2 * XCOPY - Wine-compatible xcopy program
4 * Copyright (C) 2007 J. Edmeades
6 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
23 * This should now support all options listed in the xcopy help from
25 * /Z - Copy from network drives in restartable mode
26 * /X - Copy file audit settings (sets /O)
27 * /O - Copy file ownership + ACL info
28 * /G - Copy encrypted files to unencrypted destination
34 * Apparently, valid return codes are:
36 * 1 - No files found to copy
37 * 2 - CTRL+C during copy
38 * 4 - Initialization error, or invalid source specification
39 * 5 - Disk write error
45 #include <wine/debug.h>
46 #include <wine/unicode.h>
53 typedef struct _EXCLUDELIST
55 struct _EXCLUDELIST *next;
60 /* Global variables */
61 static ULONG filesCopied = 0; /* Number of files copied */
62 static EXCLUDELIST *excludeList = NULL; /* Excluded strings list */
63 static FILETIME dateRange; /* Date range to copy after*/
64 static const WCHAR wchr_slash[] = {'\\', 0};
65 static const WCHAR wchr_star[] = {'*', 0};
66 static const WCHAR wchr_dot[] = {'.', 0};
67 static const WCHAR wchr_dotdot[] = {'.', '.', 0};
70 /* To minimize stack usage during recursion, some temporary variables
72 static WCHAR copyFrom[MAX_PATH];
73 static WCHAR copyTo[MAX_PATH];
76 /* =========================================================================
77 * Load a string from the resource file, handling any error
78 * Returns string retrieved from resource file
79 * ========================================================================= */
80 static WCHAR *XCOPY_LoadMessage(UINT id) {
81 static WCHAR msg[MAXSTRING];
82 const WCHAR failedMsg[] = {'F', 'a', 'i', 'l', 'e', 'd', '!', 0};
84 if (!LoadStringW(GetModuleHandleW(NULL), id, msg, sizeof(msg)/sizeof(WCHAR))) {
85 WINE_FIXME("LoadString failed with %d\n", GetLastError());
86 lstrcpyW(msg, failedMsg);
91 /* =========================================================================
92 * Output a formatted unicode string. Ideally this will go to the console
93 * and hence required WriteConsoleW to output it, however if file i/o is
94 * redirected, it needs to be WriteFile'd using OEM (not ANSI) format
95 * ========================================================================= */
96 static int __cdecl XCOPY_wprintf(const WCHAR *format, ...) {
98 static WCHAR *output_bufW = NULL;
99 static char *output_bufA = NULL;
100 static BOOL toConsole = TRUE;
101 static BOOL traceOutput = FALSE;
102 #define MAX_WRITECONSOLE_SIZE 65535
110 * Allocate buffer to use when writing to console
111 * Note: Not freed - memory will be allocated once and released when
115 if (!output_bufW) output_bufW = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
118 WINE_FIXME("Out of memory - could not allocate 2 x 64K buffers\n");
122 __ms_va_start(parms, format);
123 SetLastError(NO_ERROR);
124 len = FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, format, 0, 0, output_bufW,
125 MAX_WRITECONSOLE_SIZE/sizeof(*output_bufW), &parms);
127 if (len == 0 && GetLastError() != NO_ERROR) {
128 WINE_FIXME("Could not format string: le=%u, fmt=%s\n", GetLastError(), wine_dbgstr_w(format));
132 /* Try to write as unicode whenever we think it's a console */
134 res = WriteConsoleW(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),
135 output_bufW, len, &nOut, NULL);
138 /* If writing to console has failed (ever) we assume it's file
139 i/o so convert to OEM codepage and output */
141 BOOL usedDefaultChar = FALSE;
142 DWORD convertedChars;
147 * Allocate buffer to use when writing to file. Not freed, as above
149 if (!output_bufA) output_bufA = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
152 WINE_FIXME("Out of memory - could not allocate 2 x 64K buffers\n");
156 /* Convert to OEM, then output */
157 convertedChars = WideCharToMultiByte(GetConsoleOutputCP(), 0, output_bufW,
158 len, output_bufA, MAX_WRITECONSOLE_SIZE,
159 "?", &usedDefaultChar);
160 WriteFile(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), output_bufA, convertedChars,
164 /* Trace whether screen or console */
166 WINE_TRACE("Writing to console? (%d)\n", toConsole);
172 /* =========================================================================
173 * Load a string for a system error and writes it to the screen
174 * Returns string retrieved from resource file
175 * ========================================================================= */
176 static void XCOPY_FailMessage(DWORD err) {
180 status = FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER |
183 (LPWSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL);
185 WINE_FIXME("FIXME: Cannot display message for error %d, status %d\n",
186 err, GetLastError());
188 const WCHAR infostr[] = {'%', '1', '\n', 0};
189 XCOPY_wprintf(infostr, lpMsgBuf);
190 LocalFree ((HLOCAL)lpMsgBuf);
195 /* =========================================================================
196 * Routine copied from cmd.exe md command -
197 * This works recursively. so creating dir1\dir2\dir3 will create dir1 and
198 * dir2 if they do not already exist.
