wined3d: Allow use of pixel shaders with drawStridedSlow.
[wine] / dlls / crypt32 / crypt32.spec
1 @ stdcall CertAddCRLContextToStore(long ptr long ptr)
2 @ stdcall CertAddCTLContextToStore(long ptr long ptr)
3 @ stdcall CertAddCertificateContextToStore(long ptr long ptr)
4 @ stdcall CertAddEncodedCRLToStore(long long ptr long long ptr)
5 @ stdcall CertAddEncodedCTLToStore(long long ptr long long ptr)
6 @ stdcall CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore(long long ptr long long ptr)
7 @ stub CertAddEncodedCertificateToSystemStoreA
8 @ stub CertAddEncodedCertificateToSystemStoreW
9 @ stdcall CertAddEnhancedKeyUsageIdentifier(ptr str)
10 @ stdcall CertAddSerializedElementToStore(ptr ptr long long long long ptr ptr)
11 @ stdcall CertAddStoreToCollection(ptr ptr long long)
12 @ stdcall CertAlgIdToOID(long)
13 @ stdcall CertCloseStore(ptr long)
14 @ stdcall CertCompareCertificate(long ptr ptr)
15 @ stdcall CertCompareCertificateName(long ptr ptr)
16 @ stdcall CertCompareIntegerBlob(ptr ptr)
17 @ stdcall CertComparePublicKeyInfo(long ptr ptr)
18 @ stdcall CertControlStore(long long long ptr)
19 @ stdcall CertCreateCRLContext(long ptr long)
20 @ stdcall CertCreateCTLContext(long ptr long)
21 @ stub CertCreateCertificateChainEngine
22 @ stdcall CertCreateCertificateContext(long ptr long)
23 @ stdcall CertCreateSelfSignCertificate(long ptr long ptr ptr ptr ptr ptr)
24 @ stdcall CertDeleteCRLFromStore(ptr)
25 @ stdcall CertDeleteCTLFromStore(ptr)
26 @ stdcall CertDeleteCertificateFromStore(ptr)
27 @ stdcall CertDuplicateCRLContext(ptr)
28 @ stdcall CertDuplicateCTLContext(ptr)
29 @ stdcall CertDuplicateCertificateContext(ptr)
30 @ stdcall CertDuplicateStore(ptr)
31 @ stub CertEnumCRLContextProperties
32 @ stdcall CertEnumCRLsInStore(ptr ptr)
33 @ stub CertEnumCTLContextProperties
34 @ stdcall CertEnumCTLsInStore(ptr ptr)
35 @ stdcall CertEnumCertificateContextProperties(ptr long)
36 @ stdcall CertEnumCertificatesInStore(long ptr)
37 @ stdcall CertFindAttribute(str long ptr)
38 @ stub CertFindCTLInStore
39 @ stdcall CertFindCertificateInStore(long long long long ptr ptr)
40 @ stdcall CertFindExtension(str long ptr)
41 @ stdcall CertFindRDNAttr(str ptr)
42 @ stub CertFindSubjectInCTL
43 @ stdcall CertFreeCRLContext(ptr)
44 @ stdcall CertFreeCTLContext(ptr)
45 @ stub CertFreeCertificateChain
46 @ stub CertFreeCertificateChainEngine
47 @ stdcall CertFreeCertificateContext(ptr)
48 @ stdcall CertGetCRLContextProperty(ptr long ptr ptr)
49 @ stub CertGetCRLFromStore
50 @ stdcall CertGetCTLContextProperty(ptr long ptr ptr)
51 @ stub CertGetCertificateChain
52 @ stdcall CertGetCertificateContextProperty(ptr long ptr ptr)
53 @ stdcall CertGetEnhancedKeyUsage(ptr long ptr ptr)
54 @ stub CertGetIntendedKeyUsage
55 @ stdcall CertGetIssuerCertificateFromStore(long ptr ptr ptr)
56 @ stdcall CertGetNameStringA(ptr long long ptr ptr long)
57 @ stdcall CertGetNameStringW(ptr long long ptr ptr long)
58 @ stub CertGetPublicKeyLength
59 @ stdcall CertGetSubjectCertificateFromStore(ptr long ptr)
60 @ stdcall CertGetValidUsages(long ptr ptr ptr ptr)
