3 Additional help text and error codes.
6 Directory byte counts and disk free space are reported with commas and in 64-bit.
7 File sizes have commas but are computed in 32 bits.
8 Handling of DIR /S on non-current path corrected.
9 DEL with wildcard or directory name works correctly.
12 Invoke an AUTOEXEC.BAT file if it exists in the root directory of the startup drive.
15 Can now be compiled as a WineLib app (conditional code added).
17 Icon added to resources (the Wine-glass).
20 Help text moved into resource file to allow localisation.
21 Simple batch files (without parameters) can be executed.
24 Fixed problem with DIR command & long, complex relative paths.
25 DIR /S and /P implemented.
26 Date and time in PROMPT localised.
27 More work on batch files (they are echoed to screen but not executed).
30 Command-line qualifiers /c /q /k implemented (as NT's CMD.EXE).
31 ECHO command implemented, though echo mode is not honoured.
32 Environment variables in commands (eg %envvar%) expanded.
33 REN and COPY added, but no wildcard support or relative paths.
34 Filenames in quotes now handled.
36 Preliminary coding for batch files.
39 Added relative path and alternate drive support to DIR, also free disk space
43 Added change-drive code.