199 * ========================================================================= */
200 static BOOL XCOPY_CreateDirectory(const WCHAR* path)
206 new_path = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0, sizeof(WCHAR) * (lstrlenW(path)+1));
207 lstrcpyW(new_path,path);
209 while ((len = lstrlenW(new_path)) && new_path[len - 1] == '\\')
210 new_path[len - 1] = 0;
212 while (!CreateDirectoryW(new_path,NULL))
215 DWORD last_error = GetLastError();
216 if (last_error == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
219 if (last_error != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)
225 if (!(slash = wcsrchr(new_path,'\\')) && ! (slash = wcsrchr(new_path,'/')))
231 len = slash - new_path;
233 if (!XCOPY_CreateDirectory(new_path))
238 new_path[len] = '\\';
240 HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,new_path);
244 /* =========================================================================
245 * Process a single file from the /EXCLUDE: file list, building up a list
246 * of substrings to avoid copying
247 * Returns TRUE on any failure
248 * ========================================================================= */
249 static BOOL XCOPY_ProcessExcludeFile(WCHAR* filename, WCHAR* endOfName) {
251 WCHAR endChar = *endOfName;
252 WCHAR buffer[MAXSTRING];
254 const WCHAR readTextMode[] = {'r', 't', 0};
256 /* Null terminate the filename (temporarily updates the filename hence
261 inFile = _wfopen(filename, readTextMode);
262 if (inFile == NULL) {
263 XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_OPENFAIL), filename);
264 *endOfName = endChar;
268 /* Process line by line */
269 while (fgetws(buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), inFile) != NULL) {
270 EXCLUDELIST *thisEntry;
271 int length = lstrlenW(buffer);
274 buffer[length-1] = 0x00;
276 /* If more than CRLF */
278 thisEntry = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(EXCLUDELIST));
279 thisEntry->next = excludeList;
280 excludeList = thisEntry;
281 thisEntry->name = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
282 (length * sizeof(WCHAR))+1);
283 lstrcpyW(thisEntry->name, buffer);
284 CharUpperBuffW(thisEntry->name, length);
285 WINE_TRACE("Read line : '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(thisEntry->name));
289 /* See if EOF or error occurred */
291 XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_READFAIL), filename);
292 *endOfName = endChar;
296 /* Revert the input string to original form, and cleanup + return */
297 *endOfName = endChar;
302 /* =========================================================================
303 * Process the /EXCLUDE: file list, building up a list of substrings to
305 * Returns TRUE on any failure
306 * ========================================================================= */
307 static BOOL XCOPY_ProcessExcludeList(WCHAR* parms) {
309 WCHAR *filenameStart = parms;
311 WINE_TRACE("/EXCLUDE parms: '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(parms));
314 while (*parms && *parms != ' ' && *parms != '/') {
316 /* If found '+' then process the file found so far */
318 if (XCOPY_ProcessExcludeFile(filenameStart, parms)) {
321 filenameStart = parms+1;
