2 * Copyright 2008 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers
4 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
20 #include "wine/port.h"
28 #include "wine/debug.h"
32 #define LONGLONG_MAX (((LONGLONG)0x7fffffff<<32)|0xffffffff)
34 static const WCHAR NaNW[] = {'N','a','N',0};
35 static const WCHAR InfinityW[] = {'I','n','f','i','n','i','t','y',0};
36 static const WCHAR ArrayW[] = {'A','r','r','a','y',0};
37 static const WCHAR BooleanW[] = {'B','o','o','l','e','a','n',0};
38 static const WCHAR DateW[] = {'D','a','t','e',0};
39 static const WCHAR ErrorW[] = {'E','r','r','o','r',0};
40 static const WCHAR EvalErrorW[] = {'E','v','a','l','E','r','r','o','r',0};
41 static const WCHAR RangeErrorW[] = {'R','a','n','g','e','E','r','r','o','r',0};
42 static const WCHAR ReferenceErrorW[] = {'R','e','f','e','r','e','n','c','e','E','r','r','o','r',0};
43 static const WCHAR SyntaxErrorW[] = {'S','y','n','t','a','x','E','r','r','o','r',0};
44 static const WCHAR TypeErrorW[] = {'T','y','p','e','E','r','r','o','r',0};
45 static const WCHAR URIErrorW[] = {'U','R','I','E','r','r','o','r',0};
46 static const WCHAR FunctionW[] = {'F','u','n','c','t','i','o','n',0};
47 static const WCHAR NumberW[] = {'N','u','m','b','e','r',0};
48 static const WCHAR ObjectW[] = {'O','b','j','e','c','t',0};
49 static const WCHAR StringW[] = {'S','t','r','i','n','g',0};
50 static const WCHAR RegExpW[] = {'R','e','g','E','x','p',0};
51 static const WCHAR ActiveXObjectW[] = {'A','c','t','i','v','e','X','O','b','j','e','c','t',0};
52 static const WCHAR VBArrayW[] = {'V','B','A','r','r','a','y',0};
53 static const WCHAR EnumeratorW[] = {'E','n','u','m','e','r','a','t','o','r',0};
54 static const WCHAR escapeW[] = {'e','s','c','a','p','e',0};
55 static const WCHAR evalW[] = {'e','v','a','l',0};
56 static const WCHAR isNaNW[] = {'i','s','N','a','N',0};
57 static const WCHAR isFiniteW[] = {'i','s','F','i','n','i','t','e',0};
58 static const WCHAR parseIntW[] = {'p','a','r','s','e','I','n','t',0};
59 static const WCHAR parseFloatW[] = {'p','a','r','s','e','F','l','o','a','t',0};
60 static const WCHAR unescapeW[] = {'u','n','e','s','c','a','p','e',0};
61 static const WCHAR _GetObjectW[] = {'G','e','t','O','b','j','e','c','t',0};
62 static const WCHAR ScriptEngineW[] = {'S','c','r','i','p','t','E','n','g','i','n','e',0};
63 static const WCHAR ScriptEngineMajorVersionW[] =
64 {'S','c','r','i','p','t','E','n','g','i','n','e','M','a','j','o','r','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0};
65 static const WCHAR ScriptEngineMinorVersionW[] =
66 {'S','c','r','i','p','t','E','n','g','i','n','e','M','i','n','o','r','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0};
67 static const WCHAR ScriptEngineBuildVersionW[] =
68 {'S','c','r','i','p','t','E','n','g','i','n','e','B','u','i','l','d','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0};
69 static const WCHAR CollectGarbageW[] = {'C','o','l','l','e','c','t','G','a','r','b','a','g','e',0};
70 static const WCHAR MathW[] = {'M','a','t','h',0};
71 static const WCHAR encodeURIW[] = {'e','n','c','o','d','e','U','R','I',0};
72 static const WCHAR decodeURIW[] = {'d','e','c','o','d','e','U','R','I',0};
73 static const WCHAR encodeURIComponentW[] = {'e','n','c','o','d','e','U','R','I','C','o','m','p','o','n','e','n','t',0};
74 static const WCHAR decodeURIComponentW[] = {'d','e','c','o','d','e','U','R','I','C','o','m','p','o','n','e','n','t',0};
76 static const WCHAR undefinedW[] = {'u','n','d','e','f','i','n','e','d',0};
78 static int uri_char_table[] = {
79 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* 00-0f */
80 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* 10-1f */
81 0,2,0,0,1,0,1,2,2,2,2,1,1,2,2,1, /* 20-2f */
82 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,0,1,0,1, /* 30-3f */
83 1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, /* 40-4f */
84 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,2, /* 50-5f */
85 0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, /* 60-6f */
86 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,2,0, /* 70-7f */
