4 # :title: Twitter Status Update for rbot
6 # Author:: Carter Parks (carterparks) <carter@carterparks.com>
7 # Author:: Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta <giuseppe.bilotta@gmail.com>
9 # Copyright:: (C) 2007 Carter Parks
11 # Users can setup their twitter username and password and then begin updating
16 class TwitterPlugin < Plugin
30 # return a help string when the bot is asked for help on this plugin
31 def help(plugin, topic="")
32 return "twitter status [status] => updates your status on twitter | twitter identify [username] [password] => ties your nick to your twitter username and password"
35 # update the status on twitter
36 def get_status(m, params)
38 nick = params[:nick] || @registry[m.sourcenick + "_username"]
41 m.reply "you should specify the username of the twitter touse, or identify using 'twitter identify [username] [password]'"
45 # TODO configurable count
46 uri = "http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/#{URI.escape(nick)}.xml?count=3"
48 response = @bot.httputil.get(uri)
55 rex = REXML::Document.new(response)
56 rex.root.elements.each("status") { |st|
57 msg = st.elements['text'].to_s + " (#{st.elements['created_at'].to_s} via #{st.elements['source'].to_s})"
58 texts << Utils.decode_html_entities(msg).ircify_html
62 m.reply "could not parse status for #{nick}"
65 m.reply texts.reverse.join("\n")
68 m.reply "could not get status for #{nick}"
73 # update the status on twitter
74 def update_status(m, params)
77 unless @registry.has_key?(m.sourcenick + "_password") && @registry.has_key?(m.sourcenick + "_username")
78 m.reply "you must identify using 'twitter identify [username] [password]'"
82 uri = "http://#{URI.escape(@registry[m.sourcenick + "_username"])}:#{URI.escape(@registry[m.sourcenick + "_password"])}@twitter.com/statuses/update.xml"
84 response = @bot.httputil.post(uri, "status=#{URI.escape(params[:status].to_s)}")
87 if response.class == Net::HTTPOK
88 m.reply "status updated"
90 m.reply "could not update status"
94 # ties a nickname to a twitter username and password
95 def identify(m, params)
96 @registry[m.sourcenick + "_username"] = params[:username].to_s
97 @registry[m.sourcenick + "_password"] = params[:password].to_s
98 m.reply "you're all setup!"
102 # create an instance of our plugin class and register for the "length" command
103 plugin = TwitterPlugin.new
104 plugin.map 'twitter identify :username :password', :action => "identify", :public => false
105 plugin.map 'twitter update *status', :action => "update_status", :threaded => true
106 plugin.map 'twitter status [:nick]', :action => "get_status", :threaded => true