326 if (filenameStart != parms) {
327 if (XCOPY_ProcessExcludeFile(filenameStart, parms)) {
335 /* =========================================================================
336 XCOPY_DoCopy - Recursive function to copy files based on input parms
339 This works by using FindFirstFile supplying the source stem and spec.
340 If results are found, any non-directory ones are processed
341 Then, if /S or /E is supplied, another search is made just for
342 directories, and this function is called again for that directory
344 ========================================================================= */
345 static int XCOPY_DoCopy(WCHAR *srcstem, WCHAR *srcspec,
346 WCHAR *deststem, WCHAR *destspec,
349 WIN32_FIND_DATAW *finddata;
352 WCHAR *inputpath, *outputpath;
353 BOOL copiedFile = FALSE;
354 DWORD destAttribs, srcAttribs;
358 /* Allocate some working memory on heap to minimize footprint */
359 finddata = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATAW));
360 inputpath = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR));
361 outputpath = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR));
363 /* Build the search info into a single parm */
364 lstrcpyW(inputpath, srcstem);
365 lstrcatW(inputpath, srcspec);
367 /* Search 1 - Look for matching files */
368 h = FindFirstFileW(inputpath, finddata);
369 while (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && findres) {
373 /* Ignore . and .. */
374 if (lstrcmpW(finddata->cFileName, wchr_dot)==0 ||
375 lstrcmpW(finddata->cFileName, wchr_dotdot)==0 ||
376 finddata->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
378 WINE_TRACE("Skipping directory, . or .. (%s)\n", wine_dbgstr_w(finddata->cFileName));
381 /* Get the filename information */
382 lstrcpyW(copyFrom, srcstem);
383 if (flags & OPT_SHORTNAME) {
384 lstrcatW(copyFrom, finddata->cAlternateFileName);
386 lstrcatW(copyFrom, finddata->cFileName);
389 lstrcpyW(copyTo, deststem);
390 if (*destspec == 0x00) {
391 if (flags & OPT_SHORTNAME) {
392 lstrcatW(copyTo, finddata->cAlternateFileName);
394 lstrcatW(copyTo, finddata->cFileName);
397 lstrcatW(copyTo, destspec);
401 WINE_TRACE("ACTION: Copy '%s' -> '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(copyFrom),
402 wine_dbgstr_w(copyTo));
403 if (!copiedFile && !(flags & OPT_SIMULATE)) XCOPY_CreateDirectory(deststem);
405 /* See if allowed to copy it */
406 srcAttribs = GetFileAttributesW(copyFrom);
407 WINE_TRACE("Source attribs: %d\n", srcAttribs);
409 if ((srcAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) ||
410 (srcAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM)) {
412 if (!(flags & OPT_COPYHIDSYS)) {
417 if (!(srcAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) &&
418 (flags & OPT_ARCHIVEONLY)) {
422 /* See if file exists */
423 destAttribs = GetFileAttributesW(copyTo);
424 WINE_TRACE("Dest attribs: %d\n", srcAttribs);
426 /* Check date ranges if a destination file already exists */
427 if (!skipFile && (flags & OPT_DATERANGE) &&
428 (CompareFileTime(&finddata->ftLastWriteTime, &dateRange) < 0)) {
429 WINE_TRACE("Skipping file as modified date too old\n");
433 /* If just /D supplied, only overwrite if src newer than dest */
434 if (!skipFile && (flags & OPT_DATENEWER) &&
435 (destAttribs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)) {
439 if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
441 GetFileTime(h, NULL, NULL, &writeTime);
443 if (CompareFileTime(&finddata->ftLastWriteTime, &writeTime) <= 0) {
444 WINE_TRACE("Skipping file as dest newer or same date\n");
451 /* See if exclude list provided. Note since filenames are case