92 static inline BOOL is_uri_reserved(WCHAR c)
94 return c < 128 && uri_char_table[c] == 1;
97 static inline BOOL is_uri_unescaped(WCHAR c)
99 return c < 128 && uri_char_table[c] == 2;
102 /* Check that the character is one of the 69 nonblank characters as defined by ECMA-262 B.2.1 */
103 static inline BOOL is_ecma_nonblank(const WCHAR c)
105 return ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
106 c == '@' || c == '*' || c == '_' || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '/');
109 static WCHAR int_to_char(int i)
116 static HRESULT constructor_call(jsdisp_t *constr, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
117 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
120 return jsdisp_call_value(constr, flags, dp, retv, ei, sp);
122 jsdisp_addref(constr);
123 var_set_jsdisp(retv, constr);
127 static HRESULT JSGlobal_Array(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
128 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
132 return constructor_call(ctx->array_constr, flags, dp, retv, ei, sp);
135 static HRESULT JSGlobal_Boolean(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
136 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
140 return constructor_call(ctx->bool_constr, flags, dp, retv, ei, sp);
143 static HRESULT JSGlobal_Date(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
144 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
148 return constructor_call(ctx->date_constr, flags, dp, retv, ei, sp);
151 static HRESULT JSGlobal_Error(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
152 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
156 return constructor_call(ctx->error_constr, flags, dp, retv, ei, sp);
159 static HRESULT JSGlobal_EvalError(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
160 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
164 return constructor_call(ctx->eval_error_constr, flags, dp, retv, ei, sp);
167 static HRESULT JSGlobal_RangeError(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
168 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
172 return constructor_call(ctx->range_error_constr, flags, dp, retv, ei, sp);
175 static HRESULT JSGlobal_ReferenceError(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
176 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
180 return constructor_call(ctx->reference_error_constr, flags, dp, retv, ei, sp);
183 static HRESULT JSGlobal_SyntaxError(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
184 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
188 return constructor_call(ctx->syntax_error_constr, flags, dp, retv, ei, sp);
191 static HRESULT JSGlobal_TypeError(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
192 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
196 return constructor_call(ctx->type_error_constr, flags, dp, retv, ei, sp);
199 static HRESULT JSGlobal_URIError(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
200 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
204 return constructor_call(ctx->uri_error_constr, flags, dp, retv, ei, sp);
207 static HRESULT JSGlobal_Function(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
208 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
212 return constructor_call(ctx->function_constr, flags, dp, retv, ei, sp);
215 static HRESULT JSGlobal_Number(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
216 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
220 return constructor_call(ctx->number_constr, flags, dp, retv, ei, sp);
223 static HRESULT JSGlobal_Object(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
224 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
228 return constructor_call(ctx->object_constr, flags, dp, retv, ei, sp);
231 static HRESULT JSGlobal_String(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
232 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
236 return constructor_call(ctx->string_constr, flags, dp, retv, ei, sp);
239 static HRESULT JSGlobal_RegExp(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
