dsound: Handle primary buffers in two more IDirectSoundBuffer methods.
[wine] / dlls / d3d8 / Makefile.in
2010-09-19  Alexandre Julliardmakefiles: Add a standard header for all makefiles...
2010-09-02  Henri Verbeetd3d8: Merge vertex and index buffer implementations...
2010-09-02  Henri Verbeetd3d8: Merge vertex and pixel shader implementations...
2010-07-21  Alexandre Julliarddlls: Remove explicit imports of kernel32 and ntdll.
2010-03-16  Alexandre Julliardmakefiles: Remove the no longer needed explicit separat...
2009-12-03  Henri Verbeetd3d8: Directly store a wined3d stateblock in the stateb...
2009-03-23  Henri Verbeetd3d8: Get rid of resource.c.
2009-03-23  Henri Verbeetd3d8: Get rid of basetexture.c.
2008-04-30  Alexandre Julliardmakefiles: List the static libraries as normal imports...
2008-03-04  Rob Shearmanmakefiles: Simplify the use of the IMPORTLIB variable...
2007-12-06  Alexandre JulliardRemoved some unneeded imports.
2007-02-14  H. Verbeetd3d8: Add an IDirect3DVertexDeclaration8 class to hold...
2006-10-10  H. Verbeetd3d8: Win64 printf format warning fixes.
2006-09-29  Michael StefaniucAdd a WINE_NO_LONG_INT define to many makefiles to...
2006-09-14  Alexandre Julliardmakefiles: Generate the dependencies line to avoid...
2006-08-28  Alexandre Julliardmakefiles: Only run test and documentation targets...
2006-06-15  Alexandre Julliardd3d8: Remove dependencies on OpenGL headers and libraries.
2006-05-22  Vitaliy Margolend3d8: Add refcount test.
2006-02-27  Roderick Colenbranderd3d8: Moved the remaining code over to WineD3D (based...
2005-05-09  Alexandre JulliardAdded rules for building import libraries in the indivi...
2004-09-28  Jason Edmeades- Make d3d8 know about the wined3d device and start...
2004-04-15  Alexandre JulliardAuthors: Jason Edmeades <us@the-edmeades.demon.co.uk...
2004-01-27  Alexandre JulliardOnly link against libdxguid where necessary.
2003-10-11  Dimitrie O. PaunRemove SYMBOLFILE and LDDLLFLAGS from Makefiles.
2003-06-13  Jason EdmeadesMake the fixed function pipeline support multiple strea...
2003-06-04  Raphael Junqueira- implemented render to surfaces (and render to new...
2003-04-03  Rok MandeljcAdded version info.
2003-01-28  Raphael JunqueiraSome needed cleanups for future dx9 and d3d common...
2002-12-17  Raphael Junqueira- some D3D8 fixes
2002-11-15  Lionel UlmerLoad OpenGL library dynamically from x11drv.
2002-10-01  Alexandre JulliardMoved X flags and libraries out of Make.rules into...
2002-09-27  Jason EdmeadesInitial D3D8 implementation.
2002-06-25  Sylvain PetreolleCreated d3d8 stub dll.