2 * RichEdit - painting functions
4 * Copyright 2004 by Krzysztof Foltman
5 * Copyright 2005 by Phil Krylov
7 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
9 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
18 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
19 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
26 void ME_PaintContent(ME_TextEditor *editor, HDC hDC, BOOL bOnlyNew, const RECT *rcUpdate) {
32 yoffset = ME_GetYScrollPos(editor);
33 ME_InitContext(&c, editor, hDC);
35 ME_MoveCaret(editor); /* Calls ME_WrapMarkedParagraphs */
36 item = editor->pBuffer->pFirst->next;
38 while(item != editor->pBuffer->pLast) {
41 assert(item->type == diParagraph);
42 if (item->member.para.pCell
43 != item->member.para.next_para->member.para.pCell)
46 cell = &ME_FindItemBack(item->member.para.next_para, diCell)->member.cell;
47 ye = cell->pt.y + cell->nHeight - yoffset;
49 ye = c.pt.y + item->member.para.nHeight;
51 if (!(item->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWEND) &&
52 item->member.para.pCell != item->member.para.prev_para->member.para.pCell)
55 if (item->member.para.prev_para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART)
56 cell = item->member.para.pCell;
58 cell = item->member.para.prev_para->member.para.pCell;
60 /* the border shifts the text down */
61 yTextOffset = cell->member.cell.yTextOffset;
64 if (!bOnlyNew || (item->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_REPAINT))
66 BOOL bPaint = (rcUpdate == NULL);
68 bPaint = c.pt.y<rcUpdate->bottom && ye>rcUpdate->top;
71 c.pt.y += yTextOffset;
72 ME_DrawParagraph(&c, item);
73 if (!rcUpdate || (rcUpdate->top<=c.pt.y-yTextOffset && rcUpdate->bottom>=ye))
74 item->member.para.nFlags &= ~MEPF_REPAINT;
77 if (item->member.para.pCell)
79 ME_Cell *cell = &item->member.para.pCell->member.cell;
80 ME_DisplayItem *next_para = item->member.para.next_para;
81 c.pt.x = cell->pt.x + cell->nWidth;
82 if (item->member.para.pCell == next_para->member.para.pCell &&
83 !(next_para->member.para.nFlags & (MEPF_ROWSTART|MEPF_ROWEND)))
87 if (next_para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART)
89 cell = &ME_FindItemFwd(next_para, diCell)->member.cell;
91 else if (next_para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWEND)
93 cell = &cell->next_cell->member.cell;
97 cell = &next_para->member.para.pCell->member.cell;
99 c.pt.y = cell->pt.y - yoffset;
101 } else if (!(item->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART)) {
104 item = item->member.para.next_para;
106 if (c.pt.y<c.rcView.bottom) {
108 int xs = c.rcView.left, xe = c.rcView.right;
109 int ys = c.pt.y, ye = c.rcView.bottom;
113 int y1 = editor->nTotalLength-yoffset, y2 = editor->nLastTotalLength-yoffset;
120 if (rcUpdate && ys!=ye)
122 xs = rcUpdate->left, xe = rcUpdate->right;
123 if (rcUpdate->top > ys)
125 if (rcUpdate->bottom < ye)
126 ye = rcUpdate->bottom;
134 FillRect(hDC, &rc, c.editor->hbrBackground);
137 if (editor->nTotalLength != editor->nLastTotalLength)
138 ME_SendRequestResize(editor, FALSE);
139 editor->nLastTotalLength = editor->nTotalLength;
140 ME_DestroyContext(&c, NULL);
143 void ME_Repaint(ME_TextEditor *editor)
145 if (ME_WrapMarkedParagraphs(editor))
147 ME_UpdateScrollBar(editor);
148 FIXME("ME_Repaint had to call ME_WrapMarkedParagraphs\n");
150 if (!editor->bEmulateVersion10 || (editor->nEventMask & ENM_UPDATE))
151 ME_SendOldNotify(editor, EN_UPDATE);
152 UpdateWindow(editor->hWnd);
155 void ME_UpdateRepaint(ME_TextEditor *editor)
157 /* Should be called whenever the contents of the control have changed */
159 BOOL wrappedParagraphs;
161 wrappedParagraphs = ME_WrapMarkedParagraphs(editor);
162 if (!editor->bRedraw) return;
163 if (wrappedParagraphs)
164 ME_UpdateScrollBar(editor);
166 /* Ensure that the cursor is visible */
167 pCursor = &editor->pCursors[0];
168 ME_EnsureVisible(editor, pCursor->pRun);
170 /* send EN_CHANGE if the event mask asks for it */
171 if(editor->nEventMask & ENM_CHANGE)
173 editor->nEventMask &= ~ENM_CHANGE;
174 ME_SendOldNotify(editor, EN_CHANGE);
175 editor->nEventMask |= ENM_CHANGE;
178 ME_SendSelChange(editor);
182 ME_RewrapRepaint(ME_TextEditor *editor)
184 /* RewrapRepaint should be called whenever the control has changed in
185 * looks, but not content. Like resizing. */
187 ME_MarkAllForWrapping(editor);
190 ME_WrapMarkedParagraphs(editor);
191 ME_UpdateScrollBar(editor);
196 int ME_twips2pointsX(ME_Context *c, int x)
198 if (c->editor->nZoomNumerator == 0)
199 return x * c->dpi.cx / 1440;