452 insensitive, need to uppercase the filename before doing
454 if (!skipFile && (flags & OPT_EXCLUDELIST)) {
455 EXCLUDELIST *pos = excludeList;
456 WCHAR copyFromUpper[MAX_PATH];
458 /* Uppercase source filename */
459 lstrcpyW(copyFromUpper, copyFrom);
460 CharUpperBuffW(copyFromUpper, lstrlenW(copyFromUpper));
462 /* Loop through testing each exclude line */
464 if (wcsstr(copyFromUpper, pos->name) != NULL) {
465 WINE_TRACE("Skipping file as matches exclude '%s'\n",
466 wine_dbgstr_w(pos->name));
475 /* Prompt each file if necessary */
476 if (!skipFile && (flags & OPT_SRCPROMPT)) {
479 BOOL answered = FALSE;
483 /* Read the Y and N characters from the resource file */
484 wcscpy(yesChar, XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_YES_CHAR));
485 wcscpy(noChar, XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_NO_CHAR));
488 XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_SRCPROMPT), copyFrom);
489 ReadFile (GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), answer, sizeof(answer),
493 if (toupper(answer[0]) == noChar[0])
495 else if (toupper(answer[0]) != yesChar[0])
501 destAttribs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && !(flags & OPT_NOPROMPT)) {
504 BOOL answered = FALSE;
509 /* Read the A,Y and N characters from the resource file */
510 wcscpy(yesChar, XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_YES_CHAR));
511 wcscpy(allChar, XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_ALL_CHAR));
512 wcscpy(noChar, XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_NO_CHAR));
515 XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_OVERWRITE), copyTo);
516 ReadFile (GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), answer, sizeof(answer),
520 if (toupper(answer[0]) == allChar[0])
521 flags |= OPT_NOPROMPT;
522 else if (toupper(answer[0]) == noChar[0])
524 else if (toupper(answer[0]) != yesChar[0])
529 /* See if it has to exist! */
530 if (destAttribs == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (flags & OPT_MUSTEXIST)) {
534 /* Output a status message */
536 if (flags & OPT_QUIET) {
538 } else if (flags & OPT_FULL) {
539 const WCHAR infostr[] = {'%', '1', ' ', '-', '>', ' ',
542 XCOPY_wprintf(infostr, copyFrom, copyTo);
544 const WCHAR infostr[] = {'%', '1', '\n', 0};
545 XCOPY_wprintf(infostr, copyFrom);
548 /* If allowing overwriting of read only files, remove any
550 if ((destAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) &&
551 (flags & OPT_REPLACEREAD)) {
552 SetFileAttributesW(copyTo, destAttribs & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY);
556 if (flags & OPT_SIMULATE || flags & OPT_NOCOPY) {
558 } else if (CopyFileW(copyFrom, copyTo, FALSE) == 0) {
560 DWORD error = GetLastError();
561 XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_COPYFAIL),
562 copyFrom, copyTo, error);
563 XCOPY_FailMessage(error);
565 if (flags & OPT_IGNOREERRORS) {
573 /* If /M supplied, remove the archive bit after successful copy */
575 if ((srcAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) &&
576 (flags & OPT_REMOVEARCH)) {
577 SetFileAttributesW(copyFrom, (srcAttribs & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE));
585 findres = FindNextFileW(h, finddata);
589 /* Search 2 - do subdirs */
590 if (flags & OPT_RECURSIVE) {
591 lstrcpyW(inputpath, srcstem);
592 lstrcatW(inputpath, wchr_star);
594 WINE_TRACE("Processing subdirs with spec: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(inputpath));
596 h = FindFirstFileW(inputpath, finddata);
597 while (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && findres) {
599 /* Only looking for dirs */
