[NEW] General objects for keeping track of line counts and line count deltas.
[ohcount] / test / expected_dir / rhtml1.rhtml
1 html    code    <html>
2 html    code            <head>
3 html    code                    <title>Ajax table manipulation attempt</title>
4 ruby    code                    <%= stylesheet_link_tag "style" %>
5 ruby    code                    <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>
6 html    code            </head>
7 html    code            <body>
8 html    blank   
9 html    code                    <div id="content">
10 ruby    code                    <%= @content_for_layout %>
11 html    code                    </div>
12 html    blank   
13 ruby    code                            <%= ruby code %> <br/>
14 html    comment                         <!-- html comment 
15 html    comment                         inline comment
16 ruby    code                            <% tricky code %>
17 html    comment                         -->
18 ruby    code                            <%- multi
19 ruby    code                            lines of code
20 ruby    comment                         # even inline comments!
21 ruby    code                            "damn" # that's sweet
22 html    code                            %>
23 ruby    code                            <div> <%= ruby_code %> </div>
24 html    code            </body>
25 html    code    </html>