201 return x * c->dpi.cx * c->editor->nZoomNumerator / 1440 / c->editor->nZoomDenominator;
204 int ME_twips2pointsY(ME_Context *c, int y)
206 if (c->editor->nZoomNumerator == 0)
207 return y * c->dpi.cy / 1440;
209 return y * c->dpi.cy * c->editor->nZoomNumerator / 1440 / c->editor->nZoomDenominator;
212 static void ME_HighlightSpace(ME_Context *c, int x, int y, LPCWSTR szText,
213 int nChars, ME_Style *s, int width,
214 int nSelFrom, int nSelTo, int ymin, int cy)
217 HGDIOBJ hOldFont = NULL;
220 /* Only highlight if there is a selection in the run and when
221 * EM_HIDESELECTION is not being used to hide the selection. */
222 if (nSelFrom >= nChars || nSelTo < 0 || nSelFrom >= nSelTo
223 || c->editor->bHideSelection)
225 hOldFont = ME_SelectStyleFont(c, s);
228 GetTextExtentPoint32W(hDC, szText, nChars, &sz);
231 if (nSelFrom < 0) nSelFrom = 0;
232 if (nSelTo > nChars) nSelTo = nChars;
233 GetTextExtentPoint32W(hDC, szText, nSelFrom, &sz);
235 if (nSelTo != nChars)
237 GetTextExtentPoint32W(hDC, szText+nSelFrom, nSelTo-nSelFrom, &sz);
240 selWidth = width - sz.cx;
242 ME_UnselectStyleFont(c, s, hOldFont);
244 if (c->editor->bEmulateVersion10)
245 PatBlt(hDC, x, ymin, selWidth, cy, DSTINVERT);
252 rect.right = x + selWidth;
253 rect.bottom = ymin + cy;
254 hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT));
255 FillRect(hDC, &rect, hBrush);
256 DeleteObject(hBrush);
260 static void ME_DrawTextWithStyle(ME_Context *c, int x, int y, LPCWSTR szText,
261 int nChars, ME_Style *s, int width,
262 int nSelFrom, int nSelTo, int ymin, int cy)
267 int yOffset = 0, yTwipsOffset = 0;
270 HPEN hPen = NULL, hOldPen = NULL;
271 BOOL bHighlightedText = (nSelFrom < nChars && nSelTo >= 0
272 && nSelFrom < nSelTo && !c->editor->bHideSelection);
273 int xSelStart = x, xSelEnd = x;
275 /* lpDx is only needed for tabs to make sure the underline done automatically
276 * by the font extends to the end of the tab. Tabs are always stored as
277 * a single character run, so we can handle this case separately, since
278 * otherwise lpDx would need to specify the lengths of each character. */
279 if (width && nChars == 1)
280 lpDx = &width; /* Make sure underline for tab extends across tab space */
282 hOldFont = ME_SelectStyleFont(c, s);
283 if ((s->fmt.dwMask & s->fmt.dwEffects) & CFM_OFFSET) {
284 yTwipsOffset = s->fmt.yOffset;
286 if ((s->fmt.dwMask & s->fmt.dwEffects) & (CFM_SUPERSCRIPT | CFM_SUBSCRIPT)) {
287 if (s->fmt.dwEffects & CFE_SUPERSCRIPT) yTwipsOffset = s->fmt.yHeight/3;
288 if (s->fmt.dwEffects & CFE_SUBSCRIPT) yTwipsOffset = -s->fmt.yHeight/12;
291 yOffset = ME_twips2pointsY(c, yTwipsOffset);
293 if ((s->fmt.dwMask & CFM_LINK) && (s->fmt.dwEffects & CFE_LINK))
295 else if ((s->fmt.dwMask & CFM_COLOR) && (s->fmt.dwEffects & CFE_AUTOCOLOR))
296 rgb = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
298 rgb = s->fmt.crTextColor;
300 /* Determine the area that is selected in the run. */
301 GetTextExtentPoint32W(hDC, szText, nChars, &sz);
302 /* Treat width as an optional parameter. We can get the width from the
303 * text extent of the string if it isn't specified. */
304 if (!width) width = sz.cx;
305 if (bHighlightedText)
313 GetTextExtentPoint32W(hDC, szText, nSelFrom, &sz);
314 xSelStart = x + sz.cx;
316 if (nSelTo >= nChars)
323 GetTextExtentPoint32W(hDC, szText+nSelFrom, nSelTo-nSelFrom, &sz);
324 xSelEnd = xSelStart + sz.cx;
328 /* Choose the pen type for underlining the text. */
329 if (s->fmt.dwMask & CFM_UNDERLINETYPE)
331 switch (s->fmt.bUnderlineType)
334 case CFU_UNDERLINEWORD: /* native seems to map it to simple underline (MSDN) */
335 case CFU_UNDERLINEDOUBLE: /* native seems to map it to simple underline (MSDN) */
336 hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, rgb);
339 hPen = CreatePen(PS_DOT, 1, rgb);
342 WINE_FIXME("Unknown underline type (%u)\n", s->fmt.bUnderlineType);
344 case CFU_CF1UNDERLINE: /* this type is supported in the font, do nothing */
351 hOldPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
355 rgbOld = SetTextColor(hDC, rgb);
356 if (bHighlightedText && !c->editor->bEmulateVersion10)
360 /* FIXME: should use textmetrics info for Descent info */
362 MoveToEx(hDC, x, y - yOffset + 1, NULL);
365 ExtTextOutW(hDC, x, y-yOffset, 0, NULL, szText, nSelFrom, NULL);
367 LineTo(hDC, xSelStart, y - yOffset + 1);
370 dim.bottom = ymin + cy;
371 dim.left = xSelStart;
373 SetTextColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT));
374 rgbBackOld = SetBkColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT));