600 if ((finddata->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) &&
601 (lstrcmpW(finddata->cFileName, wchr_dot) != 0) &&
602 (lstrcmpW(finddata->cFileName, wchr_dotdot) != 0)) {
604 WINE_TRACE("Handling subdir: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(finddata->cFileName));
606 /* Make up recursive information */
607 lstrcpyW(inputpath, srcstem);
608 lstrcatW(inputpath, finddata->cFileName);
609 lstrcatW(inputpath, wchr_slash);
611 lstrcpyW(outputpath, deststem);
612 if (*destspec == 0x00) {
613 lstrcatW(outputpath, finddata->cFileName);
615 /* If /E is supplied, create the directory now */
616 if ((flags & OPT_EMPTYDIR) &&
617 !(flags & OPT_SIMULATE))
618 XCOPY_CreateDirectory(outputpath);
620 lstrcatW(outputpath, wchr_slash);
623 XCOPY_DoCopy(inputpath, srcspec, outputpath, destspec, flags);
627 findres = FindNextFileW(h, finddata);
634 HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, finddata);
635 HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, inputpath);
636 HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, outputpath);
642 /* =========================================================================
643 XCOPY_ParseCommandLine - Parses the command line
644 ========================================================================= */
645 static BOOL is_whitespace(WCHAR c)
647 return c == ' ' || c == '\t';
650 static WCHAR *skip_whitespace(WCHAR *p)
652 for (; *p && is_whitespace(*p); p++);
656 /* Windows XCOPY uses a simplified command line parsing algorithm
657 that lacks the escaped-quote logic of build_argv(), because
658 literal double quotes are illegal in any of its arguments.
659 Example: 'XCOPY "c:\DIR A" "c:DIR B\"' is OK. */
660 static int find_end_of_word(const WCHAR *word, WCHAR **end)
663 const WCHAR *ptr = word;
665 for (; *ptr != '\0' && *ptr != '"' &&
666 (in_quotes || !is_whitespace(*ptr)); ptr++);
668 in_quotes = !in_quotes;
671 /* Odd number of double quotes is illegal for XCOPY */
672 if (in_quotes && *ptr == '\0')
674 if (*ptr == '\0' || (!in_quotes && is_whitespace(*ptr)))
681 /* Remove all double quotes from a word */
682 static void strip_quotes(WCHAR *word, WCHAR **end)
685 for (rp = word, wp = word; *rp != '\0'; rp++) {
696 static int XCOPY_ParseCommandLine(WCHAR *suppliedsource,
697 WCHAR *supplieddestination, DWORD *pflags)
699 const WCHAR EXCLUDE[] = {'E', 'X', 'C', 'L', 'U', 'D', 'E', ':', 0};
700 DWORD flags = *pflags;
701 WCHAR *cmdline, *word, *end, *next;
702 int rc = RC_INITERROR;
704 cmdline = _wcsdup(GetCommandLineW());
708 /* Skip first arg, which is the program name */
709 if ((rc = find_end_of_word(cmdline, &word)) != RC_OK)
711 word = skip_whitespace(word);
716 if ((rc = find_end_of_word(word, &end)) != RC_OK)
719 next = skip_whitespace(end);
722 strip_quotes(word, &end);
723 WINE_TRACE("Processing Arg: '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(word));
725 /* First non-switch parameter is source, second is destination */
727 if (suppliedsource[0] == 0x00) {
728 lstrcpyW(suppliedsource, word);
729 } else if (supplieddestination[0] == 0x00) {
730 lstrcpyW(supplieddestination, word);
732 XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_INVPARMS));
736 /* Process all the switch options
737 Note: Windows docs say /P prompts when dest is created
738 but tests show it is done for each src file
739 regardless of the destination */
740 switch (toupper(word[1])) {
741 case 'I': flags |= OPT_ASSUMEDIR; break;
742 case 'S': flags |= OPT_RECURSIVE; break;
743 case 'Q': flags |= OPT_QUIET; break;
744 case 'F': flags |= OPT_FULL; break;
745 case 'L': flags |= OPT_SIMULATE; break;
746 case 'W': flags |= OPT_PAUSE; break;
