4 # :title: Alias plugin for rbot
6 # Author:: Yaohan Chen <yaohan.chen@gmail.com>
7 # Copyright:: (C) 2007 Yaohan Chen
10 # This plugin allows defining aliases for rbot commands. Aliases are like normal rbot
11 # commands and can take parameters. When called, they will be substituted into an
12 # exisitng rbot command and that is run.
15 # < alias googlerbot *terms => google site:linuxbrit.co.uk/rbot/ <terms>
17 # < googlerbot plugins
18 # > Results for site:linuxbrit.co.uk/rbot/ plugins: ....
21 # By default, only the owner can define and remove aliases, while everyone else can
22 # use and view them. When a command is executed with an alias, it's mapped normally with
23 # the alias user appearing to attempt to execute the command. Therefore it should be not
24 # possible to use aliases to circumvent permission sets. Care should be taken when
25 # defining aliases, due to these concerns:
26 # * Defined aliases can potentially override other plugins' maps, if this plugin is
28 # * Aliases can cause infinite recursion of aliases and/or commands. The plugin attempts
29 # to detect and stop this, but a few recursive calls can still cause spamming
34 class AliasPlugin < Plugin
35 # an exception raised when loading or getting input of invalid alias definitions
36 class AliasDefinitionError < ArgumentError
43 @data_path = "#{@bot.botclass}/alias/"
44 @data_file = "#{@data_path}/aliases.yaml"
45 # hash of alias => command entries
47 aliases = if File.exist?(@data_file) &&
48 (data = YAML.load_file(@data_file)) &&
49 data.respond_to?(:each_pair)
52 warning _("Data file is not found or corrupt, reinitializing data")
56 aliases.each_pair do |a, c|
59 rescue AliasDefinitionError
60 warning _("Invalid alias entry %{alias} : %{command} in %{filename}: %{reason}") %
61 {:alias => a, :command => c, :filename => @data_file, :reason => $1}
67 FileUtils.mkdir_p(@data_path)
68 Utils.safe_save(@data_file) {|f| f.write @aliases.to_yaml}
71 def cmd_add(m, params)
73 add_alias(params[:text].to_s, params[:command].to_s)
75 rescue AliasDefinitionError
76 m.reply _('The definition you provided is invalid: %{reason}') % {:reason => $!}
80 def cmd_remove(m, params)
81 text = params[:text].to_s
82 if @aliases.has_key?(text)
84 # TODO when rbot supports it, remove the mapping corresponding to the alias
87 m.reply _('No such alias is defined')
91 def cmd_list(m, params)
93 m.reply _('No aliases defined')
95 m.reply @aliases.map {|a, c| "#{a} => #{c}"}.join(' | ')
99 def cmd_whatis(m, params)
100 text = params[:text].to_s
101 if @aliases.has_key?(text)
102 m.reply _('Alias of %{command}') % {:command => @aliases[text]}
104 m.reply _('No such alias is defined')
108 def add_alias(text, command)
109 # each alias is implemented by adding a message map, whose handler creates a message
110 # containing the aliased command
112 command.grep(/<(\w+)>/) {$1}.to_set ==
113 text.grep(/(?:^|\s)[:*](\w+)(?:\s|$)/) {$1}.to_set or
114 raise AliasDefinitionError.new(_('The arguments in alias must match the substitutions in command, and vice versa'))
116 @aliases[text] = command
117 map text, :action => :"alias_handle<#{text}>", :auth_path => 'run'
120 def respond_to?(name, include_private=false)
121 name.to_s =~ /\Aalias_handle<.+>\Z/ || super
124 def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
125 if name.to_s =~ /\Aalias_handle<(.+)>\Z/
127 # messages created by alias handler will have a depth method, which returns the
128 # depth of "recursion" caused by the message
129 current_depth = if m.respond_to?(:depth) then m.depth else 0 end
130 if current_depth > MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH
131 m.reply _('The alias seems to have caused infinite recursion. Please examine your alias definitions')
135 command = @aliases[$1]
137 # create a fake message containing the intended command
138 new_msg = PrivMessage.new(@bot, m.server, m.server.user(m.source), m.target,
139 command.gsub(/<(\w+)>/) {|arg| params[:"#{$1}"].to_s})
140 # tag incremented depth on the message
143 end.send(:define_method, :depth) {current_depth + 1}
145 @bot.plugins.privmsg(new_msg)
147 m.reply _("Error handling the alias, the command is not defined")
150 super(name, *args, &block)
154 def help(plugin, topic='')
157 _('Create and use aliases for commands. Topics: create, commands')
159 _('"alias <text> => <command>" => add text as an alias of command. Text can contain placeholders marked with : or * for :words and *multiword arguments. The command can contain placeholders enclosed with < > which will be substituded with argument values. For example: alias googlerbot *terms => google site:linuxbrit.co.uk/rbot/ <terms>')
161 _('alias list => list defined aliases | alias whatis <alias> => show definition of the alias | alias remove <alias> => remove defined alias | see the "create" topic about adding aliases')
166 plugin = AliasPlugin.new
167 plugin.default_auth('edit', false)
168 plugin.default_auth('run', true)
169 plugin.default_auth('list', true)
171 plugin.map 'alias list',
172 :action => :cmd_list,
174 plugin.map 'alias whatis *text',
175 :action => :cmd_whatis,
177 plugin.map 'alias remove *text',
178 :action => :cmd_remove,
180 plugin.map 'alias rm *text',
181 :action => :cmd_remove,
183 plugin.map 'alias *text => *command',