375 ExtTextOutW(hDC, xSelStart, y-yOffset, ETO_OPAQUE, &dim,
376 szText+nSelFrom, nSelTo-nSelFrom, lpDx);
378 LineTo(hDC, xSelEnd, y - yOffset + 1);
379 SetBkColor(hDC, rgbBackOld);
380 if (xSelEnd < x + width)
382 SetTextColor(hDC, rgb);
383 ExtTextOutW(hDC, xSelEnd, y-yOffset, 0, NULL, szText+nSelTo,
384 nChars-nSelTo, NULL);
386 LineTo(hDC, x + width, y - yOffset + 1);
391 ExtTextOutW(hDC, x, y-yOffset, 0, NULL, szText, nChars, lpDx);
393 /* FIXME: should use textmetrics info for Descent info */
396 MoveToEx(hDC, x, y - yOffset + 1, NULL);
397 LineTo(hDC, x + width, y - yOffset + 1);
400 if (bHighlightedText) /* v1.0 inverts the selection */
402 PatBlt(hDC, xSelStart, ymin, xSelEnd-xSelStart, cy, DSTINVERT);
408 SelectObject(hDC, hOldPen);
411 SetTextColor(hDC, rgbOld);
412 ME_UnselectStyleFont(c, s, hOldFont);
415 static void ME_DebugWrite(HDC hDC, const POINT *pt, LPCWSTR szText) {
416 int align = SetTextAlign(hDC, TA_LEFT|TA_TOP);
417 HGDIOBJ hFont = SelectObject(hDC, GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT));
418 COLORREF color = SetTextColor(hDC, RGB(128,128,128));
419 TextOutW(hDC, pt->x, pt->y, szText, lstrlenW(szText));
420 SelectObject(hDC, hFont);
421 SetTextAlign(hDC, align);
422 SetTextColor(hDC, color);
425 static void ME_DrawRun(ME_Context *c, int x, int y, ME_DisplayItem *rundi, ME_Paragraph *para)
427 ME_Run *run = &rundi->member.run;
428 ME_DisplayItem *start;
429 int runofs = run->nCharOfs+para->nCharOfs;
430 int nSelFrom, nSelTo;
431 const WCHAR wszSpace[] = {' ', 0};
433 if (run->nFlags & MERF_HIDDEN)
436 start = ME_FindItemBack(rundi, diStartRow);
437 ME_GetSelection(c->editor, &nSelFrom, &nSelTo);
439 /* Draw selected end-of-paragraph mark */
440 /* you can always comment it out if you need visible paragraph marks */
441 if (run->nFlags & MERF_ENDPARA)
443 if (runofs >= nSelFrom && runofs < nSelTo)
445 ME_HighlightSpace(c, x, y, wszSpace, 1, run->style, 0, 0, 1,
446 c->pt.y + start->member.row.pt.y,
447 start->member.row.nHeight);
452 if (run->nFlags & (MERF_TAB | MERF_ENDCELL))
454 /* wszSpace is used instead of the tab character because otherwise
455 * an unwanted symbol can be inserted instead. */
456 ME_DrawTextWithStyle(c, x, y, wszSpace, 1, run->style, run->nWidth,
457 nSelFrom-runofs,nSelTo-runofs,
458 c->pt.y + start->member.row.pt.y,
459 start->member.row.nHeight);
463 if (run->nFlags & MERF_GRAPHICS)
464 ME_DrawOLE(c, x, y, run, para, (runofs >= nSelFrom) && (runofs < nSelTo));
467 if (c->editor->cPasswordMask)
469 ME_String *szMasked = ME_MakeStringR(c->editor->cPasswordMask,ME_StrVLen(run->strText));
470 ME_DrawTextWithStyle(c, x, y,
471 szMasked->szData, ME_StrVLen(szMasked), run->style, run->nWidth,
472 nSelFrom-runofs,nSelTo-runofs, c->pt.y+start->member.row.pt.y, start->member.row.nHeight);
473 ME_DestroyString(szMasked);
476 ME_DrawTextWithStyle(c, x, y,
477 run->strText->szData, ME_StrVLen(run->strText), run->style, run->nWidth,
478 nSelFrom-runofs,nSelTo-runofs, c->pt.y+start->member.row.pt.y, start->member.row.nHeight);
482 static const struct {unsigned width_num : 4, width_den : 4, pen_style : 4, dble : 1;} border_details[] = {
483 /* none */ {0, 1, PS_SOLID, FALSE},
484 /* 3/4 */ {3, 4, PS_SOLID, FALSE},
485 /* 1 1/2 */ {3, 2, PS_SOLID, FALSE},
486 /* 2 1/4 */ {9, 4, PS_SOLID, FALSE},
487 /* 3 */ {3, 1, PS_SOLID, FALSE},
488 /* 4 1/2 */ {9, 2, PS_SOLID, FALSE},
489 /* 6 */ {6, 1, PS_SOLID, FALSE},
490 /* 3/4 double */ {3, 4, PS_SOLID, TRUE},
491 /* 1 1/2 double */ {3, 2, PS_SOLID, TRUE},
492 /* 2 1/4 double */ {9, 4, PS_SOLID, TRUE},
493 /* 3/4 gray */ {3, 4, PS_DOT /* FIXME */, FALSE},
494 /* 1 1/2 dashed */ {3, 2, PS_DASH, FALSE},
497 static const COLORREF pen_colors[16] = {
498 /* Black */ RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00), /* Blue */ RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF),
499 /* Cyan */ RGB(0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF), /* Green */ RGB(0x00, 0xFF, 0x00),
500 /* Magenta */ RGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF), /* Red */ RGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00),
501 /* Yellow */ RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00), /* White */ RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF),
502 /* Dark blue */ RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x80), /* Dark cyan */ RGB(0x00, 0x80, 0x80),
503 /* Dark green */ RGB(0x00, 0x80, 0x80), /* Dark magenta */ RGB(0x80, 0x00, 0x80),