747 case 'T': flags |= OPT_NOCOPY | OPT_RECURSIVE; break;
748 case 'Y': flags |= OPT_NOPROMPT; break;
749 case 'N': flags |= OPT_SHORTNAME; break;
750 case 'U': flags |= OPT_MUSTEXIST; break;
751 case 'R': flags |= OPT_REPLACEREAD; break;
752 case 'H': flags |= OPT_COPYHIDSYS; break;
753 case 'C': flags |= OPT_IGNOREERRORS; break;
754 case 'P': flags |= OPT_SRCPROMPT; break;
755 case 'A': flags |= OPT_ARCHIVEONLY; break;
756 case 'M': flags |= OPT_ARCHIVEONLY |
757 OPT_REMOVEARCH; break;
759 /* E can be /E or /EXCLUDE */
760 case 'E': if (CompareStringW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,
764 if (XCOPY_ProcessExcludeList(&word[9])) {
767 } else flags |= OPT_EXCLUDELIST;
768 } else flags |= OPT_EMPTYDIR | OPT_RECURSIVE;
771 /* D can be /D or /D: */
772 case 'D': if (word[2]==':' && isdigit(word[3])) {
774 WCHAR *pos = &word[3];
775 BOOL isError = FALSE;
776 memset(&st, 0x00, sizeof(st));
778 /* Parse the arg : Month */
779 st.wMonth = _wtol(pos);
780 while (*pos && isdigit(*pos)) pos++;
781 if (*pos++ != '-') isError = TRUE;
783 /* Parse the arg : Day */
785 st.wDay = _wtol(pos);
786 while (*pos && isdigit(*pos)) pos++;
787 if (*pos++ != '-') isError = TRUE;
790 /* Parse the arg : Day */
792 st.wYear = _wtol(pos);
793 while (*pos && isdigit(*pos)) pos++;
794 if (st.wYear < 100) st.wYear+=2000;
797 if (!isError && SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &dateRange)) {
799 WCHAR datestring[32], timestring[32];
801 flags |= OPT_DATERANGE;
804 FileTimeToSystemTime (&dateRange, &st);
805 GetDateFormatW(0, DATE_SHORTDATE, &st, NULL, datestring,
806 sizeof(datestring)/sizeof(WCHAR));
807 GetTimeFormatW(0, TIME_NOSECONDS, &st,
808 NULL, timestring, sizeof(timestring)/sizeof(WCHAR));
810 WINE_TRACE("Date being used is: %s %s\n",
811 wine_dbgstr_w(datestring), wine_dbgstr_w(timestring));
817 flags |= OPT_DATENEWER;
821 case '-': if (toupper(word[2])=='Y')
822 flags &= ~OPT_NOPROMPT; break;
823 case '?': XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_HELP));
827 WINE_TRACE("Unhandled parameter '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(word));
828 XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_INVPARM), word);
835 /* Default the destination if not supplied */
836 if (supplieddestination[0] == 0x00)
837 lstrcpyW(supplieddestination, wchr_dot);
848 /* =========================================================================
849 XCOPY_ProcessSourceParm - Takes the supplied source parameter, and
850 converts it into a stem and a filespec
851 ========================================================================= */
852 static int XCOPY_ProcessSourceParm(WCHAR *suppliedsource, WCHAR *stem,
853 WCHAR *spec, DWORD flags)
855 WCHAR actualsource[MAX_PATH];
861 * Validate the source, expanding to full path ensuring it exists
863 if (GetFullPathNameW(suppliedsource, MAX_PATH, actualsource, NULL) == 0) {
864 WINE_FIXME("Unexpected failure expanding source path (%d)\n", GetLastError());
868 /* If full names required, convert to using the full path */
869 if (flags & OPT_FULL) {
870 lstrcpyW(suppliedsource, actualsource);
874 * Work out the stem of the source
877 /* If a directory is supplied, use that as-is (either fully or
879 If a filename is supplied + a directory or drive path, use that
882 If no directory or path specified, add eg. C:
883 stem is Drive/Directory is bit up to last \ (or first :)
884 spec is bit after that */
886 starPos = wcschr(suppliedsource, '*');
887 questPos = wcschr(suppliedsource, '?');
888 if (starPos || questPos) {
889 attribs = 0x00; /* Ensures skips invalid or directory check below */