240 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
244 return constructor_call(ctx->regexp_constr, flags, dp, retv, ei, sp);
247 static HRESULT JSGlobal_ActiveXObject(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
248 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
252 return constructor_call(ctx->activex_constr, flags, dp, retv, ei, sp);
255 static HRESULT JSGlobal_VBArray(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
256 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
260 return constructor_call(ctx->vbarray_constr, flags, dp, retv, ei, sp);
263 static HRESULT JSGlobal_Enumerator(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
264 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
270 static HRESULT JSGlobal_escape(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
271 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
282 ret = SysAllocString(undefinedW);
284 return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
286 V_VT(retv) = VT_BSTR;
293 hres = to_string(ctx, get_arg(dp, 0), ei, &str);
297 for(ptr=str; *ptr; ptr++) {
300 else if(is_ecma_nonblank(*ptr))
306 ret = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, len);
309 return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
313 for(ptr=str; *ptr; ptr++) {
317 ret[len++] = int_to_char(*ptr >> 12);
318 ret[len++] = int_to_char((*ptr >> 8) & 0xf);
319 ret[len++] = int_to_char((*ptr >> 4) & 0xf);
320 ret[len++] = int_to_char(*ptr & 0xf);
322 else if(is_ecma_nonblank(*ptr))
326 ret[len++] = int_to_char(*ptr >> 4);
327 ret[len++] = int_to_char(*ptr & 0xf);
334 V_VT(retv) = VT_BSTR;
343 /* ECMA-262 3rd Edition */
344 static HRESULT JSGlobal_eval(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
345 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
347 parser_ctx_t *parser_ctx;
355 V_VT(retv) = VT_EMPTY;
359 arg = get_arg(dp, 0);
360 if(V_VT(arg) != VT_BSTR) {
362 V_VT(retv) = VT_EMPTY;
363 return VariantCopy(retv, arg);
369 FIXME("No active exec_ctx\n");
373 TRACE("parsing %s\n", debugstr_w(V_BSTR(arg)));
374 hres = script_parse(ctx, V_BSTR(arg), NULL, &parser_ctx);
376 WARN("parse (%s) failed: %08x\n", debugstr_w(V_BSTR(arg)), hres);
377 return throw_syntax_error(ctx, ei, hres, NULL);
380 hres = exec_source(ctx->exec_ctx, parser_ctx, parser_ctx->source, TRUE, ei, retv);
381 parser_release(parser_ctx);
386 static HRESULT JSGlobal_isNaN(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
387 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
396 hres = to_number(ctx, get_arg(dp,0), ei, &num);
400 if(V_VT(&num) == VT_R8 && isnan(V_R8(&num)))
407 V_VT(retv) = VT_BOOL;
413 static HRESULT JSGlobal_isFinite(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
414 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
424 hres = to_number(ctx, get_arg(dp,0), ei, &num);
428 if(V_VT(&num) != VT_R8 || (!isinf(V_R8(&num)) && !isnan(V_R8(&num))))
433 V_VT(retv) = VT_BOOL;
439 static INT char_to_int(WCHAR c)
441 if('0' <= c && c <= '9')
443 if('a' <= c && c <= 'z')
445 if('A' <= c && c <= 'Z')
450 static HRESULT JSGlobal_parseInt(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
451 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
453 BOOL neg = FALSE, empty = TRUE;
461 if(retv) num_set_nan(retv);
465 if(arg_cnt(dp) >= 2) {
466 hres = to_int32(ctx, get_arg(dp, 1), ei, &radix);
470 if(radix && (radix < 2 || radix > 36)) {
471 WARN("radix %d out of range\n", radix);
478 hres = to_string(ctx, get_arg(dp, 0), ei, &str);
482 for(ptr = str; isspaceW(*ptr); ptr++);
496 if(ptr[1] == 'x' || ptr[1] == 'X') {
509 i = char_to_int(*ptr++);
513 i = char_to_int(*ptr++);
525 num_set_val(retv, ret);
529 static HRESULT JSGlobal_parseFloat(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
530 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
537 BOOL ret_nan = TRUE, positive = TRUE;
546 arg = get_arg(dp, 0);
547 hres = to_string(ctx, arg, ei, &val_str);
553 while(isspaceW(*str)) str++;
557 else if(*str == '-') {
565 while(isdigitW(*str)) {