504 /* Dark red */ RGB(0x80, 0x00, 0x00), /* Dark yellow */ RGB(0x80, 0x80, 0x00),
505 /* Dark gray */ RGB(0x80, 0x80, 0x80), /* Light gray */ RGB(0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0),
508 static int ME_GetBorderPenWidth(ME_TextEditor* editor, int idx)
512 if (editor->nZoomNumerator == 0)
514 width = border_details[idx].width_num + border_details[idx].width_den / 2;
515 width /= border_details[idx].width_den;
519 width = border_details[idx].width_num * editor->nZoomNumerator;
520 width += border_details[idx].width_den * editor->nZoomNumerator / 2;
521 width /= border_details[idx].width_den * editor->nZoomDenominator;
526 int ME_GetParaBorderWidth(ME_TextEditor* editor, int flags)
528 int idx = (flags >> 8) & 0xF;
531 if (idx >= sizeof(border_details) / sizeof(border_details[0]))
533 FIXME("Unsupported border value %d\n", idx);
536 width = ME_GetBorderPenWidth(editor, idx);
537 if (border_details[idx].dble) width = width * 2 + 1;
541 int ME_GetParaLineSpace(ME_Context* c, ME_Paragraph* para)
544 if (!(para->pFmt->dwMask & PFM_LINESPACING)) return 0;
546 /* FIXME: how to compute simply the line space in ls ??? */
547 /* FIXME: does line spacing include the line itself ??? */
548 switch (para->pFmt->bLineSpacingRule)
550 case 0: sp = ls; break;
551 case 1: sp = (3 * ls) / 2; break;
552 case 2: sp = 2 * ls; break;
553 case 3: sp = ME_twips2pointsY(c, para->pFmt->dyLineSpacing); if (sp < ls) sp = ls; break;
554 case 4: sp = ME_twips2pointsY(c, para->pFmt->dyLineSpacing); break;
555 case 5: sp = para->pFmt->dyLineSpacing / 20; break;
556 default: FIXME("Unsupported spacing rule value %d\n", para->pFmt->bLineSpacingRule);
558 if (c->editor->nZoomNumerator == 0)
561 return sp * c->editor->nZoomNumerator / c->editor->nZoomDenominator;
564 static void ME_DrawParaDecoration(ME_Context* c, ME_Paragraph* para, int y, RECT* bounds)
566 int idx, border_width, top_border, bottom_border;
570 SetRectEmpty(bounds);
571 if (!(para->pFmt->dwMask & (PFM_BORDER | PFM_SPACEBEFORE | PFM_SPACEAFTER))) return;
573 border_width = top_border = bottom_border = 0;
574 idx = (para->pFmt->wBorders >> 8) & 0xF;
575 hasParaBorder = (!(c->editor->bEmulateVersion10 &&
576 para->pFmt->dwMask & PFM_TABLE &&
577 para->pFmt->wEffects & PFE_TABLE) &&
578 (para->pFmt->dwMask & PFM_BORDER) &&
580 (para->pFmt->wBorders & 0xF));
583 /* FIXME: wBorders is not stored as MSDN says in v1.0 - 4.1 of richedit
584 * controls. It actually stores the paragraph or row border style. Although
585 * the value isn't used for drawing, it is used for streaming out rich text.
587 * wBorders stores the border style for each side (top, left, bottom, right)
588 * using nibble (4 bits) to store each border style. The rich text format
589 * control words, and their associated value are the following:
599 * The order of the sides stored actually differs from v1.0 to 3.0 and v4.1.
600 * The mask corresponding to each side for the version are the following:
604 * 0x0F00 bottom right
605 * 0xF000 right bottom
607 if (para->pFmt->wBorders & 0x00B0)
608 FIXME("Unsupported border flags %x\n", para->pFmt->wBorders);
609 border_width = ME_GetParaBorderWidth(c->editor, para->pFmt->wBorders);
610 if (para->pFmt->wBorders & 4) top_border = border_width;
611 if (para->pFmt->wBorders & 8) bottom_border = border_width;
614 if (para->pFmt->dwMask & PFM_SPACEBEFORE)
616 rc.left = c->rcView.left;
617 rc.right = c->rcView.right;
619 bounds->top = ME_twips2pointsY(c, para->pFmt->dySpaceBefore);
620 rc.bottom = y + bounds->top + top_border;
621 FillRect(c->hDC, &rc, c->editor->hbrBackground);
624 if (para->pFmt->dwMask & PFM_SPACEAFTER)
626 rc.left = c->rcView.left;
627 rc.right = c->rcView.right;
628 rc.bottom = y + para->nHeight;
629 bounds->bottom = ME_twips2pointsY(c, para->pFmt->dySpaceAfter);
630 rc.top = rc.bottom - bounds->bottom - bottom_border;
631 FillRect(c->hDC, &rc, c->editor->hbrBackground);
634 /* Native richedit doesn't support paragraph borders in v1.0 - 4.1,
635 * but might support it in later versions. */
639 HPEN pen = NULL, oldpen = NULL;
642 if (para->pFmt->wBorders & 64) /* autocolor */
643 pencr = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
645 pencr = pen_colors[(para->pFmt->wBorders >> 12) & 0xF];
647 pen_width = ME_GetBorderPenWidth(c->editor, idx);
648 pen = CreatePen(border_details[idx].pen_style, pen_width, pencr);
649 oldpen = SelectObject(c->hDC, pen);
650 MoveToEx(c->hDC, 0, 0, &pt);
652 /* before & after spaces are not included in border */
