wined3d: Remove references to the (no longer used) X11 lock.
[wine] / include /
2012-08-15  Vincent Povirkwindowscodecs: Add tests for IWICBitmap.
2012-08-15  Matteo Bruniwined3d: Use GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB when possible.
2012-08-14  Lucas Zawackidinput/tests: Tests for IDirectInputJoyConfig8_GetConfig.
2012-08-13  Michael Stefaniucinclude/wininet.h: Avoid TRUE:FALSE conditional express...
2012-08-13  Nikolay Sivovdwrite: Store font style provided in LOGFONT data.
2012-08-13  Dmitry Timoshkovinclude/gdipluspixelformats.h: Avoid explicit TRUE...
2012-07-31  Jacek Cabanmshtml.idl: Added IHTMLDOMConstructorCollection declara...
2012-07-31  Nikolay Sivovdwrite: Added basic test for IDWriteFont created from...
2012-07-31  Jacek Cabanguiddef.h: Use static const IID instance for __uuidof.
2012-07-31  Dmitry Timoshkovinclude/winbase.h: MSC compiler implements interlocked...
2012-07-31  Dmitry Timoshkovinclude/winnt.h: MSC compiler doesn't support __asm...
2012-07-31  Detlef Riekenberginclude: Add TOKEN_MANDATORY_LEVEL definitions.
2012-07-31  Alex Henriewininet: Support ICU_ENCODE_PERCENT, ICU_ENCODE_SPACES_...
2012-07-30  Alexandre Julliardgdi32: Move DescribePixelFormat and SetPixelFormat...
2012-07-30  Nikolay Sivovinclude: Added dwrite.idl file.
2012-07-27  Alexandre Julliardgdi32: Support OpenGL in bitmaps through libOSMesa.
2012-07-26  Jacek Cabanactivdbg.idl: Undef GetCurrentThread macro to avoid...
2012-07-25  Alexandre Julliardopengl32: Store the context current DCs on the opengl32...
2012-07-25  Detlef Riekenbergwer: Add a stub for WerReportAddFile.
2012-07-24  Detlef Riekenberginclude: Add appcompatapi.h.
2012-07-24  Nikolay Sivovkernel32: Some tests for blocking initialization with...
2012-07-23  Nikolay Sivovkernel32: Single thread test for InitOnceExecuteOnce().
2012-07-23  Nikolay Sivovkernel32: Added InitOnceInitialize() implementation.
2012-07-23  Alexandre Julliardinclude: Fix alignment of cabinet structures on 64...
2012-07-20  Jacek Cabanmshtml.idl: Added IDOMEvent and IDOMEventTarget declara...
2012-07-20  Jacek Cabanmshtml.idl: Added more *XMLHttpRequest* declarations.
2012-07-20  Jacek Cabanmshtml.idl: Added IXMLHttpRequest declaration.
2012-07-20  Nikolay Sivovkernel32: Partial CompareStringEx implementation.
2012-07-20  Alexandre Julliardopengl32: Use proper handles for PBuffers instead of...
2012-07-19  Alexandre Julliardopengl32: Add supported wgl extension functions to...
2012-07-19  Alexandre Julliardopengl32: Move the wgl functions to the main OpenGL...
2012-07-19  Alexandre Julliardopengl32: Declare input pointers as const in function...
2012-07-19  Nozomi Kodamad3dx9_36: Implementation of D3DXSHRotateZ.
2012-07-19  Dmitry Timoshkovinclude: Move PaletteFlags definition to gdipluspixelfo...
2012-07-19  Dmitry Timoshkovinclude: Add some useful helpers to check various pixel...
2012-07-19  Dmitry Timoshkovinclude: Add PixelFormat32bppCMYK definition.
2012-07-19  Heiko Hundwinhttp: Make strings in WINHTTP_PROXY_INFO non-const.
2012-07-19  Henri Verbeetddraw: Implement ddraw7_GetScanLine() on top of wined3d...
2012-07-18  Henri Verbeetinclude: Add some more SP_PROT_* flags.
2012-07-18  Alexandre Julliardopengl32: Generate a header file containing function...
2012-07-17  Jacek Caband3drmdef.h: Replace unsigned long by ULONG.
2012-07-16  Nozomi Kodamad3dx9_36: Implementation of D3DXSHEvalDirection.
2012-07-16  Nozomi Kodamad3dx9: Implementation of D3DXSHMultiply2.
2012-07-16  Henri Verbeetwinex11: Add support for XRandR 1.2.
2012-07-16  Ken Thomasesinclude/wincrypt.h: Add identifiers for Elliptic curve...
2012-07-12  Alexandre Goujoninclude/ddk: Add DVD_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER descriptor struc...
2012-07-12  Detlef Riekenbergadvapi32: Implement CredIsMarshaledCredentialA/W.
2012-07-12  Henri Verbeetd3d10core: Always create a wined3d texture for d3d10cor...
2012-07-11  Henri Verbeetwined3d: Merge the device parent create_rendertarget...