566 hlp = d*10 + *(str++) - '0';
567 if(d>LONGLONG_MAX/10 || hlp<0) {
574 while(isdigitW(*str)) {
579 if(*str == '.') str++;
584 while(isdigitW(*str)) {
585 hlp = d*10 + *(str++) - '0';
586 if(d>LONGLONG_MAX/10 || hlp<0)
592 while(isdigitW(*str))
595 if(*str && !ret_nan && (*str=='e' || *str=='E')) {
601 else if(*str == '-') {
606 while(isdigitW(*str)) {
607 if(e>INT_MAX/10 || (e = e*10 + *str++ - '0')<0)
612 if(exp<0 && e<0 && exp+e>0) exp = INT_MIN;
613 else if(exp>0 && e>0 && exp+e<0) exp = INT_MAX;
617 SysFreeString(val_str);
626 V_R8(retv) = (double)(positive?d:-d)*pow(10, exp);
630 static inline int hex_to_int(const WCHAR wch) {
631 if(toupperW(wch)>='A' && toupperW(wch)<='F') return toupperW(wch)-'A'+10;
632 if(isdigitW(wch)) return wch-'0';
636 static HRESULT JSGlobal_unescape(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
637 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
648 ret = SysAllocString(undefinedW);
650 return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
652 V_VT(retv) = VT_BSTR;
659 hres = to_string(ctx, get_arg(dp, 0), ei, &str);
663 for(ptr=str; *ptr; ptr++) {
665 if(hex_to_int(*(ptr+1))!=-1 && hex_to_int(*(ptr+2))!=-1)
667 else if(*(ptr+1)=='u' && hex_to_int(*(ptr+2))!=-1 && hex_to_int(*(ptr+3))!=-1
668 && hex_to_int(*(ptr+4))!=-1 && hex_to_int(*(ptr+5))!=-1)
675 ret = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, len);
678 return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
682 for(ptr=str; *ptr; ptr++) {
684 if(hex_to_int(*(ptr+1))!=-1 && hex_to_int(*(ptr+2))!=-1) {
685 ret[len] = (hex_to_int(*(ptr+1))<<4) + hex_to_int(*(ptr+2));
688 else if(*(ptr+1)=='u' && hex_to_int(*(ptr+2))!=-1 && hex_to_int(*(ptr+3))!=-1
689 && hex_to_int(*(ptr+4))!=-1 && hex_to_int(*(ptr+5))!=-1) {
690 ret[len] = (hex_to_int(*(ptr+2))<<12) + (hex_to_int(*(ptr+3))<<8)
691 + (hex_to_int(*(ptr+4))<<4) + hex_to_int(*(ptr+5));
706 V_VT(retv) = VT_BSTR;
715 static HRESULT JSGlobal_GetObject(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
716 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
722 static HRESULT JSGlobal_ScriptEngine(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
723 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
725 static const WCHAR JScriptW[] = {'J','S','c','r','i','p','t',0};
732 ret = SysAllocString(JScriptW);
734 return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
736 V_VT(retv) = VT_BSTR;
743 static HRESULT JSGlobal_ScriptEngineMajorVersion(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
744 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
755 static HRESULT JSGlobal_ScriptEngineMinorVersion(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
756 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
767 static HRESULT JSGlobal_ScriptEngineBuildVersion(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
768 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
779 static HRESULT JSGlobal_CollectGarbage(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
780 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
786 static HRESULT JSGlobal_encodeURI(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
787 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
800 ret = SysAllocString(undefinedW);
802 return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
804 V_VT(retv) = VT_BSTR;
811 hres = to_string(ctx, get_arg(dp,0), ei, &str);
815 for(ptr = str; *ptr; ptr++) {
816 if(is_uri_unescaped(*ptr) || is_uri_reserved(*ptr) || *ptr == '#') {
819 i = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, ptr, 1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)*3;
822 return throw_uri_error(ctx, ei, JS_E_INVALID_URI_CHAR, NULL);
829 rptr = ret = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, len);
832 return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
835 for(ptr = str; *ptr; ptr++) {
836 if(is_uri_unescaped(*ptr) || is_uri_reserved(*ptr) || *ptr == '#') {
839 len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, ptr, 1, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, NULL);
