE_INTEGER *plibNewPosition)
138 CHECK_EXPECTED_METHOD("TestStream_Seek");
142 static HRESULT WINAPI TestStream_SetSize(IStream *iface, ULARGE_INTEGER libNewSize)
144 CHECK_EXPECTED_METHOD("TestStream_SetSize");
148 static HRESULT WINAPI TestStream_CopyTo(IStream *iface, IStream *pStream, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbRead, ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbWritten)
150 CHECK_EXPECTED_METHOD("TestStream_CopyTo");
154 static HRESULT WINAPI TestStream_Commit(IStream *iface, DWORD grfCommitFlags)
156 CHECK_EXPECTED_METHOD("TestStream_Commit");
160 static HRESULT WINAPI TestStream_Revert(IStream *iface)
162 CHECK_EXPECTED_METHOD("TestStream_Revert");
166 static HRESULT WINAPI TestStream_LockRegion(IStream *iface, ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, DWORD dwLockType)
168 CHECK_EXPECTED_METHOD("TestStream_LockRegion");
172 static HRESULT WINAPI TestStream_UnlockRegion(IStream *iface, ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, DWORD dwLockType)
174 CHECK_EXPECTED_METHOD("TestStream_UnlockRegion");
178 static HRESULT WINAPI TestStream_Stat(IStream *iface, STATSTG *pstatstg, DWORD grfStatFlag)
180 CHECK_EXPECTED_METHOD("TestStream_Stat");
184 static HRESULT WINAPI TestStream_Clone(IStream *iface, IStream **pStream)
186 CHECK_EXPECTED_METHOD("TestStream_Clone");
190 static /*const*/ IStreamVtbl StreamVtbl =
192 TestStream_QueryInterface,
202 TestStream_LockRegion,
203 TestStream_UnlockRegion,
208 static IStream Test_Stream = { &StreamVtbl };
210 static void test_copyto(void)
212 IStream *pStream, *pStream2;
213 HRESULT hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(NULL, TRUE, &pStream);
214 static const char szHello[] = "Hello";
216 static const char *methods_copyto[] =
223 ULARGE_INTEGER ullWritten;
224 ULARGE_INTEGER libNewPosition;
225 static const LARGE_INTEGER llZero;
228 expected_method_list = methods_copyto;
230 hr = IStream_Write(pStream, szHello, sizeof(szHello), &written);
231 ok_ole_success(hr, "IStream_Write");
232 ok(written == sizeof(szHello), "only %d bytes written\n", written);
234 hr = IStream_Seek(pStream, llZero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
235 ok_ole_success(hr, "IStream_Seek");
237 cb.QuadPart = sizeof(szHello);
238 hr = IStream_CopyTo(pStream, &Test_Stream, cb, &ullRead, &ullWritten);
239 ok(ullWritten.QuadPart == 5, "ullWritten was %d instead\n", (ULONG)ullWritten.QuadPart);
240 ok(ullRead.QuadPart == sizeof(szHello), "only %d bytes read\n", (ULONG)ullRead.QuadPart);
241 ok_ole_success(hr, "IStream_CopyTo");
243 ok(!*expected_method_list, "Method sequence starting from %s not called\n", *expected_method_list);
245 hr = IStream_Clone(pStream, &pStream2);
246 ok_ole_success(hr, "IStream_Clone");
248 hr = IStream_Seek(pStream2, llZero, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &libNewPosition);
249 ok_ole_success(hr, "IStream_Seek");
250 ok(libNewPosition.QuadPart == sizeof(szHello), "libNewPosition wasn't set correctly for the cloned stream\n");
252 hr = IStream_Seek(pStream2, llZero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
253 ok_ole_success(hr, "IStream_Seek");
255 hr = IStream_Read(pStream2, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL);
256 ok_ole_success(hr, "IStream_Read");
257 ok(!strcmp(buffer, szHello), "read data \"%s\" didn't match originally written data\n", buffer);
259 IStream_Release(pStream2);
260 IStream_Release(pStream);
263 static void test_freed_hglobal(void)
265 static const char teststring[] = "this is a test string";
270 char buffer[sizeof(teststring) + 8];
274 hglobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE|GMEM_NODISCARD|GMEM_MOVEABLE, strlen(teststring) + 1);
275 ok(hglobal != NULL, "GlobalAlloc failed with error %d\n", GetLastError());
276 p = GlobalLock(hglobal);
277 strcpy(p, teststring);
278 GlobalUnlock(hglobal);
280 hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(hglobal, FALSE, &pStream);
281 ok_ole_success(hr, "CreateStreamOnHGlobal");
283 hr = IStream_Read(pStream, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &read);
284 ok_ole_success(hr, "IStream_Read");
285 ok(!strcmp(buffer, teststring), "buffer data %s differs\n", buffer);
286 ok(read == sizeof(teststring) ||
287 broken(read == ((sizeof(teststring) + 3) & ~3)), /* win9x rounds the size */
288 "read should be sizeof(teststring) instead of %d\n", read);
292 memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
294 hr = IStream_Read(pStream, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &read);
295 ok_ole_success(hr, "IStream_Read");
296 ok(buffer[0] == 0, "buffer data should be untouched\n");
297 ok(read == 0, "read should be 0 instead of %d\n", read);
299 ull.QuadPart = sizeof(buffer);
300 hr = IStream_SetSize(pStream, ull);
301 ok(hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY, "IStream_SetSize with invalid HGLOBAL should return E_OUTOFMEMORY instead of 0x%08x\n", hr);
303 hr = IStream_Write(pStream, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &written);
304 ok(hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY, "IStream_Write with invalid HGLOBAL should return E_OUTOFMEMORY instead of 0x%08x\n", hr);
305 ok(written == 0, "written should be 0 instead of %d\n", written);
307 IStream_Release(pStream);
310 START_TEST(hglobalstream)
315 hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(NULL, TRUE, &pStream);
316 ok_ole_success(hr, "CreateStreamOnHGlobal");
318 test_streamonhglobal(pStream);
319 IStream_Release(pStream);
321 test_freed_hglobal();