2012-07-10  Henri Verbeetwined3d: Get rid of the "discard" parameter to device_p...
2012-07-10  Henri Verbeetwined3d: Get rid of the "lockable" parameter to device_...
2012-07-09  Henri Verbeetd3d9: Implement d3d9_device_ResetEx().
2012-07-02  Henri Verbeetd3d9: Implement d3d9_EnumAdapterModesEx().
2012-07-02  Alexandre Julliardwinex11: Replace wgl.h by the official wglext.h from...
2012-07-02  Alexandre Julliardwinex11: Move GLX definitions out of wgl.h.
2012-06-29  Nozomi Kodamad3dx9_36: Implementation of D3DXSHScale.
2012-06-29  Hans Leidekkerwbemprox: Fix returned variant type and flavor for...
2012-06-29  Alexandre Julliardopengl32: Make the WGL driver context-specific.
2012-06-29  Alexandre Julliardopengl32: Move checks of the context thread id to opengl32.
2012-06-29  Alexandre Julliardopengl32: Use proper handles for GL contexts and pass...
2012-06-29  Dmitry Timoshkovinclude/basetsd.h: Fix int64 to int truncation warnings...
2012-06-29  Henri Verbeetd3d9: Implement d3d9_GetAdapterModeCountEx().
2012-06-29  Henri Verbeetd3d9: Implement d3d9_device_PresentEx().
2012-06-28  Alexandre Julliardgdi32: Remove the remaining OpenGL entry points from...
2012-06-28  Alexandre Julliardopengl32: Move wglGetProcAddress to the WGL driver.
2012-06-28  Alexandre Julliardopengl32: Move GetPixelFormat to the WGL driver.
2012-06-28  Alexandre Julliardopengl32: Move wglCreateContext to the WGL driver.
2012-06-28  Alexandre Julliardopengl32: Move wglCreateContextAttribsARB to the WGL...
2012-06-28  Alexandre Julliardopengl32: Move wglMakeContextCurrentARB to the WGL...
2012-06-28  Alexandre Julliardopengl32: Add the concept of a WGL driver.
2012-06-28  Nozomi Kodamad3dx9_36: Implementation of D3DXSHDot.
2012-06-27  Henri Verbeetd3d9: Implement d3d9_device_GetDisplayModeEx().
2012-06-27  Henri Verbeetd3d9: Implement d3d9_GetAdapterDisplayModeEx().
2012-06-27  Henri Verbeetwined3d: Take scanline ordering into account in the...
2012-06-27  Henri Verbeetinclude: Add the DEVMODE dmDisplayFlags constants.
2012-06-25  Alexandre Julliardgdi32: Remove OpenGL functions that don't use an HDC...
2012-06-25  Dmitry Timoshkovwindowscodecs: Add WICImagingCategories registration.
2012-06-25  Roderick Colenbranderwinex11.drv: Remove GLX_ATI_render_texture support.
2012-06-25  Eric Pouechdbghelp: Added support for index leaves in types defini...
2012-06-22  Henri Verbeetwined3d: Implement mode setting in the adapter instead...
2012-06-22  Dmitry Timoshkovinclude/wine/test.h: Fix compilation of standalone...
2012-06-22  Piotr Cabanmsvcp90: Added num_put<char>::put(double) implementation.
2012-06-21  Thomas Faberinclude/httprequest.idl: Use widl-specific attributes...
2012-06-20  Hans Leidekkerwbemprox: Add support for retrieving system properties.
2012-06-20  Damjan Jovanovicinclude/shlobj.h: Add some missing APIs.
2012-06-19  Hans Leidekkerwbemprox: Implement IWbemClassObject::GetNames.
2012-06-19  Hans Leidekkerinclude: Fix the definition of IWbemClassObject::GetNames.
2012-06-18  Henri Verbeetwined3d: Rename WINED3DLOCK_* to WINED3D_MAP_*.
2012-06-18  Thomas Faberinclude: Make IMAGE_COR20_HEADER declaration compatible...
2012-06-18  Thomas Faberport.h: Add INFINITY macro.
2012-06-18  Nozomi Kodamad3dx9_36: Implementation of D3DXSHMultiply3.
2012-06-15  Dmitry Timoshkovinclude: Fix WICPersistOptions definition.
2012-06-14  Dmitry Timoshkovwindowscodecs: Check IFD structure when loading metadata.
2012-06-14  Nozomi Kodamad3dx9_36: Implementation of D3DXQuaternionSquadSetup.
2012-06-14  Vincent Povirkwindowscodecs: Register pixel formats.
2012-06-14  Vincent Povirkinclude: Add IWICPixelFormatInfo definition.
2012-06-14  Hans Leidekkerinclude: Define IWbemClassObject.
2012-06-14  Hans Leidekkerinclude: Define WBEM_GENERIC_FLAG_TYPE.
2012-06-14  Jacek Cabanguiddef.h: REF* types should not depend on CINTERFACE.
2012-06-13  Detlef Riekenbergkernel32/tests: Accept higher PRODUCT_* values.