61 @ stub CertIsRDNAttrsInCertificateName
62 @ stdcall CertNameToStrA(long ptr long ptr long)
63 @ stdcall CertNameToStrW(long ptr long ptr long)
64 @ stdcall CertOIDToAlgId(str)
65 @ stdcall CertOpenStore(str long long long ptr)
66 @ stdcall CertOpenSystemStoreA(long str)
67 @ stdcall CertOpenSystemStoreW(long wstr)
68 @ stdcall CertRDNValueToStrA(long ptr ptr long)
69 @ stdcall CertRDNValueToStrW(long ptr ptr long)
70 @ stdcall CertRemoveEnhancedKeyUsageIdentifier(ptr str)
71 @ stdcall CertRemoveStoreFromCollection(long long)
72 @ stdcall CertSaveStore(long long long long ptr long)
73 @ stdcall CertSerializeCRLStoreElement(ptr long ptr ptr)
74 @ stdcall CertSerializeCTLStoreElement(ptr long ptr ptr)
75 @ stdcall CertSerializeCertificateStoreElement(ptr long ptr ptr)
76 @ stdcall CertSetCRLContextProperty(ptr long long ptr)
77 @ stdcall CertSetCTLContextProperty(ptr long long ptr)
78 @ stdcall CertSetCertificateContextProperty(ptr long long ptr)
79 @ stdcall CertSetEnhancedKeyUsage(ptr ptr)
80 @ stub CertStrToNameA
81 @ stub CertStrToNameW
82 @ stub CertVerifyCRLRevocation
83 @ stub CertVerifyCRLTimeValidity
84 @ stub CertVerifyCTLUsage
85 @ stub CertVerifyRevocation
86 @ stub CertVerifySubjectCertificateContext
87 @ stdcall CertVerifyTimeValidity(ptr ptr)
88 @ stub CertVerifyValidityNesting
89 @ stub CreateFileU
90 @ stub CryptAcquireContextU
91 @ stub CryptCloseAsyncHandle
92 @ stub CryptCreateAsyncHandle
93 @ stub CryptDecodeMessage
94 @ stdcall CryptDecodeObject(long str ptr long long ptr ptr)
95 @ stdcall CryptDecodeObjectEx(long str ptr long long ptr ptr ptr)
96 @ stub CryptDecryptAndVerifyMessageSignature
97 @ stub CryptDecryptMessage
98 @ stdcall CryptEncodeObject(long str ptr ptr ptr)
99 @ stdcall CryptEncodeObjectEx(long str ptr long ptr ptr ptr)
100 @ stub CryptEncryptMessage
101 @ stub CryptEnumOIDFunction
102 @ stdcall CryptEnumOIDInfo(long long ptr ptr)
103 @ stub CryptEnumProvidersU
104 @ stub CryptExportPKCS8
105 @ stdcall CryptExportPublicKeyInfo(long long long ptr ptr)
106 @ stdcall CryptExportPublicKeyInfoEx(long long long str long ptr ptr ptr)
107 @ stdcall CryptFindOIDInfo(long ptr long)
108 @ stub CryptFormatObject
109 @ stdcall CryptFreeOIDFunctionAddress(long long)
110 @ stub CryptGetAsyncParam
111 @ stdcall CryptGetDefaultOIDDllList(long long ptr ptr)
112 @ stdcall CryptGetDefaultOIDFunctionAddress(long long wstr long ptr ptr)
113 @ stub CryptGetMessageCertificates
114 @ stub CryptGetMessageSignerCount
115 @ stdcall CryptGetOIDFunctionAddress(long long str long ptr ptr)
116 @ stdcall CryptGetOIDFunctionValue(long str str wstr ptr ptr ptr)
117 @ stdcall CryptHashCertificate(long long long ptr long ptr ptr)
118 @ stub CryptHashMessage
119 @ stub CryptHashPublicKeyInfo
120 @ stub CryptHashToBeSigned
121 @ stub CryptImportPKCS8
122 @ stdcall CryptImportPublicKeyInfo(long long ptr ptr)
123 @ stdcall CryptImportPublicKeyInfoEx(long long ptr long long ptr ptr)
124 @ stdcall CryptInitOIDFunctionSet(str long)
125 @ stdcall CryptInstallOIDFunctionAddress(ptr long str long ptr long)
126 @ stub CryptLoadSip
127 @ stdcall CryptMemAlloc(long)
