descriptionArbitrary-order Markov chains (for RBot)
ownerGiuseppe Bilotta
last changeTue, 15 Jul 2008 11:25:52 +0000 (13:25 +0200)
2008-07-15  Giuseppe BilottaUse SQLite to store data master
2007-07-30  Giuseppe BilottaDon't add useless chains last-no-db
2007-07-30  Giuseppe BilottaGive access to the wordlist
2007-07-30  Giuseppe BilottaFlatten out @mkv
2007-07-29  Giuseppe BilottaDefault to case sensitive learning
2007-07-29  Giuseppe BilottaDisplay amount of known words
2007-07-29  Giuseppe BilottaChomp learned llines
2007-07-29  Giuseppe BilottaTest all orders (from a given minimum to a given maximu...
2007-07-29  Giuseppe BilottaGenerators can use a maximum order different than the...
2007-07-28  Giuseppe BilottaCreate a single sentence for each percentage learnt
2007-07-28  Giuseppe BilottaFix MarkovChainer initialization
2007-07-28  Giuseppe BilottaFilename and MarkvoChainer order are not hardcoded...
2007-07-28  Giuseppe BilottaMaximum markov order is now an initialization parameter
2007-07-28  Giuseppe BilottaLearn from external file
2007-07-28  Giuseppe BilottaMinor optimization in bidirectional complete
2007-07-28  Giuseppe Bilottaraw_prev was calling raw_next instead of raw_prev
16 years ago last-no-db
10 years ago nodb
15 years ago master
16 years ago alt-imp