840 for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
842 *rptr++ = int_to_char((BYTE)buf[i] >> 4);
843 *rptr++ = int_to_char(buf[i] & 0x0f);
848 TRACE("%s -> %s\n", debugstr_w(str), debugstr_w(ret));
852 V_VT(retv) = VT_BSTR;
860 static HRESULT JSGlobal_decodeURI(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
861 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
865 int i, len = 0, val, res;
874 ret = SysAllocString(undefinedW);
876 return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
878 V_VT(retv) = VT_BSTR;
885 hres = to_string(ctx, get_arg(dp,0), ei, &str);
889 for(ptr=str; *ptr; ptr++) {
895 if(ptr[i*3]!='%' || hex_to_int(ptr[i*3+1])==-1 || (val=hex_to_int(ptr[i*3+2]))==-1)
897 val += hex_to_int(ptr[i*3+1])<<4;
900 res = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, buf, i+1, &out, 1);
907 return throw_uri_error(ctx, ei, JS_E_INVALID_URI_CODING, NULL);
915 ret = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, len);
918 return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
922 for(ptr=str; *ptr; ptr++) {
928 if(ptr[i*3]!='%' || hex_to_int(ptr[i*3+1])==-1 || (val=hex_to_int(ptr[i*3+2]))==-1)
930 val += hex_to_int(ptr[i*3+1])<<4;
933 res = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, buf, i+1, ret+len, 1);
943 TRACE("%s -> %s\n", debugstr_w(str), debugstr_w(ret));
947 V_VT(retv) = VT_BSTR;
956 static HRESULT JSGlobal_encodeURIComponent(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
957 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
962 DWORD len = 0, size, i;
969 ret = SysAllocString(undefinedW);
971 return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
973 V_VT(retv) = VT_BSTR;
980 hres = to_string(ctx, get_arg(dp, 0), ei, &str);
984 for(ptr=str; *ptr; ptr++) {
985 if(is_uri_unescaped(*ptr))
988 size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, ptr, 1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
991 return throw_uri_error(ctx, ei, JS_E_INVALID_URI_CHAR, NULL);
997 ret = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, len);
1000 return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
1004 for(ptr=str; *ptr; ptr++) {
1005 if(is_uri_unescaped(*ptr))
1008 size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, ptr, 1, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, NULL);
1009 for(i=0; i<size; i++) {
1011 ret[len++] = int_to_char((BYTE)buf[i] >> 4);
1012 ret[len++] = int_to_char(buf[i] & 0x0f);
1020 V_VT(retv) = VT_BSTR;
1029 /* ECMA-262 3rd Edition */
1030 static HRESULT JSGlobal_decodeURIComponent(script_ctx_t *ctx, vdisp_t *jsthis, WORD flags, DISPPARAMS *dp,
1031 VARIANT *retv, jsexcept_t *ei, IServiceProvider *sp)
1043 ret = SysAllocString(undefinedW);
1045 return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
1047 V_VT(retv) = VT_BSTR;
1054 hres = to_string(ctx, get_arg(dp, 0), ei, &str);
1062 unsigned char mask = 0x80;
1063 int i, size, num_bytes = 0;
1064 if(hex_to_int(*(ptr+1)) < 0 || hex_to_int(*(ptr+2)) < 0) {
1065 FIXME("Throw URIError: Invalid hex sequence\n");
1069 octets[0] = (hex_to_int(*(ptr+1)) << 4) + hex_to_int(*(ptr+2));
1071 while(octets[0] & mask) {
1075 if(num_bytes == 1 || num_bytes > 4) {
1076 FIXME("Throw URIError: Invalid initial UTF character\n");
1080 for(i = 1; i < num_bytes; ++i) {
1082 FIXME("Throw URIError: Incomplete UTF sequence\n");
1086 if(hex_to_int(*(ptr+1)) < 0 || hex_to_int(*(ptr+2)) < 0) {
1087 FIXME("Throw URIError: Invalid hex sequence\n");
1091 octets[i] = (hex_to_int(*(ptr+1)) << 4) + hex_to_int(*(ptr+2));
1094 size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, octets,
1095 num_bytes ? num_bytes : 1, NULL, 0);
1097 FIXME("Throw URIError: Invalid UTF sequence\n");
1108 out_ptr = ret = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, len);
1111 return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
1118 unsigned char mask = 0x80;
1119 int i, size, num_bytes = 0;
1120 octets[0] = (hex_to_int(*(ptr+1)) << 4) + hex_to_int(*(ptr+2));
1122 while(octets[0] & mask) {
1126 for(i = 1; i < num_bytes; ++i) {