654 /* helper to draw the double lines in case of corner */
655 #define DD(x) ((para->pFmt->wBorders & (x)) ? (pen_width + 1) : 0)
657 if (para->pFmt->wBorders & 1)
659 MoveToEx(c->hDC, c->rcView.left, y + bounds->top, NULL);
660 LineTo(c->hDC, c->rcView.left, y + para->nHeight - bounds->bottom);
661 if (border_details[idx].dble) {
662 rc.left = c->rcView.left + 1;
663 rc.right = rc.left + border_width;
664 rc.top = y + bounds->top;
665 rc.bottom = y + para->nHeight - bounds->bottom;
666 FillRect(c->hDC, &rc, c->editor->hbrBackground);
667 MoveToEx(c->hDC, c->rcView.left + pen_width + 1, y + bounds->top + DD(4), NULL);
668 LineTo(c->hDC, c->rcView.left + pen_width + 1, y + para->nHeight - bounds->bottom - DD(8));
670 bounds->left += border_width;
672 if (para->pFmt->wBorders & 2)
674 MoveToEx(c->hDC, c->rcView.right - 1, y + bounds->top, NULL);
675 LineTo(c->hDC, c->rcView.right - 1, y + para->nHeight - bounds->bottom);
676 if (border_details[idx].dble) {
677 rc.left = c->rcView.right - pen_width - 1;
678 rc.right = c->rcView.right - 1;
679 rc.top = y + bounds->top;
680 rc.bottom = y + para->nHeight - bounds->bottom;
681 FillRect(c->hDC, &rc, c->editor->hbrBackground);
682 MoveToEx(c->hDC, c->rcView.right - 1 - pen_width - 1, y + bounds->top + DD(4), NULL);
683 LineTo(c->hDC, c->rcView.right - 1 - pen_width - 1, y + para->nHeight - bounds->bottom - DD(8));
685 bounds->right += border_width;
687 if (para->pFmt->wBorders & 4)
689 MoveToEx(c->hDC, c->rcView.left, y + bounds->top, NULL);
690 LineTo(c->hDC, c->rcView.right, y + bounds->top);
691 if (border_details[idx].dble) {
692 MoveToEx(c->hDC, c->rcView.left + DD(1), y + bounds->top + pen_width + 1, NULL);
693 LineTo(c->hDC, c->rcView.right - DD(2), y + bounds->top + pen_width + 1);
695 bounds->top += border_width;
697 if (para->pFmt->wBorders & 8)
699 MoveToEx(c->hDC, c->rcView.left, y + para->nHeight - bounds->bottom - 1, NULL);
700 LineTo(c->hDC, c->rcView.right, y + para->nHeight - bounds->bottom - 1);
701 if (border_details[idx].dble) {
702 MoveToEx(c->hDC, c->rcView.left + DD(1), y + para->nHeight - bounds->bottom - 1 - pen_width - 1, NULL);
703 LineTo(c->hDC, c->rcView.right - DD(2), y + para->nHeight - bounds->bottom - 1 - pen_width - 1);
705 bounds->bottom += border_width;
709 MoveToEx(c->hDC, pt.x, pt.y, NULL);
710 SelectObject(c->hDC, oldpen);
715 static void ME_DrawTableBorders(ME_Context *c, ME_DisplayItem *paragraph)
717 ME_Paragraph *para = ¶graph->member.para;
718 if (!c->editor->bEmulateVersion10) /* v4.1 */
723 ME_Cell *cell = ¶->pCell->member.cell;
724 ME_DisplayItem *paraAfterRow;
731 BOOL atTop = (para->pCell != para->prev_para->member.para.pCell);
732 BOOL atBottom = (para->pCell != para->next_para->member.para.pCell);
733 int top = (atTop ? cell->pt.y : para->pt.y) - ME_GetYScrollPos(c->editor);
734 int bottom = (atBottom ?
735 cell->pt.y + cell->nHeight - ME_GetYScrollPos(c->editor):
736 top + para->nHeight + (atTop ? cell->yTextOffset : 0));
737 rc.left = cell->pt.x;
738 rc.right = rc.left + cell->nWidth;
740 /* Erase gap before text if not all borders are the same height. */
741 width = max(ME_twips2pointsY(c, cell->border.top.width), 1);
742 rc.top = top + width;
743 width = cell->yTextOffset - width;
744 rc.bottom = rc.top + width;
746 FillRect(c->hDC, &rc, c->editor->hbrBackground);
749 /* Draw cell borders.
750 * The borders borders are draw in is left, top, bottom, right in order
751 * to be consistent with native richedit. This is noticeable from the
752 * overlap of borders of different colours. */
753 if (!(para->nFlags & MEPF_ROWEND)) {
756 if (cell->border.left.width > 0)
758 color = cell->border.left.colorRef;
759 width = max(ME_twips2pointsX(c, cell->border.left.width), 1);
761 color = RGB(192,192,192);
764 logBrush.lbStyle = BS_SOLID;
765 logBrush.lbColor = color;
766 logBrush.lbHatch = 0;
768 width, &logBrush, 0, NULL);
769 oldPen = SelectObject(c->hDC, pen);
770 MoveToEx(c->hDC, rc.left, rc.top, &oldPt);
771 LineTo(c->hDC, rc.left, rc.bottom);
772 SelectObject(c->hDC, oldPen);
774 MoveToEx(c->hDC, oldPt.x, oldPt.y, NULL);
778 if (cell->border.top.width > 0)
780 brush = CreateSolidBrush(cell->border.top.colorRef);
781 width = max(ME_twips2pointsY(c, cell->border.top.width), 1);
783 brush = GetStockObject(LTGRAY_BRUSH);
787 rc.bottom = rc.top + width;
788 FillRect(c->hDC, &rc, brush);
789 if (cell->border.top.width > 0)
793 /* Draw the bottom border if at the last paragraph in the cell, and when
794 * in the last row of the table. */
796 int oldLeft = rc.left;