128 @ stdcall CryptMemFree(ptr)
129 @ stdcall CryptMemRealloc(ptr long)
130 @ stub CryptMsgCalculateEncodedLength
131 @ stub CryptMsgClose
132 @ stub CryptMsgControl
133 @ stub CryptMsgCountersign
134 @ stub CryptMsgCountersignEncoded
135 @ stub CryptMsgEncodeAndSignCTL
136 @ stub CryptMsgGetAndVerifySigner
137 @ stub CryptMsgGetParam
138 @ stub CryptMsgOpenToDecode
139 @ stub CryptMsgOpenToEncode
140 @ stub CryptMsgSignCTL
141 @ stub CryptMsgUpdate
142 @ stub CryptMsgVerifyCountersignatureEncoded
143 @ stdcall CryptProtectData(ptr wstr ptr ptr ptr long ptr)
144 @ stdcall CryptQueryObject(long ptr long long long ptr ptr ptr ptr ptr ptr)
145 @ stdcall CryptRegisterDefaultOIDFunction(long str long wstr)
146 @ stdcall CryptRegisterOIDFunction(long str str wstr str)
147 @ stub CryptRegisterOIDInfo
148 @ stdcall CryptSIPAddProvider(ptr)
149 @ stdcall CryptSIPLoad(ptr long ptr)
150 @ stdcall CryptSIPRemoveProvider(ptr)
151 @ stdcall CryptSIPRetrieveSubjectGuid(wstr long ptr)
152 @ stub CryptSetAsyncParam
153 @ stdcall CryptSetOIDFunctionValue(long str str wstr long ptr long)
154 @ stub CryptSetProviderU
155 @ stub CryptSignAndEncodeCertificate
156 @ stub CryptSignAndEncryptMessage
157 @ stdcall CryptSignCertificate(long long long ptr long ptr ptr ptr ptr)
158 @ stub CryptSignHashU
159 @ stub CryptSignMessage
160 @ stub CryptSignMessageWithKey
161 @ stdcall CryptUnprotectData(ptr ptr ptr ptr ptr long ptr)
162 @ stdcall CryptUnregisterDefaultOIDFunction(long str wstr)
163 @ stdcall CryptUnregisterOIDFunction(long str str)
164 @ stub CryptUnregisterOIDInfo
165 @ stdcall CryptVerifyCertificateSignature(long long ptr long ptr)
166 @ stdcall CryptVerifyCertificateSignatureEx(long long long ptr long ptr long ptr)
167 @ stub CryptVerifyDetachedMessageHash
168 @ stub CryptVerifyDetachedMessageSignature
169 @ stub CryptVerifyMessageHash
170 @ stdcall CryptVerifyMessageSignature(ptr long ptr long ptr ptr ptr)
171 @ stub CryptVerifyMessageSignatureWithKey
172 @ stub CryptVerifySignatureU
173 @ stdcall I_CryptAllocTls()
174 @ stdcall I_CryptCreateLruCache(ptr ptr)
175 @ stub I_CryptCreateLruEntry
176 @ stdcall I_CryptDetachTls(long)
177 @ stdcall I_CryptFindLruEntryData(long long long)
178 @ stdcall I_CryptFlushLruCache(ptr long long)
179 @ stdcall I_CryptFreeLruCache(ptr long long)
180 @ stdcall I_CryptFreeTls(long long)
181 @ stub I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProv
182 @ stub I_CryptGetDefaultCryptProvForEncrypt
183 @ stdcall I_CryptGetOssGlobal(long)
184 @ stdcall I_CryptGetTls(long)
185 @ stub I_CryptInsertLruEntry
186 @ stdcall I_CryptInstallAsn1Module(long long long)
187 @ stdcall I_CryptInstallOssGlobal(long long long)
188 @ stub I_CryptReleaseLruEntry
189 @ stdcall I_CryptSetTls(long ptr)
190 @ stub I_CryptUninstallOssGlobal
191 @ stub PFXExportCertStore
192 @ stub PFXImportCertStore
193 @ stub RegCreateHKCUKeyExU
194 @ stub RegCreateKeyExU
195 @ stub RegDeleteValueU
196 @ stub RegEnumValueU
197 @ stub RegOpenHKCUKeyExU
198 @ stub RegOpenKeyExU
199 @ stub RegQueryInfoKeyU
200 @ stub RegQueryValueExU
201 @ stub RegSetValueExU