891 attribs = GetFileAttributesW(actualsource);
894 if (attribs == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
895 XCOPY_FailMessage(GetLastError());
899 stem should be exactly as supplied plus a '\', unless it was
900 eg. C: in which case no slash required */
901 } else if (attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
904 WINE_TRACE("Directory supplied\n");
905 lstrcpyW(stem, suppliedsource);
906 lastChar = stem[lstrlenW(stem)-1];
907 if (lastChar != '\\' && lastChar != ':') {
908 lstrcatW(stem, wchr_slash);
910 lstrcpyW(spec, wchr_star);
912 /* File or wildcard search:
914 Up to and including last slash if directory path supplied
915 If c:filename supplied, just the c:
916 Otherwise stem should be the current drive letter + ':' */
920 WINE_TRACE("Filename supplied\n");
921 lastDir = wcsrchr(suppliedsource, '\\');
924 lstrcpyW(stem, suppliedsource);
925 stem[(lastDir-suppliedsource) + 1] = 0x00;
926 lstrcpyW(spec, (lastDir+1));
927 } else if (suppliedsource[1] == ':') {
928 lstrcpyW(stem, suppliedsource);
930 lstrcpyW(spec, suppliedsource+2);
932 WCHAR curdir[MAXSTRING];
933 GetCurrentDirectoryW(sizeof(curdir)/sizeof(WCHAR), curdir);
937 lstrcpyW(spec, suppliedsource);
944 /* =========================================================================
945 XCOPY_ProcessDestParm - Takes the supplied destination parameter, and
946 converts it into a stem
947 ========================================================================= */
948 static int XCOPY_ProcessDestParm(WCHAR *supplieddestination, WCHAR *stem, WCHAR *spec,
949 WCHAR *srcspec, DWORD flags)
951 WCHAR actualdestination[MAX_PATH];
956 * Validate the source, expanding to full path ensuring it exists
958 if (GetFullPathNameW(supplieddestination, MAX_PATH, actualdestination, NULL) == 0) {
959 WINE_FIXME("Unexpected failure expanding source path (%d)\n", GetLastError());
963 /* Destination is either a directory or a file */
964 attribs = GetFileAttributesW(actualdestination);
966 if (attribs == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
968 /* If /I supplied and wildcard copy, assume directory */
969 /* Also if destination ends with backslash */
970 if ((flags & OPT_ASSUMEDIR &&
971 (wcschr(srcspec, '?') || wcschr(srcspec, '*'))) ||
972 (supplieddestination[lstrlenW(supplieddestination)-1] == '\\')) {
978 char answer[10] = "";
982 /* Read the F and D characters from the resource file */
983 wcscpy(fileChar, XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_FILE_CHAR));
984 wcscpy(dirChar, XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_DIR_CHAR));
986 while (answer[0] != fileChar[0] && answer[0] != dirChar[0]) {
987 XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_QISDIR), supplieddestination);
989 ReadFile(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), answer, sizeof(answer), &count, NULL);
990 WINE_TRACE("User answer %c\n", answer[0]);
992 answer[0] = toupper(answer[0]);
995 if (answer[0] == dirChar[0]) {
1002 isDir = (attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
1006 lstrcpyW(stem, actualdestination);
1009 /* Ensure ends with a '\' */
1010 if (stem[lstrlenW(stem)-1] != '\\') {
1011 lstrcatW(stem, wchr_slash);
1015 WCHAR drive[MAX_PATH];
1016 WCHAR dir[MAX_PATH];
1017 WCHAR fname[MAX_PATH];
1018 WCHAR ext[MAX_PATH];
1019 _wsplitpath(actualdestination, drive, dir, fname, ext);
1020 lstrcpyW(stem, drive);
1021 lstrcatW(stem, dir);
1022 lstrcpyW(spec, fname);
1023 lstrcatW(spec, ext);
1029 /* =========================================================================
1030 main - Main entrypoint for the xcopy command
1032 Processes the args, and drives the actual copying