797 width = max(ME_twips2pointsY(c, cell->border.bottom.width), 1);
798 paraAfterRow = ME_GetTableRowEnd(paragraph)->member.para.next_para;
799 if (paraAfterRow->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART) {
800 ME_DisplayItem *nextEndCell;
801 nextEndCell = ME_FindItemBack(ME_GetTableRowEnd(paraAfterRow), diCell);
802 assert(nextEndCell && !nextEndCell->member.cell.next_cell);
803 rc.left = nextEndCell->member.cell.pt.x;
804 /* FIXME: Native draws FROM the bottom of the table rather than
805 * TO the bottom of the table in this case, but just doing so here
806 * will case the next row to erase the border. */
809 rc.bottom = rc.top + width;
812 if (rc.left < rc.right) {
813 if (cell->border.bottom.width > 0) {
814 brush = CreateSolidBrush(cell->border.bottom.colorRef);
816 brush = GetStockObject(LTGRAY_BRUSH);
819 rc.top = rc.bottom - width;
820 FillRect(c->hDC, &rc, brush);
821 if (cell->border.bottom.width > 0)
827 /* Right border only drawn if at the end of the table row. */
828 if (!cell->next_cell->member.cell.next_cell &&
829 !(para->nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART))
833 if (cell->border.right.width > 0) {
834 color = cell->border.right.colorRef;
835 width = max(ME_twips2pointsX(c, cell->border.right.width), 1);
837 color = RGB(192,192,192);
840 logBrush.lbStyle = BS_SOLID;
841 logBrush.lbColor = color;
842 logBrush.lbHatch = 0;
844 width, &logBrush, 0, NULL);
845 oldPen = SelectObject(c->hDC, pen);
846 MoveToEx(c->hDC, rc.right - 1, rc.top, &oldPt);
847 LineTo(c->hDC, rc.right - 1, rc.bottom);
848 SelectObject(c->hDC, oldPen);
850 MoveToEx(c->hDC, oldPt.x, oldPt.y, NULL);
853 } else { /* v1.0 - 3.0 */
854 /* Draw simple table border */
855 if (para->pFmt->dwMask & PFM_TABLE && para->pFmt->wEffects & PFE_TABLE) {
856 HPEN pen = NULL, oldpen = NULL;
857 int i, firstX, startX, endX, rowY, rowBottom, nHeight;
859 PARAFORMAT2 *pNextFmt;
861 pen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, para->border.top.colorRef);
862 oldpen = SelectObject(c->hDC, pen);
864 /* Find the start relative to the text */
865 firstX = ME_FindItemFwd(paragraph, diRun)->member.run.pt.x;
866 /* Go back by the horizontal gap, which is stored in dxOffset */
867 firstX -= ME_twips2pointsX(c, para->pFmt->dxOffset);
868 /* The left edge, stored in dxStartIndent affected just the first edge */
869 startX = firstX - ME_twips2pointsX(c, para->pFmt->dxStartIndent);
871 if (para->pFmt->dwMask & PFM_SPACEBEFORE)
872 rowY += ME_twips2pointsY(c, para->pFmt->dySpaceBefore);
873 nHeight = ME_FindItemFwd(paragraph, diStartRow)->member.row.nHeight;
874 rowBottom = rowY + nHeight;
876 /* Draw horizontal lines */
877 MoveToEx(c->hDC, firstX, rowY, &oldPt);
878 i = para->pFmt->cTabCount - 1;
879 endX = startX + ME_twips2pointsX(c, para->pFmt->rgxTabs[i] & 0x00ffffff) + 1;
880 LineTo(c->hDC, endX, rowY);
881 pNextFmt = para->next_para->member.para.pFmt;
882 /* The bottom of the row only needs to be drawn if the next row is
884 if (!(pNextFmt && pNextFmt->dwMask & PFM_TABLE && pNextFmt->wEffects &&
887 /* Decrement rowBottom to draw the bottom line within the row, and
888 * to not draw over this line when drawing the vertical lines. */
890 MoveToEx(c->hDC, firstX, rowBottom, NULL);
891 LineTo(c->hDC, endX, rowBottom);
894 /* Draw vertical lines */
895 MoveToEx(c->hDC, firstX, rowY, NULL);
896 LineTo(c->hDC, firstX, rowBottom);
897 for (i = 0; i < para->pFmt->cTabCount; i++)
899 int rightBoundary = para->pFmt->rgxTabs[i] & 0x00ffffff;
900 endX = startX + ME_twips2pointsX(c, rightBoundary);
901 MoveToEx(c->hDC, endX, rowY, NULL);
902 LineTo(c->hDC, endX, rowBottom);
905 MoveToEx(c->hDC, oldPt.x, oldPt.y, NULL);
906 SelectObject(c->hDC, oldpen);
912 void ME_DrawParagraph(ME_Context *c, ME_DisplayItem *paragraph) {
913 int align = SetTextAlign(c->hDC, TA_BASELINE);
916 ME_Paragraph *para = NULL;
919 int height = 0, baseline = 0, no=0;
920 BOOL visible = FALSE;
922 c->pt.x = c->rcView.left;
923 rc.left = c->rcView.left;
924 rc.right = c->rcView.right;
925 for (p = paragraph; p!=paragraph->member.para.next_para; p = p->next) {
928 para = &p->member.para;
932 ME_Cell *cell = ¶->pCell->member.cell;
933 rc.left = cell->pt.x;
934 rc.right = rc.left + cell->nWidth;
936 if (para->nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART) {
937 ME_Cell *cell = ¶->next_para->member.para.pCell->member.cell;
938 rc.right = cell->pt.x;
939 } else if (para->nFlags & MEPF_ROWEND) {
940 ME_Cell *cell = ¶->prev_para->member.para.pCell->member.cell;