1127 octets[i] = (hex_to_int(*(ptr+1)) << 4) + hex_to_int(*(ptr+2));
1130 size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, octets,
1131 num_bytes ? num_bytes : 1, out_ptr, len);
1135 *out_ptr++ = *ptr++;
1143 V_VT(retv) = VT_BSTR;
1152 static const builtin_prop_t JSGlobal_props[] = {
1153 {ActiveXObjectW, JSGlobal_ActiveXObject, PROPF_CONSTR|1},
1154 {ArrayW, JSGlobal_Array, PROPF_CONSTR|1},
1155 {BooleanW, JSGlobal_Boolean, PROPF_CONSTR|1},
1156 {CollectGarbageW, JSGlobal_CollectGarbage, PROPF_METHOD},
1157 {DateW, JSGlobal_Date, PROPF_CONSTR|7},
1158 {EnumeratorW, JSGlobal_Enumerator, PROPF_METHOD|7},
1159 {ErrorW, JSGlobal_Error, PROPF_CONSTR|1},
1160 {EvalErrorW, JSGlobal_EvalError, PROPF_CONSTR|1},
1161 {FunctionW, JSGlobal_Function, PROPF_CONSTR|1},
1162 {_GetObjectW, JSGlobal_GetObject, PROPF_METHOD|2},
1163 {NumberW, JSGlobal_Number, PROPF_CONSTR|1},
1164 {ObjectW, JSGlobal_Object, PROPF_CONSTR|1},
1165 {RangeErrorW, JSGlobal_RangeError, PROPF_CONSTR|1},
1166 {ReferenceErrorW, JSGlobal_ReferenceError, PROPF_CONSTR|1},
1167 {RegExpW, JSGlobal_RegExp, PROPF_CONSTR|2},
1168 {ScriptEngineW, JSGlobal_ScriptEngine, PROPF_METHOD},
1169 {ScriptEngineBuildVersionW, JSGlobal_ScriptEngineBuildVersion, PROPF_METHOD},
1170 {ScriptEngineMajorVersionW, JSGlobal_ScriptEngineMajorVersion, PROPF_METHOD},
1171 {ScriptEngineMinorVersionW, JSGlobal_ScriptEngineMinorVersion, PROPF_METHOD},
1172 {StringW, JSGlobal_String, PROPF_CONSTR|1},
1173 {SyntaxErrorW, JSGlobal_SyntaxError, PROPF_CONSTR|1},
1174 {TypeErrorW, JSGlobal_TypeError, PROPF_CONSTR|1},
1175 {URIErrorW, JSGlobal_URIError, PROPF_CONSTR|1},
1176 {VBArrayW, JSGlobal_VBArray, PROPF_CONSTR|1},
1177 {decodeURIW, JSGlobal_decodeURI, PROPF_METHOD|1},
1178 {decodeURIComponentW, JSGlobal_decodeURIComponent, PROPF_METHOD|1},
1179 {encodeURIW, JSGlobal_encodeURI, PROPF_METHOD|1},
1180 {encodeURIComponentW, JSGlobal_encodeURIComponent, PROPF_METHOD|1},
1181 {escapeW, JSGlobal_escape, PROPF_METHOD|1},
1182 {evalW, JSGlobal_eval, PROPF_METHOD|1},
1183 {isFiniteW, JSGlobal_isFinite, PROPF_METHOD|1},
1184 {isNaNW, JSGlobal_isNaN, PROPF_METHOD|1},
1185 {parseFloatW, JSGlobal_parseFloat, PROPF_METHOD|1},
1186 {parseIntW, JSGlobal_parseInt, PROPF_METHOD|2},
1187 {unescapeW, JSGlobal_unescape, PROPF_METHOD|1}
1190 static const builtin_info_t JSGlobal_info = {
1193 sizeof(JSGlobal_props)/sizeof(*JSGlobal_props),
1199 static HRESULT init_constructors(script_ctx_t *ctx, jsdisp_t *object_prototype)
1203 hres = init_function_constr(ctx, object_prototype);
1207 hres = create_object_constr(ctx, object_prototype, &ctx->object_constr);
1211 hres = create_activex_constr(ctx, &ctx->activex_constr);
1215 hres = create_array_constr(ctx, object_prototype, &ctx->array_constr);
1219 hres = create_bool_constr(ctx, object_prototype, &ctx->bool_constr);
1223 hres = create_date_constr(ctx, object_prototype, &ctx->date_constr);
1227 hres = init_error_constr(ctx, object_prototype);
1231 hres = create_number_constr(ctx, object_prototype, &ctx->number_constr);
1235 hres = create_regexp_constr(ctx, object_prototype, &ctx->regexp_constr);
1239 hres = create_string_constr(ctx, object_prototype, &ctx->string_constr);
1243 hres = create_vbarray_constr(ctx, object_prototype, &ctx->vbarray_constr);
1250 HRESULT init_global(script_ctx_t *ctx)
1252 jsdisp_t *math, *object_prototype;
1259 hres = create_object_prototype(ctx, &object_prototype);
1263 hres = init_constructors(ctx, object_prototype);
1264 jsdisp_release(object_prototype);
1268 hres = create_dispex(ctx, &JSGlobal_info, NULL, &ctx->global);
1272 hres = create_math(ctx, &math);
1276 var_set_jsdisp(&var, math);
1277 hres = jsdisp_propput_name(ctx->global, MathW, &var, NULL/*FIXME*/, NULL/*FIXME*/);
1278 jsdisp_release(math);
1282 V_VT(&var) = VT_EMPTY;
1283 hres = jsdisp_propput_name(ctx->global, undefinedW, &var, NULL/*FIXME*/, NULL/*FIXME*/);
1288 hres = jsdisp_propput_name(ctx->global, NaNW, &var, NULL/*FIXME*/, NULL/*FIXME*/);
1292 num_set_inf(&var, TRUE);
1293 hres = jsdisp_propput_name(ctx->global, InfinityW, &var, NULL/*FIXME*/, NULL/*FIXME*/);