1033 ========================================================================= */
1034 int wmain (int argc, WCHAR *argvW[])
1037 WCHAR suppliedsource[MAX_PATH] = {0}; /* As supplied on the cmd line */
1038 WCHAR supplieddestination[MAX_PATH] = {0};
1039 WCHAR sourcestem[MAX_PATH] = {0}; /* Stem of source */
1040 WCHAR sourcespec[MAX_PATH] = {0}; /* Filespec of source */
1041 WCHAR destinationstem[MAX_PATH] = {0}; /* Stem of destination */
1042 WCHAR destinationspec[MAX_PATH] = {0}; /* Filespec of destination */
1043 WCHAR copyCmd[MAXSTRING]; /* COPYCMD env var */
1044 DWORD flags = 0; /* Option flags */
1045 const WCHAR PROMPTSTR1[] = {'/', 'Y', 0};
1046 const WCHAR PROMPTSTR2[] = {'/', 'y', 0};
1047 const WCHAR COPYCMD[] = {'C', 'O', 'P', 'Y', 'C', 'M', 'D', 0};
1049 /* Preinitialize flags based on COPYCMD */
1050 if (GetEnvironmentVariableW(COPYCMD, copyCmd, MAXSTRING)) {
1051 if (wcsstr(copyCmd, PROMPTSTR1) != NULL ||
1052 wcsstr(copyCmd, PROMPTSTR2) != NULL) {
1053 flags |= OPT_NOPROMPT;
1057 /* FIXME: On UNIX, files starting with a '.' are treated as hidden under
1058 wine, but on windows these can be normal files. At least one installer
1059 uses files such as .packlist and (validly) expects them to be copied.
1060 Under wine, if we do not copy hidden files by default then they get
1062 flags |= OPT_COPYHIDSYS;
1065 * Parse the command line
1067 if ((rc = XCOPY_ParseCommandLine(suppliedsource, supplieddestination,
1068 &flags)) != RC_OK) {
1075 /* Trace out the supplied information */
1076 WINE_TRACE("Supplied parameters:\n");
1077 WINE_TRACE("Source : '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(suppliedsource));
1078 WINE_TRACE("Destination : '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(supplieddestination));
1080 /* Extract required information from source specification */
1081 rc = XCOPY_ProcessSourceParm(suppliedsource, sourcestem, sourcespec, flags);
1082 if (rc != RC_OK) return rc;
1084 /* Extract required information from destination specification */
1085 rc = XCOPY_ProcessDestParm(supplieddestination, destinationstem,
1086 destinationspec, sourcespec, flags);
1087 if (rc != RC_OK) return rc;
1089 /* Trace out the resulting information */
1090 WINE_TRACE("Resolved parameters:\n");
1091 WINE_TRACE("Source Stem : '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(sourcestem));
1092 WINE_TRACE("Source Spec : '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(sourcespec));
1093 WINE_TRACE("Dest Stem : '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(destinationstem));
1094 WINE_TRACE("Dest Spec : '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(destinationspec));
1096 /* Pause if necessary */
1097 if (flags & OPT_PAUSE) {
1101 XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_PAUSE));
1102 ReadFile (GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), pausestr, sizeof(pausestr),
1106 /* Now do the hard work... */
1107 rc = XCOPY_DoCopy(sourcestem, sourcespec,
1108 destinationstem, destinationspec,
1111 /* Clear up exclude list allocated memory */
1112 while (excludeList) {
1113 EXCLUDELIST *pos = excludeList;
1114 excludeList = excludeList -> next;
1115 HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pos->name);
1116 HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pos);
1119 /* Finished - print trailer and exit */
1120 if (flags & OPT_SIMULATE) {
1121 XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_SIMCOPY), filesCopied);
1122 } else if (!(flags & OPT_NOCOPY)) {
1123 XCOPY_wprintf(XCOPY_LoadMessage(STRING_COPY), filesCopied);
1125 if (rc == RC_OK && filesCopied == 0) rc = RC_NOFILES;