941 rc.left = cell->pt.x + cell->nWidth;
943 ME_DrawParaDecoration(c, para, y, &bounds);
947 /* we should have seen a diParagraph before */
951 if (para->nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART) {
952 ME_Cell *cell = ¶->next_para->member.para.pCell->member.cell;
953 rc.bottom = y + cell->nHeight;
954 } else if (para->nFlags & MEPF_ROWEND) {
955 ME_Cell *cell = ¶->prev_para->member.para.pCell->member.cell;
956 rc.bottom = y + cell->nHeight;
958 rc.bottom = y+p->member.row.nHeight;
960 visible = RectVisible(c->hDC, &rc);
962 FillRect(c->hDC, &rc, c->editor->hbrBackground);
966 const WCHAR wszRowDebug[] = {'r','o','w','[','%','d',']',0};
969 wsprintfW(buf, wszRowDebug, no);
971 ME_DebugWrite(c->hDC, &pt, buf);
974 height = p->member.row.nHeight;
975 baseline = p->member.row.nBaseline;
979 run = &p->member.run;
980 if (visible && me_debug) {
981 rc.left = c->rcView.left+run->pt.x;
982 rc.right = c->rcView.left+run->pt.x+run->nWidth;
983 rc.top = c->pt.y+run->pt.y;
984 rc.bottom = c->pt.y+run->pt.y+height;
985 TRACE("rc = (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom);
986 if (run->nFlags & MERF_SKIPPED)
987 DrawFocusRect(c->hDC, &rc);
989 FrameRect(c->hDC, &rc, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_GRAYTEXT));
992 ME_DrawRun(c, run->pt.x, c->pt.y+run->pt.y+baseline, p, ¶graph->member.para);
995 /* I'm using %ls, hope wsprintfW is not going to use wrong (4-byte) WCHAR version */
996 const WCHAR wszRunDebug[] = {'[','%','d',':','%','x',']',' ','%','l','s',0};
1000 pt.y = c->pt.y + run->pt.y;
1001 wsprintfW(buf, wszRunDebug, no, p->member.run.nFlags, p->member.run.strText->szData);
1002 ME_DebugWrite(c->hDC, &pt, buf);
1004 /* c->pt.x += p->member.run.nWidth; */
1007 /* Clear any space at the bottom of the cell after the text. */
1008 if (para->nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART)
1012 rc.bottom = p->member.cell.pt.y + p->member.cell.nHeight
1013 - ME_GetYScrollPos(c->editor);
1014 if (RectVisible(c->hDC, &rc))
1016 FillRect(c->hDC, &rc, c->editor->hbrBackground);
1025 ME_DrawTableBorders(c, paragraph);
1027 SetTextAlign(c->hDC, align);
1030 void ME_ScrollAbs(ME_TextEditor *editor, int absY)
1032 ME_Scroll(editor, absY, 1);
1035 void ME_ScrollUp(ME_TextEditor *editor, int cy)
1037 ME_Scroll(editor, cy, 2);
1040 void ME_ScrollDown(ME_TextEditor *editor, int cy)
1042 ME_Scroll(editor, cy, 3);
1045 void ME_Scroll(ME_TextEditor *editor, int value, int type)
1048 int nOrigPos, nNewPos, nActualScroll;
1051 BOOL bScrollBarIsVisible, bScrollBarWillBeVisible;
1053 nOrigPos = ME_GetYScrollPos(editor);
1055 si.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
1061 /*Scroll absolutely*/
1065 /* Scroll up - towards the beginning of the document */
1066 si.nPos = nOrigPos - value;
1069 /* Scroll down - towards the end of the document */
1070 si.nPos = nOrigPos + value;
1073 FIXME("ME_Scroll called incorrectly\n");
1077 nNewPos = SetScrollInfo(editor->hWnd, SB_VERT, &si, editor->bRedraw);
1078 editor->vert_si.nPos = nNewPos;
1079 nActualScroll = nOrigPos - nNewPos;
1080 if (editor->bRedraw)
1082 if (abs(nActualScroll) > editor->sizeWindow.cy)
1083 InvalidateRect(editor->hWnd, NULL, TRUE);
1085 ScrollWindowEx(editor->hWnd, 0, nActualScroll, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SW_INVALIDATE);
1089 hWnd = editor->hWnd;
1090 winStyle = GetWindowLongW(hWnd, GWL_STYLE);
1091 bScrollBarIsVisible = (winStyle & WS_VSCROLL) != 0;
1092 bScrollBarWillBeVisible = (editor->nHeight > editor->sizeWindow.cy)
1093 || (winStyle & ES_DISABLENOSCROLL);
1094 if (bScrollBarIsVisible != bScrollBarWillBeVisible)
1096 ShowScrollBar(hWnd, SB_VERT, bScrollBarWillBeVisible);
1098 ME_UpdateScrollBar(editor);
1102 void ME_UpdateScrollBar(ME_TextEditor *editor)
1104 /* Note that this is the only function that should ever call SetScrolLInfo
1105 * with SIF_PAGE or SIF_RANGE. SetScrollPos and SetScrollRange should never
1106 * be used at all. */
1110 BOOL bScrollBarWasVisible,bScrollBarWillBeVisible;
1112 if (ME_WrapMarkedParagraphs(editor))
1113 FIXME("ME_UpdateScrollBar had to call ME_WrapMarkedParagraphs\n");
1115 hWnd = editor->hWnd;
1116 si.cbSize = sizeof(si);
1117 bScrollBarWasVisible = ME_GetYScrollVisible(editor);
1118 bScrollBarWillBeVisible = editor->nHeight > editor->sizeWindow.cy;
1120 si.fMask = SIF_PAGE | SIF_RANGE | SIF_POS;
1121 if (GetWindowLongW(hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & ES_DISABLENOSCROLL)
1124 bScrollBarWillBeVisible = TRUE;
1127 if (bScrollBarWasVisible != bScrollBarWillBeVisible)
1129 ShowScrollBar(hWnd, SB_VERT, bScrollBarWillBeVisible);
1130 ME_MarkAllForWrapping(editor);
1131 ME_WrapMarkedParagraphs(editor);
1135 si.nMax = editor->nTotalLength;
1136 si.nPos = editor->vert_si.nPos;
1137 si.nPage = editor->sizeWindow.cy;
1139 if (!(si.nMin == editor->vert_si.nMin && si.nMax == editor->vert_si.nMax && si.nPage == editor->vert_si.nPage))
1141 TRACE("min=%d max=%d page=%d\n", si.nMin, si.nMax, si.nPage);
1142 editor->vert_si.nMin = si.nMin;
1143 editor->vert_si.nMax = si.nMax;
1144 editor->vert_si.nPage = si.nPage;
1145 if (bScrollBarWillBeVisible)
1147 SetScrollInfo(hWnd, SB_VERT, &si, TRUE);
1151 if (bScrollBarWasVisible && !(si.fMask & SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL))
1153 SetScrollInfo(hWnd, SB_VERT, &si, TRUE);
1154 ShowScrollBar(hWnd, SB_VERT, FALSE);
1155 ME_ScrollAbs(editor, 0);
1161 int ME_GetYScrollPos(ME_TextEditor *editor)
1163 return editor->vert_si.nPos;
1166 BOOL ME_GetYScrollVisible(ME_TextEditor *editor)
1167 { /* Returns true if the scrollbar is visible */
1168 return (editor->vert_si.nMax - editor->vert_si.nMin >= max(editor->vert_si.nPage - 1, 0));
1171 void ME_EnsureVisible(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_DisplayItem *pRun)
1173 ME_DisplayItem *pRow = ME_FindItemBack(pRun, diStartRow);
1174 ME_DisplayItem *pPara = ME_FindItemBack(pRun, diParagraph);
1175 int y, yrel, yheight, yold;
1180 y = pPara->member.para.pt.y+pRow->member.row.pt.y;
1181 yheight = pRow->member.row.nHeight;
1182 yold = ME_GetYScrollPos(editor);
1186 ME_ScrollAbs(editor,y);
1187 else if (yrel + yheight > editor->sizeWindow.cy)
1188 ME_ScrollAbs(editor,y+yheight-editor->sizeWindow.cy);
1193 ME_InvalidateFromOfs(ME_TextEditor *editor, int nCharOfs)
1199 ME_RunOfsFromCharOfs(editor, nCharOfs, &tmp.pRun, &tmp.nOffset);
1200 ME_GetCursorCoordinates(editor, &tmp, &x, &y, &height);
1204 rc.bottom = y + height;
1205 rc.right = editor->rcFormat.right;
1206 InvalidateRect(editor->hWnd, &rc, FALSE);
1211 ME_InvalidateSelection(ME_TextEditor *editor)
1213 ME_DisplayItem *para1, *para2;
1215 int len = ME_GetTextLength(editor);
1217 ME_GetSelection(editor, &nStart, &nEnd);
1218 /* if both old and new selection are 0-char (= caret only), then
1219 there's no (inverted) area to be repainted, neither old nor new */
1220 if (nStart == nEnd && editor->nLastSelStart == editor->nLastSelEnd)
1222 ME_WrapMarkedParagraphs(editor);
1223 ME_GetSelectionParas(editor, ¶1, ¶2);
1224 assert(para1->type == diParagraph);
1225 assert(para2->type == diParagraph);
1226 /* last selection markers aren't always updated, which means
1227 they can point past the end of the document */
1228 if (editor->nLastSelStart > len || editor->nLastSelEnd > len) {
1229 ME_MarkForPainting(editor,
1230 ME_FindItemFwd(editor->pBuffer->pFirst, diParagraph),
1231 ME_FindItemFwd(editor->pBuffer->pFirst, diTextEnd));
1233 /* if the start part of selection is being expanded or contracted... */
1234 if (nStart < editor->nLastSelStart) {
1235 ME_MarkForPainting(editor, para1, ME_FindItemFwd(editor->pLastSelStartPara, diParagraphOrEnd));
1237 if (nStart > editor->nLastSelStart) {
1238 ME_MarkForPainting(editor, editor->pLastSelStartPara, ME_FindItemFwd(para1, diParagraphOrEnd));
1241 /* if the end part of selection is being contracted or expanded... */
1242 if (nEnd < editor->nLastSelEnd) {
1243 ME_MarkForPainting(editor, para2, ME_FindItemFwd(editor->pLastSelEndPara, diParagraphOrEnd));
1245 if (nEnd > editor->nLastSelEnd) {
1246 ME_MarkForPainting(editor, editor->pLastSelEndPara, ME_FindItemFwd(para2, diParagraphOrEnd));
1250 ME_InvalidateMarkedParagraphs(editor);
1251 /* remember the last invalidated position */
1252 ME_GetSelection(editor, &editor->nLastSelStart, &editor->nLastSelEnd);
1253 ME_GetSelectionParas(editor, &editor->pLastSelStartPara, &editor->pLastSelEndPara);
1254 assert(editor->pLastSelStartPara->type == diParagraph);
1255 assert(editor->pLastSelEndPara->type == diParagraph);
1259 ME_QueueInvalidateFromCursor(ME_TextEditor *editor, int nCursor)
1261 editor->nInvalidOfs = ME_GetCursorOfs(editor, nCursor);
1266 ME_SetZoom(ME_TextEditor *editor, int numerator, int denominator)
1268 /* TODO: Zoom images and objects */
1272 if (denominator == 0)
1274 if (1.0 / 64.0 > (float)numerator / (float)denominator
1275 || (float)numerator / (float)denominator > 64.0)
1279 editor->nZoomNumerator = numerator;
1280 editor->nZoomDenominator = denominator;
1282 ME_RewrapRepaint(editor);